Sunday, 14 February 2016

To Blog or not to blog........

Oh gosh, I have really not been very active lately have I? Even wondering if I should stop blogging altogether.... I'm not sure if it's all part and parcel of this 'retirement' mentality and lack of routine (haven't quite made up my mind yet but my pension companies seem quite insistent that I have retired and who am I to argue?). Really haven't got in the groove lately but think I have not been quite in the right place, mentally or physically since Christmas. But am slowly feeling better, and January/Feb is always a bleak time for me, I need the sun, and the light to fuction and am looking forward to the rapid approach of Spring.

So, its February already and I'm feeling the need to dust off the cobwebs and get things back on track. Will it last? I hope so!! But to get us started here's a pic of a little wreath I made just because I wanted to. I had lots more pressing things to do this week but this is what I felt like doing.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

And some pictures from my garden (yes, I have even ventured outdoors just for the pleasure of it ................)

Bring on Springtime!


Helen said...

Please don't give up your blog... sorry you'e been feeling out of sorts - but as your garden shows, spring is on the way! Love the heart wreath. xx Helen xx

Glennis F said...

Nice to see you back - OMG there is a lot of work in the wreath - a beautiful result!

Krisha said...

I hope you keep at the blogging. I have missed your posts.
Awh! spring.....or close to it around here, yet my daffodils haven't bloomed yet.

LOVE the wreath!

SusanLotus said...

Happy Valentines Day to you Cindy!

I say just like Helen above, don´t give up your blog!
The light and hopefully suuny weather is on way...


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'm in the crafting doldrums finding it tricky to make stuff to show on a Wednesday. I am enjoying crochet and knitting for charity though. Get a daylight light (if you haven't already) they really help.
And please don't give up blogging, you'd really be missed.

chrissie said...

I hope you stayin Blogland Cindy I love your makes and still have the beautiful wreath I won on one of your give aways.

Love the Pom Pom heart

Chrissie xx

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  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...