Wednesday, 16 May 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 467

Morning all! Once again it's Wednesday (wonder how many times I've writen that) and time for our weekly deskhop courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground. Read about it, join in, we don't bite (!)

My desk:-

Cards to the right are from Tuesday's craft class. I need to make up the extras and then put it all away. Little suitcases are samples from my next class - just can't stop making these, they are so quick to put together. I actually dug out my bind it all to make a little album to fit in one of them. ou will be forgiven for thinking this was a little posed - I was halfway through tidying up the craft room when I remembered it was Tuesday and time to take a photo before there was nothing to snap. So this desk had been done. In case you think I am a reformed character here's the other one.

I have no idea how I work like this. Anyhow, would love it if you could come for a visit, will try and get round as many as possible today as it's a bit of free time for me today - huh, heard that before.

And let's not forget next week is the 9th anniversary Swap! Last call for ATC swaps! After going through my comments I think I have swaps set up with Nikki C, Annie, Neet, Kyla, Kelly, Sarah, Suzanne and of course Shaz. I cannot remember who I have actually swapped addresses with but I'll sort that this morning. Might even make my ATCs today, you never know.


Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Morning Cindy, this is exactly how I work usually with everything thrown on the kitchen table using every other inch of space to dry those makes. Today is a tidy up day BOOO to make room for more mayhem!! Love your little suitcases, so many opportunities to fill them. What a wonderful workshop it will be. Look forward to seeing you WOYWW 9th Anniversary ATC's.
Wishing you a creative week ahead Tracey #5

Neet said...

Wish I lived closer - your suitcase class draws me - they are adorable. Do they take long to make?
So pleased you are swapping an atc with me, I always enjoy seeing what you make - the cards to the right are lovely and I do like the one with the flower on, those layers are so effective.
Good to see you don't always have such a lovely tidy desk but then I find you have two! How lucky you are - my room is so tiny - and crammed full!
Hugs, Neet 7 xx
ps I need your postal address -

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm really intrigued by those mini suitcases - were they cut with a Tim Holtz Alterations die? I remember seeing that somewhere. And what a great idea to put a mini album in it! Love all your other projects too - very inspiring! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #25

Helen said...

Your classes do sound fun. Shame that work thing gets in the way! Helen #2

glitterandglue said...

Afternoon Cindy. Loved the contrast between the two desks. Mine usually looks like your second photo, and very rarely like your first1 Yes, I'm up for a swap. Can you send me an email to Margaret(dot)diddanfa(at)gmail(dot)com with your address? You are on my list! Love the cards and suitcases you have on your desk today. You say the suitcases are quick to make. Are they diecut?
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Lunch Lady Jan said...

My goodness, those really are yin and yang desks - talk about the light and dark side of your crafting :-D. I've got some spare ATCs if you want to swap? They're a bit off the wall, but hey... :-D
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Sarah Brennan said...

Hi Cindy, I do still need your address. If you send it to sarah dot trentham247 at btinternet dot com I'll add it to my list and send you mine. Have a good week. Sarah #9

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My apologies for the late visit. A huge storm knocked out my electricity and internet about the time I began visiting. I finally gave up waiting for it to come back on and went to bed.

I am in LOVE with your cards. That one with the flower and the various layers intrigued me, because I simply do not make cards. I would love to make ones like yours, though. And those suitcases are out of this world. I admit, I like the "staged" shot better, since I'm a neat freak. Happy WOYWW from #3.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, I only just got mine finished too! I'm always last minute at these, takes me ages to get an idea I like. Laughing at the two desk shots, mine's nearly always more like the second one. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz XxX #10

Helen said...

popping back, of course we can swap an atc, you have the final one!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy. Gorgeous cards and the little cases too. That is one busy desk. Happy woyww, Angela x23x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just read your question about Seth's card. Yes, that is his business card and it is going on my bulletin board, because I love it as much as the art. Thanks for asking.

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, Loving your cards and those little suitcases are fab.

Did smile at your very tidy desk and then the desk that's well....not as tidy:) LOL

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #17

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...