Oh yeah baby, this is the big one. 7 years can you believe that Julia’s little experiment (aka WOYWW) has b

Of all the internet groups I have been a member of this one has afforded me the chance to meet most people in real life and to know that even if I fall off the grid for a few weeks (months…..) I’m still welcomed back. I love you guys!!
For the present we are linking at Lunch Lady Jan’s blog and to celebrate this momentous anniversary we are trading ATCs.I have a sheet of 9 ATCs to trade so if you are interested then please shout out. Here’s who I think I am swapping with so far….
1. Kelly #50 - snail mail required
2. Marit – POSTED 26/5
3. Nikki C - POSTED 26/5
4. Christine - POSTED 27/5/16
5. Lisca - POSTED 26/5
6. Sussie – POSTED 26/5
7. LLJ - POSTED 26/5
8 Debbie - POSTED 26/5
9. Shaz - POSTED 27/5
10.Cardarian - snail mail required
11.Anne L - Posted 28/5
So what’s on my desk? ATCs of course!!
Right must link up, started this hours ago - however did it get so late? Probably because it has taken me 17 attempts to get the photo from the cloud……. There must be an easier way. Now all I have to do is remember the flaming asterisk………..
Happy Anniversary everyone!!
Yessss.... one of those gorgeous ATCs is coming my way! (I have send you an email with my snail mail addy)It's a wonderful thing, this WOYWW group hug that I/we receive every Wednesday isn't it?! Happy anniversary dear, hug from Holland, Marit #39
Those are so pretty, lovely workspace pic
Happy 7th Anniversary WOYWW
Oh what gorgeous ATCs! And I am going to receive one of those! Whoop whoop!
I have just emailed my address to cashplant. Hope you get it this time, because I can't wait to receive yours.
I am determined to visit everyone. I have dedicated today to WOYWW. (a freezer meal for hubby I'm afraid!)
Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary
Lolol at the asterisk!! I struggled to remember it when linking up Julia this morning, so you're not alone! I'm so thrilled to have met you in t' flesh, especially as the real life conversation just starts where the virtual one left off :-D
So, Happy 7th WOYWW to you, may there be many more. And if you have any ATCs spare, I'll swap with you!
Hugs, LLJ xxxx
Happy 7th!!!! Would LOVE to send you an ATC ... have just emailed you! If you have any spare I'd love one of yours but no swap necessary! Love to you, Debbie xXx
Thanks for popping by my blog earlier ... I would LOVE to send you an ATC! Have just emailed you. No swap necessary but if you do have any spare then I'd be VERY happy to receive one ... it's the bees, you see. When I am not tatteredrocks I am Great-Aunt Grubby-Bee ... kinda appropriate, huh! Happy 7th! Love to you, Debbie xXx
Sorry Cindy ... having problems commenting my end so apologies for multiple comments! xXx
gorgeous atcs Cindy! better late than never- and you're not that late anyway! thanks for visiting me already. Helen #11
well you have been busy. I have not participated this year. you are right about it being a special group and it is fun to drop in and see what evertone makes. So much talen!
Monica #45
Hi Cindy love your ATCS the colours rae so rich and bees are fab . Depsite what I say the chances of me being so organised for next year are slim to say the least but would be so nice LOL! thanks for visiting and a very happy WOYWW aniversay to you. Crafty hugs Andrea #6
Hi Cindy WOW look at your pretty ATC's so sweet :)the more advanced everything becomes the more it has to mess up for us so weird your blog writes backwards at times and even if I hold a mirror to the screen it won't flip proper lol
Happy WOYWW #7 '
hugs Nikki 1
1 ikkiN sguh lol
Hi Cindy, would love to swap with you- theres an email link in my sidebar, send me your addy, and I'll send you mine. Have a great week, Happy Anniversary, Hugs, Shaz #8 xx
Hi Cindy. Love the ATC's - not able to join in this time. Sorry I didn't return your visit last week. went to son's on Thursday and couldn't access the comments on my blog.
Happy WOYWW 7th Anniversary Anne x #25
Beautiful ATCs. This is a wonderful group!
