Morning all, hope you are all warm and safe this wintry Wednesday morning here in the UK. A perfect day for some virtual snooping courtesy of Julia Dunnit at Stamping Ground. Go on, join in why don't you!!

My desk, and you would be forgiven for thinking there is some kind of Easter/Mother's Day vibe going on. Even a bit of Christmas!! In reality I just got round to unpacking the box to see what was there, maybe I'll get to that later in the week. The yellow card at the back is a bow card I made for my mum so that's done and dusted. Today I have no deadlines and no chores so its a play day. I may do a little more tidying - all patterned and plain scraps have now been sorted into an orderly fashion and I've even been using them. Go me. Might finish that suitcase as I got a super set of stamps with one of my mags.
Will have to limit my pc today as I am having some real issues with my wrist at the mo - always something!! I also seem to have developed tennis elbow (my diagnosis not GPs) so its probably best I'm here alone as I'm a bit of an old grumpy puss today. I think I need sunshine (and warmth!!)
Have a lovely Wednesday xx

My desk, and you would be forgiven for thinking there is some kind of Easter/Mother's Day vibe going on. Even a bit of Christmas!! In reality I just got round to unpacking the box to see what was there, maybe I'll get to that later in the week. The yellow card at the back is a bow card I made for my mum so that's done and dusted. Today I have no deadlines and no chores so its a play day. I may do a little more tidying - all patterned and plain scraps have now been sorted into an orderly fashion and I've even been using them. Go me. Might finish that suitcase as I got a super set of stamps with one of my mags.
Will have to limit my pc today as I am having some real issues with my wrist at the mo - always something!! I also seem to have developed tennis elbow (my diagnosis not GPs) so its probably best I'm here alone as I'm a bit of an old grumpy puss today. I think I need sunshine (and warmth!!)
Have a lovely Wednesday xx
I prescribe warm sunshine, use the prescription as soon as you can! Can't wait for things to start looking holiday-ish! Your desk is a sight for sore eyes, I've haven't got Mother's Day or easter on my radar yet, I 've been too busy dabbling! Do the bunny next, I need some ideas! Also gorly, take some painkillers, your wrist really could do with it!
All you need to add is Valentines Day, Fathers Day and Halloween and that's the whole year sorted!! Enjoy your crafty day, hopefully it'll help lift the spirits a bit. Tennis elbow sounds oh-so-hilarious but it's really sore and not much fun. Maybe you need some whisky to aid lubrication and warm you up a bit - it won't help the elbow but you won't care ;-D
Hugs LLJ 14 xxx
Hi Cindy, I'm not anywhere near as organised celebration wise as you are. Look after yourself and hope that your pain subsides soon. Sarah #15
Hi Cindy, I'm still laughing at LLJ's prescription! Good reminder I need to get Mothers Day cards done- they'll be next on the list. Lovely view of the winter sunshine through your window.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX
Sounds like you are suffering, hope it all sorts itself out and you are pain free soon.
Enjoy your whole day to yourself and and stay warm and cosy,
Diana x #18
Hi Cindy. You can certainly take your pick of themes when you get there! Have a great play day.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #2
Hi Cindy, Sending heaps of positive healing thoughts and hugs (((Cindy))). Hope your wrist eases soon.
I like the look of the bunny on the left.
Hope you've had a lovely crafting day.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Sue #17
oh you poor thing! and snow as well!! hope you've enjoyed your day sorting the crafty goodies. Helen #1
Hi Cindy sorry to hear you not so good. Hope that things improve soon. Definitely need some warm weather as well. Hope you enjoyed your craft day. I did manage some this afternoon and think I might tomorrow as well. Anne x #13
Lovely desk. I need to get busy on Easter and Mother's Day.
April #22
Oh Cindy I love that bunny, he's gorgeous. Please let us see how you finish him. Hope you've had a good day crafting. I believe it may get even colder tomorrow! Happy woyww, Angela x16x
Hi Cindy, oh I do not know if I have seen a bow card before that looks super and I hope you are feeling better :) Thanks for the earlier visit, ~Stacy #28
Love the little bunny tag and oh no not your wrist! I have a big lump on my left one and it was well sore a while back but it's just a lump now. With all the lumps growing on my fingers I guess it is osteoarthritis - good job it is my left wrist. I have tennis elbow (I play badminton) I wear a support on my forearm just below my elbow when playing now which keeps the pain at bay, more of a precaution these days. Although not played in nearly a month now !!! This is the one I have but my arms aren't quite so muscly. LOL Thanks for visiting BJ#8
You do have a lot going on! Fun goodies! The bow card looks pretty cool and love the bunny at the front! And go get your gin & tonic! Thanks for popping by, I'm still working my way around.
Carol N #24
Thanks for your visit earlier - hope you're taking advantage of all this snow and staying in the warmth.
Roll on the Spring .... oh! it is isn't it? lol
Take care
Christine #29
Hi Cindy, hope your wrist is getting better! Thanks for popping by, yes I'm loving the new stamps and papers. Something nice to play with and banish thoughts of snow! Will just make me think of sunshine and holidays! Have a lovely week Heather x #31
Yep, sunshine will help ;-)
Love the idea of just having a play day with no chores-a tonic for the soul.
Thanks for visiting my desk already
great looking desk! Love that window and sunshine pouring in...makes it a lot easier for a better snoop around. Does look like holidays are represented on your desk...FUN! Sorry I am so late getting around this week but all sorts of things jumped in my way! Vickie #32
Hi Cindy, sorry to be such ages replying to your lovely comment. I've had a really busy week and exhausted in between, and also having problems with the Internet with everything being really slow and pics not loading properly etc. Not sure if it was caused by the bad weather but it's still pretty bad even though all the snow has gone now. Thank you anyway, and I'm glad you like my purple piece! I'm anticipating a message from the hospital any day telling me my operation has been postponed, because I'm sure the bad weather will have affected their lists. I shan't believe it's actually happening till the anaesthetic sends me to lala land.
Happy very belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #33
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