Wednesday, 23 May 2018

WOYW?W - 9th Anniversary

Well it’s here! Happy Anniversary everyone!!

Well this will be short, as I am on me holibobs and have to use my phone. Nightmare!!so apologies for any gibberish and typos. Ok, well you might think holiday? Oh no desk. But in fact I am in a lovely little cottage in the Cotswolds with my mum and sister having our very own crafty retreat. We have turned the conservatory into our very own craft room and its been a hive of activity.

Ok phone has decided we will have to without picture, but if you have the capability and inclination here is a link to them on Facebook. I will try to work out how to add them but for now this is the best I can do.

Wanted to say that most of my swaps have been posted already. My PIF is ready and waiting. Address details please to cashplantatyahoodotcodotuk. Only address I can pick up from here. Or go via FB and message me. Same goes to any swappees that have yet to get in touch.

Forgive the boring post, will try to sort!!


Sarah Brennan said...

Hi Cindy and happy 9th anniversary. Your ATC will be winging its way to you this afternoon, so will certainly be there when you get back off holiday. I had to get to this page via an old link as there was a problem with permissions on the link for the current one. I made it in the end though. Enjoy your holiday. Sarah #14

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, been seeing your FB posts, you were not far from me at Evesham! Hope you are having a fab time. Happy 9th Birthday, Have a lovely week, Love & Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

Helen said...

maybe that is why I couldn't access you via today's linky with Julia, blogger told me I didn't have permission to view your post! I did see the pic on FB and it looks like you're having great fun! Helen #4

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Cindy, I found you from your comment you left Julia after I got the same message as Helen. I'm not on FB, so I'll just wish you a wonderful WOYWW. Hope you are enjoying the party. Happy 9th anniversary from #13.

Nikki said...

Happy 9th so strange to get to your blog told me I couldn't access without logging in ... but I am bizarre. Have a wonderful time crafting hugs Nikki 10

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...