Happy WOYWW anniversary
Sharon K #43
Lovely ATCs! I haven't visited many blogs yet (I'm far later than you were!) but yours is the second bee themed ATC I've seen. Perhaps a hidden theme here? Enjoy your day! PJ #63
The colors of your atc's are so pretty Cindy :)
I had to grin about the bee's too because, I am starting to think they are more popular than I realized. ~Stacy #59
Happy WOYWW A Versary!!! Love your ATC's Cindy and who's keeping time :) Cx #55
Hi Cindy, what lovely ATCs! I'm sorry not to be involved (yet again) but I have only recently got back into the ARTHaven after a period of being really busy and alternately very tired, and there are lots of things demanding my attention, and I really couldn't cope with that level of commitment at this stage. One day I shall get around to tidying the other side of the room - it's such chaos and it's starting to get to me now! Glad you like my flower boxes - they were great fun to do. May is such a busy month for me with my hubby's birthday, our anniversary, my birthday, the County Show... Also this year, hospital appointments again! It's definitely follow-up time with the hospital. I'm feeling pretty good, though!
Thank you for your anniversary wishes, too. We had a lovely day, and the evening at Yum Sing was superb as always! We ate the doggy bag tonight lol!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #48
Gorgeous ATCs Cindy. Wishing you a happy 7th woyww anniversary, Angela x 30
Your ATCs are beautiful! Happy 7th WOYWW Anniversary!
Carol N #4
What lovely ATC's your created and next year I will absolutely get on your list in advance! Smile... I too love the fact that this wonderful, warm, supportive community does not cut us off if we disappear for a few months (or even a year?) Happy 7th WOYWW Anniversary! Scrapbook Lynne Mizera WOYWW #58
Lovely projects...great ATCs. Happy WOYWW! Sorry for the late arrival. Elaine no. 33
Beautiful ATC's - love those colours. Thanks for the visit to mine, I hope you have a great week,
Diana #22
I am determined to get round all the desks in celebration of the fun we have with all our mad WOYWW friends so here I am!Fab little ATCs! Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary - here's to many more! x Jo #19
Hi Cindy,
Happy Anniversary!! Thanks for stopping by (I'm working on getting to everyone before Friday!!) I Love those colors and I'd love to swap if you still have some spares! You can email me at Kim@DirectorsChoiceCU.Com.
Have a great rest of the week!
-K #60
Hello Cindy and happy WOYWW 7th anniversary and I would love to swap with you. I do understand computer issues I only have my mini I pad and keyboard my family gave me a few years ago for Christmas and I still get lost but my sister helps me out so much whom is Nikki and I am great full for that. Wow I love how your ATC look the bee is amazing, send me an email with your address at chinadoll7474@gmail.com and will pop one off in the mail to you. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier and leaving a sweet comment. Have a wonderful week Hugs~Anne L#3 p.s. I so understand about justify supplies the birds where a treat I picked up myself for my birthday 😄
Your ATC cards are so cute!!
Happy anniversary!!
Have a great day.
Diane - WOYWW #2
Lovely ATC's and you're so well organized with your list! Thanks for visiting! zsuzsa #42
Your cards are sooo terrific. I'm a day late with getting around for the celebrating. Hope you had a fabulous Wednesday and hope your whole week is smashing. LisaDV #44
Hi Cindy!
Sorry I am so late commenting but my garden was calling so I had to give it a little bit of attention! I would love to send you an ATC so please send me your address and I will send you one - my email address is doloresdotkerec@gmaildotcom
Lots of hugs and HAPPY 7Th Anniversary!
A belated Happy 7th Anniversary to you Cindy. Thanks for visiting. Wednesday just got away from me. Lovely ATCs. Have a great weekend x
Fiona #26
Hey Cindy! No your not late at all, what would I say?! Love your ATC's! Would you happen to have one more? I would just love to trade if possible, because I'm soooooo slow.Thank you for visiting my space earlier. I just haven't found the time to get out to everyones space this week - as usual ;-) Wishing you a wonderful and happy 7th Anniversary. I enjoy desk hopping and hope to see more of your wonderful space again soon!
Michelle #54 ♥
Such a cute ATC. And I don't think you're too late - there were lots of peeps behind you. Happy 7th WOYWW.
April #40
Hi Cindy, sorry for the late visit, Wednesday kinda went pear-shaped so I'm still catching up! Love your ATC design, the little bee stamp is gorgeous. HAppy WOYWW Anniversary :D Annie C #27
I think I would have to be the slowest woyww replier this week. It has taken me ages to get some of the craft stuff back in the room after painting:( But worth effort. Thanks for visiting and leaving such lovely comments.
sandra de @37
I received your ATC last week, awesome!!!! Mine is on its way... thank you so much Cindy!
Hi Cindy!
I received your lovely ATC. Thank you!
You´ll receive mine very soon.
Have a wonderful week!
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