Wednesday, 29 July 2015

What’s On Your Work Desk Wednesday #321

Morning Deskers!! Been AWOL again. Where does the time go? Missed two birthdays this week. My oven hasn’t worked for two weeks. Haven’t seen my mum in 10 days. Grass hasn’t been cut and haven't hoovered in a fortnight. Truly don’t understand how I now seem to have less time to do anything compared to when I worked, had two children at home, ran my own business and cared about how the house and garden looked. Must just be getting slower at everything as I get older. Newbies to WOYWW may like to pop here to find out what it’s all about.

Anyhoo I’m reporting in today and here is my desk….


Yep it’s silly season again when I am busy preparing things for my eleven – yep count ‘em – 11 children’s craft activities in the library between now and 12th September. It’s all to support the Summer Reading Challenge which this year is linked to the Guinness Book of Records so we’re thinking big this summer. These little beauties are tyres for our first one – the most difficult but also rather cool – and I decided to make all the wheels up front because they are a bit fiddly and really need to be dry to be attached because……. ……..we are going to make monster trucks!!


I haven’t gone totally mad, some of the other crafts are a lot easier but I like to do at least one activity that gets ‘em talking and whilst I am still enthusiastic (by the end I couldn’t care less if I never saw another pritt stick). Can you believe on top they kinda expected us to do lego workshops as well? They were dropped on us at the last minute and I felt I was entitled to say no, someone else would have to pick up that particular ball….. (even though they are fun! – although I am still not sure what they have to do with libraries…..).

And I know I have said it before, but I think this may be my last summer doing this as we are being re-organised once again and this time my application for VR was the first one in…….. have truly had enough of cuts. re-organisations and pressure and just working so damn hard and doing so much in my own time. Getting too old for all this malarky.

So Happy WOYWW to all. I’m off to design a robot………..


Lynsey said...

Hi Cindy,

I thought that was a box of hockey pucks at first - great truck, I have to say! Happy woyww, Lyns #35

sandra de said...

Fabulous truck and what a great experience for the kids. I had no idea that was a box of tyres. I thought you were going to carve your own stamps out of black rubber !! I'm with you for opting for the VR .. there are only so many cuts one can work through. Have a great/busy week.
sandra de @37

Glenda said...

Oh my aren't you clever! I love the truck and I wasn't sure about what was in the box. Just a few wheels! Well done girl! Glenda #31

Lisca said...

Yes, you got me guessing what that box of black stuff was before I scrolled further. Great truck! The kids will love it!
Yes, everything seems to get done slower now I'm older. But I don't care. I avoid deadlines now. That's why I'm in such a panic to get my grandson's scrapbook done on time. No longer used to hurrying....
Thanks for visiting earlier,
Have a great week,

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The truck is gorgeous, they are going to love it. Thanks for the visit to mine and yes it's better that you don't look for the Tints as they are glorious and cover large pieces of paper very quickly so great for my Masterboards.
Like the others I really wasn't sure what the black things were, thought they were lids for something!
Have a great WOYWW and happy crafting, Angela x 29

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Fantastic! Please may I come to one of your workshops :-) You are good to do all that, bet the kids will love every minute. Good luck with the gets to the point when you just can't be bothered with all the hassle. I was like that with my TA job at school. I'm job hunting again at the moment but am never going to work in education patience has gone!!!
Perhaps we could open a little craftshop/tea rooms somewhere ;-)
Hugs, LLJ 16 xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, thank you for that, but yes, I am indeed 60 this year. You saying you missed two birthdays- have you noticed how many there are amongst the WOYWW pages thsi week? There must be something about the LEO star sign, it seems everyone wanted to be a Leo, lol. The run in our family starts tomorrow, with my eldest sons birthday, and continues up till the 23rd, and his sons birthday. In between those two, we have 28 birthdays- and 13 of those are in the same week as mine & Dougs! It's total madness, lol.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #7 xx

Helen said...

I love that truck! I don't blame you for wanting out though, and I am sure you'll find something to fill your time... Thanks for paying me a visit already today. bet you went to Amazon... Helen 5

Julia Dunnit said...

It's extraordinary isn't it, how things run away from you. And since I hurt my wrist, I've been sitting here staring at it and NOW I'm in the mood to get it all done! I'm sure the library users love your craft sessions, but I do understand the finality of your feelings. I have another friend who also works in the Library Service and I think she's had enough after 23 she's to become a 'customer assistant' and I think that's the final straw for her.crying shame.
Thank you so much for the birthday card, its absolutely gorgeous... Jan and I have seen so little of each other this last month or so that it turned into a surprise after the day, but really no less appreciated, promise!

Anne said...

Hi Cindy. I just missed two weeks as well. Finally managed to get some housework done today - and to think I thought I'd be bored when I retired. I had enough of work by the end- don't blame you wanting out. Love the truck. Anne x 41

Neet said...

Is there an age limit to who can come and make monster trucks? Seems like a great project to me - Good Luck!
Hugs, & Thanks for your earlier visit to me - Neet 25 xx

MrsC.x said...

o wow when i first looked i wondered why on earth you had all those loo blocks on your desk! lol

they're doing the record breakers challange at our library too but my girls didnt want to do it this year, my littlest one doesnt like having to tell the man about her book
happy woyww
charlie :) #20

Nikki said...

Wow that is one kids project for sure guess they want you to drive on over to the library :)Hugs Nikki 8

Mrs.B said...

Hi Cindy, Just had a very strange email from you - think your account might have been hacked.
Hope you are ok - you sound a bit stressed.
Avril xx (Mrs. B - http:/

Sherry said...

Cindy, thank you so much for thinking of me again on my birthday. The card you sent me is gorgeous, I love it!
Best wishes xxx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...