Wednesday, 20 January 2016

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #364

Well, morning deskers, remember me?
My 2016 so far -
- Take part in WOYWW every week    (FAIL)
- Don’t forget to post birthday cards    (FAIL)
- Post in Etsy shop and FB shop page at least twice a week (EPIC FAIL)
- Blog at least once more a week than WOYWW (FAIL)
- Take part in an online challenge once a month (FAIL – well, so far at least)
- Make all my Christmas cards for 2016 – SUCCESS!!! 
  100 cards made!!

Well, all bar the last bit of drying glitter glue. Here’s my desk.

Still having problems with my photos, the cloud, and uploading. Which is one reason why I haven't been blogging much. And also the reason there won't be any more photos today. Off for a snoop. Have a good day all, Cindy x


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Your list made me laugh out loud!! I could add to that (in spades): lose three stone (fail), get fit (epic fail!) etc etc :-)
But....100 cards? Epic smugness next December, say I!
Hugs, LLJ 10 xx

Bridget Larsen said...

WHat?? You gotta be kidding, Christmas cards for 2016 done already? Well what are you going to do now that you are retiring and done all your chrissy cards lol?
Bridget #1

alifefullofpassion said...

Hats off to you, if you made 100 cards, you are allowed to fail everything else :) but remember falling behind is not failure :D, Clemencia #38

CraftygasheadZo said...

Loving the list! I think we all start with good intentions. I have a new planner and I write in it when I want to blog. I've not mananged to get it right each week! Take care Zo xx 39

Jane Willis said...

Oh wow! 100 cards already? My plan for this year is to make two a week, which I've kept up so far, need to make another this week though. I failed on the no spending resolution (a pretty awesome fail, really) and have almost finished the declutter, so I reckon two out of three isn't bad.
Jane #40

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, well done you for getting 100 cards made! No surprise the other things didn't get done. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #16 xx

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Cindy, I love your post, it made me laugh. With my new positive head on, I should say that your "fails" are minor hiccoughs and you hundred cards - an EPIC SUCCESS. Well done you.

Hugs MMx #49

Lisca said...

Wow! I'm impressed!
I now know why I hate making resolutions, because it feels bad to fail. (And I know I will). I've made some vague resulutions in the hope that I will be able to do at least some of them some of the time...
Thanks for visiting already,
Have a good week,

Diana Taylor said...

Oh wow, how funny - I totally get where you are coming from, I've failed at all my good intentions so far, but I am totally impressed with your 100 Christmas cards - Well done you! You'll be able to relax with your feet up next Christmas while everyone else is rushing around moaning about why they've left it so late! Hope you have a great week and get back on track with some of your blogging resolutions!
Diana #20

Sharon said...

100 cards already! I'd say that's a great success! No wonder you failed at the others. You're spending all your time making cards lol.

Have a great week
Sharon #52

Krisha said...

HI Cindy!
Yes, you had me laughing and shaking my head. IT LOOKS JUST LIKE MY LIST, except I have not made one Christmas card....LOL
Have a great day!! (no I'm not posting WOYWW....yet...LOL)

Neet said...

Love the list - apart from the last one - 100 cards made already??? Right, between you and Silverwolf I am going to make a start right today. I will show you that I can make "C cards ahead of time - but maybe not 100. Ideal time whilst I am playing nurse over here on my holiday.
Lovely to have you back Cindy.
Hugs and thanks for visiting when I was asleep, Neet 3 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, sounds to me as though you have been too busy to blog Lol! I had planned to make Christmas cards (and still will) but was forced to go away skiing so maybe when I get back. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x

Helen said...

you fell into Julia's trap with the week number... great to see you here again, we've missed you. can't quite believe your card output... that's very impressive! Helen #2

Glennis F said...

Nice to 'see' you again. What a great effort with your cards, and I am ignoring your list or I will feel really guilty!!

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, Your number is actually 30.

I don't know anyone else who has already made that many Christmas cards. Just don't forget where you put them:)

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #23

lisa said...

Well done you getting all those cards made when we are only in the 3rd week of the new year. I think if you'd managed to do all those other things on your list you'd be some kind of super woman so don't beat yourself up about it.
Thanks for stopping by earlier. Yes a card prepped and all ready to go thank you.
Hugs Lisax #14

Lynn Holland said...

Oh you have made me laugh with your list.
But 100 cards is some going, well done
Lynn 11

Glenda said...

Oh don't even say the C word to me! Ha love your post! Glenda #31

trisha too said...

Oh your success far and away eclipses those so-called fails!!!!! Congratulations!

#56 this week

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Hahahhaha!!! to all your fails
Whaaaaat!!!??? 100 cards!!!??? No wonder you didn't get the other things done!
Big, big congratulations, you must be feeling really pleased!
Happy WOYWW!

buterfliecrafter said...

lists and good intentions are to be broken, but still you should set up those goals because you'll try to meet them and even if you din't make them you've tried and will accomplished something which otherwise maybe won't be the case. Are you serious about already made 10 cards for next Christmas, well impressed. And that's maybe the way of going about with the list instead of always running way behind, just quit that and do something else way in time. Vicky#66

Nikki said...

Holy smokes 100 already that's amazing !!!!!
Don't worry about the other things as long as you try too do your list as best as you can think if those as well goals or monthly
Happy late WOYWW hugs Nikki 8

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well Cindy you've successfully given us all a huge chuckle then groan.. At this it was not not a Fail.

Yes groan that you've made 100 cards, but also a cheer with that groan.
Well done, dips me lid to you, I do.

Now you can start on mine, ;)
Shaz in Oz.x 22

Kyla said...

Great list! But 100 cards!!!!! I was feeling smug as I have just made about 5 for Christmas!

Thanks for visiting my desk already

Shoshi said...

Hi Cindy - first of all, my profuse apologies for not contacting you before this, to thank you for the gorgeous card you sent me!! As you know things have been pretty fraught all last year and then a scare this month over my hubby but all is well fortunately. You are amazing with all your cards. I think I've done well when I've made a dozen lol! As for resolutions, I made some this year and haven't managed to keep most of them! Still, it's good to dream isn't it. Sorry you've had computer problems and may they soon be resolved.

Hope you have a great year. We are certainly intending to, all being well, after last year!

Shoshi x

SandeeNC said...

LOL, love the fails and epic fails for 2016 but heck, getting 100 Christmas cards already made makes up for the rest, that's a great achievement!

SusanLotus said...

Hi Cindy!

Is been a very long time since I was online
so now I´m trying to start all over again.

I scrolled down your pages for 2015. You made
so many beautiful art pieces and cards.

I wish you a love weekend!

SusanLotus said...

WOW! I didn´t see this earlier that you already
made all your Christmas cards for 2016. :o
Have a lovely week!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...