Wednesday, 13 April 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - # 358

Morning Deskers. Such a boring desk today I nearly didn’t bother, but I’m home. IMG_2087
Plenty of things on here I am supposed to be moving forward with but nothing actually happenning. I don’t know if  you can see those 6 x 6 square die cuts front centre left leaning on the glass mat. These are die cuts I bought online using the tattered lace melded dies. I particularly wanted the church, village one. I really want the die but it’s so expensive I find sometimes this is a better way to go. Well, must try to get something crafty done today, but since I’ve been involved with setting up craft fairs I seem to have far too much admin taking up my time and not enough time getting inky. Admin doesn’t really make for a nice photo opportunity does it? Anyhow my friends, will endeavour to visit a few of you today to see what you are up to. Am also trying to get fit but feeling fed up, hardly eaten anything the last few days and still put on 3 lbs. I must have a completely non-existent metabolism because I have been active. Obviously not enough. Probably staring at that view.
Wondering what WOYWW is? Click here. Happy Wednesday folks.

ADDENDUM:  Please please don't misconstrue my comments!! I am NOT crash dieting! I just don't eat much and some days it seems grossly unfair I should still be piling on weight!!  I don't eat much because I don't get that hungry. Sorry if I worried you all!! (And the last time I weighed myself was two weeks ago). 


Lisca said...

Those dies are very effective. I can understand why you wanted them.
Starving yourself is not a good way to lose weight. Eat frequent small meals. Light breakfast, fresh fruit for elevenses (no banana), main meal in the day if you can arrange that, then snack at 5ish (more fruit) and a light supper say at 8 (salad or something or a rye vita). Cut out the sweet things and the alcohol and keep your meals low carb. Try it and you'll see you will lose weight. If you eat little and often you won't be tempted to eat or snack in between because you will be satisfied.
Thanks for your visit and your kind comment,
Happy WOYWW,

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, I know how you feel, I'm trying to lose weight, but nothing seems to happen! Love the view from your window. I do agree, some die prices are ridiculous.Have you tried looking on E-bay to see if anyone is selling the die cuts? Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I love how your desk overlooks the garden. Such lovely view! Lisca is right about dieting! Crash diets don't work - what you need is a lifestyle change - something you can maintain long term. I've recently cut out sugar as much as I could - though I still eat the odd biscuit or piece of cake now and again. If you convince yourself that it's not good for you, you don't want it in the end. Forget about the scales for now. Give yourself at least two weeks to weigh in again! I started eating less and exercising more about two weeks ago - and I've only just now noticed that my clothes are a bit looser around my waist. There was no change in the first 10 days at all! Any apparent weight gain is just water - just like any weight loss would be water as well. The real weight loss happens during a longer period of time. Keep it up! Don't believe the stupid scales! zsuzsa #32

ToadilyDiane said...

Love the view. I can't seem to get my head in the game to stay on s heathy live style and loose weight. One day my head will roll in! Good luck on your journey.
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #29

Chidkid said...

Try eating more..not less. The more you eat the more you 'go' as long as it's the right kind of food. Keep active and you will see results.i always did what you say and never lost a thing..then I started eating more food..not cakes and biscuits mind..meat and veg and less fats... And I've lost a stone so far in 6 weeks.. Nothing worse than a converted foodie is there.. Don't despair! Good luck and hope to see you crafting more soon. Elaine no. 51

Tertia said...

Your desk looks very inviting. All ready to play on.
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #44

Unknown said...

Your desk has such a lovely view to the garden! Seems to draw me in!!
Wishing you a creative fun week to come... hope to see you next week again at WOYWW♥
MiSchra ♥ #42

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, What a lovely view from your work area.

You definitely need to eat, as when you cut back a lot, your body thinks you are in starvation mode and will hang onto any calories you do eat and your metabolism slows even more.

Also you can't cut back drastically forever, so when you start to eat some more, you will gain. Try and get into a new eating regime and vary it when you can as well.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #12

Helen said...

the first thing I did was click on the photo - not just to look for the die cuts but to look at your gorgeous garden! hope you feel some benefit from the fitness/eating soon. Loved Ally Pally this time ( as you noticed!) hopefully it will continue to be better now. Helen '#1

Sharon said...

Nice desk. It's all ready to go when you do have time to be creative.

I know what you mean about the weight gain/loss. I did lose quite a bit of weight (40lbs or about 2.8 stone which was HARD WORK) and then it stopped. Nothing. Nada. I have kept up with my walking exercise and am just trying to get comfortable with myself. My hubby on the other hand can drop weight so easily. It's soooo frustrating!

Have a great week
Sharon K #36

Claire Grantham said...

Hey Cindy, love the view from your desk, it says you are based in London, that is my hometown, I currently live in NYC!! I miss my window desk, but I can't complain as my craft room is bigger here! I lost a lot of weight carefully over the last 2 years. I found cutting out 750 calories a day four days a week and exercising 3 days a week worked for me, it is still working. But remember we are all individuals and have to do what works for us, my only advice is to eat consistently, even if not hungry and exercise at least once a week. Good luck. Cx #53

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, Sue is right you probably need to eat more it's just eating the right stuff not the chocolate I've just had Lol! Happy crafty woyww, Angela x 16

Nikki said...

Busy space and I'm sure you'll figure out the diet. Hugs Nikki 5

chrissie said...

Looks like a very busy desk Cindy and the beautiful view must be great to look at while you work

Love Chrissie xx

BJ said...

Know what you mean about the weight, I am trying to get below 10st at the moment but only managed that momentarily a few weeks ago so I am still teetering on the edge! Some days I eat a lot and loose weight and some days vice versa. I play badminton twice a week and now have added nuts to my diet as they are supposed to help. Hey Ho BJ#27

Kim Collister Studio said...

Love you busy space and your marvelous view. The only thing that really has ever worked for me is counting calories. That really puts it in your face about how much you are really taking in when it doesn't seem like that much. That way, I can eat whatever I want as long as I stay within my daily calorie limits. It works and you get to where you automatically start watching what you are eating and eating healthier. Good luck with finding reasonable dies and with the weight loss!!
Kim #65

Shoshi said...

Hi Cindy, thanks for a lovely comment, and no self-berating is necessary, believe me! I am doing really well (as you can see) but all this activity of late has rather worn me out! I am very pleased with the results, though. Photos of our completed sitting room will come soon, once I've got the final bits and pieces back in, but at least all the lamps are working again now. One day I may even get back to doing some art again!! My hubby's been hankering for me to get on with a project for him, and that's my first order of the day once I get back in the studio and get tidied up in there.

Your desk looks lovely and busy this week and the die cuts look great. Diets are funny - I've been on the 5:2 for over 18 months and have lost 2 1/2 stone in that time (including last year which was highly anomalous with my surgery, chemo, etc. and not dieting for months) but I'm back on track again now. However, this year I've lost very little which is pretty demoralising. It may just possibly be because of all the Christmas and now Easter goodies... who knows?!! I am persevering though. Sometimes you just hit a plateau and that's the danger time when people often give up.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #52

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...