Wednesday, 31 August 2016

WOYWW #378

Good afternoon woywwers. Haven’t posted in a while. Hangs head in shame. Oh dear what have I been doing?

Well, in post retirement world Wednesday seems to have become my default housekeeping day, when shopping gets delivered, bathrooms get a good going over, the hoover has an outing and for good measure I may even plan a home cooked meal. Plus I go to a lunchtime aqua class. Part of this means I also usually get around to tidying my workspace. Which means I frequently have nothing to show. So when I do get on the pc I just faff about on FB watching cat videos.

But today I have this.


This is me making samples and sorting out stamps for one of my card making workshops. In case it’s not clear, this is watercolour stamping. Or faux watercolour. Anyhow, that was a fun evening’s prep reminding myself of the technique.

So why am I telling you this? Hop on over here to find out.

Have missed you all. Must do better!!

Love n hugs,



shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, lolled at the 'FB watching cat videos'. Rofl, that could describe me. Lovely samples though. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #6xxx

Kathyk said...

I've been known to faff about on FB watching cat videos too!!!

Fab projects under way on your desk today



Sue said...

Hi Cindy, Loving the cards.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #10

Helen said...

have missed you too - great desk, love the cards! glad you're enjoying your retirement so much you keep forgetting to join in with us on WOYWW - but housework??? have a great week. Helen #1

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Beautiful, beautiful cards, Cindy! I'm glad you took the time to take part this week. Don't even get me started on those cat videos, LOL! Hope you enjoyed your aqua class! Thanks for visiting earlier! zsuzsa #18

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I have not tried 'watercolour stamping' - so pretty; would make a lovely set of notelets. Ali x #25

SusanLotus said...

Do you want to clean my house too? I will adore you for the rest of my life! ;-)
I hate householdwork right now and have no inspiration for it. Wish I had though.

Your watercolour stamping is beautiful! Awesome flowers.

And suddenly I remember ... I have to post a letter...

Have a great rest of the week!

StampedbyChris said...

Who ever said that retirement is relaxing was never retired! Love the cards. Have a wonderful week.
Chris #23

Glennis F said...

Nice to see you back

chrissie said...

Nice to see you again Cindy and your makes on your desk are really beautiful

Love Chrissie xx

BJ said...

Beautiful stamping Cindy, some bits & bobs there methinks??? LOL BJ#20

Julia Dunnit said...

Great to see you - your post retirement life is very busy isn't it! I found my set of aquarelles not long ago and thought it was high time I tried this again - your cards are wonderful - I'd say you've mastered it!

sandra de said...

Ohhh these are so beautiful... watercolour stamping is what got me interested in painting. Love them all.
sandra de @22

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, great samples love them. Happy woyww, Angela x 11

Diana Taylor said...

Gorgeous stamping - you have some lovely stamped images there, they really don't look like stamping at all. As I'm not familiar with the technique I'm off to google it!
Have a love week,
Diana #16

Unknown said...

Hello Cindy. Oh how I love your sample cards simply I am saying they are so beautiful. I have seen the technique but never seem to get around to my long list of want to do that which has seemly even gotten longer since I have joined Have a fantastic week and thank you so much for visiting me earlier. Hugs~Anne L#3

okienurse said...

your not that late…I came afterwards! I retired and it seems like Wednesday's come and go so fast! I posted something just yesterday it seems! Love the cards. I tried some watercolor stamping and didn't do to well with it. Someone said I was using too much water…Hello! Watercolor stamps!!! anyway Have a great week. Vickie #45

Marit said...

Watercolor stamping? NEver heard of that - it makes me curious. Thanks for your visit to my blog earlier - it's already Saturday now, I'm very late with my woyww visits so: have a great weekend! Love from holland, Marit #8

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...