Wednesday, 8 August 2018

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday #479

Popping in. Been consistently AWOL again for weeks.

All current commitments met. Feeling organised (it'll never last). Empty desk as have tidied prior to playtime - and look what I have to play with!!

Recent news, I have become a docrafts demonstrator, so  that has kept me busy.

Also still doing my craft club and workshops.

Here's what we made last Saturday.
Great fun.

Why am I telling you this? Well it's Wednesday, a day for a quick look at the desks of the great and the good. Hosted by the lovely Julia, at The Stamping Ground. Pop on over and check it out.

Happy Wednesday.


Claire said...

What sweet desert island homes... gorgeous!
Happy WOYWW, have a great week!
no. 5

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, congrats on becoming a demo. saw the huts on FB, they are ace. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

Dorlene Durham said...

What fun houses! Congratulations on your demonstrator title. Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #23

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It's just nice to see you when you can make it! I adore those little huts, so pretty, bet you had fun making those. I haven't a clue what a DoCrafts demonstrator is (sorry) but am glad you're enjoying the experience :-D
Hugs LLJ 9 xxxx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

OH really loving your little houses I'd love to have time to finish up mine ! Thanks for sharing and have a great WOYWW kind of day

StampinCarol said...

Love your little village! So cute! And looks like some fun dies! Congrats on becoming a Demo, that's quite an accomplishment! Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #19

Caro said...

Those houses are adorable! Enjoy playing with your new goodies. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a lovely week. Caro x (#14)

Helen said...

I saw the pics on FB - love them, so beautiful. thanks for stopping by. I'll let you know when I work out where the third page is headed!! Helen #2

Sarah Brennan said...

Congratulations on your DoCrafts demonstrating job Cindy. Love that Eileen Hull Wrapped journal die, it is so useful. Those houses are stunning, I'm sure everyone had fun making them. Have a great week. Sarah #8

Jan said...

A very happy WOYWW.
Have a great week xx Jan 34

Anne said...

Hi Cindy, thanks for popping by. Hope your bathroom refit goes well. That's next , starting in September :-(
Congrats on becoming a Do Crafts Demo - clever you. I love that village.
Anne x #5 ( I think)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, well done at becoming a demo for docraft, sounds like fun. Look forward to seeing what you get up to. Thanks for the visit to mine, have a great woyww and a happy crafty week, Angela x12x

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Love those little houses your little town is fab. Have fun with the Eileen Hull dies and best wishes with the Docrafts demoing.
Happy WOYWW & Thanks for the early visit Tracey #6

Sue said...

Cindy, Congrats on becoming a Docaraft demonstrator.

The little houses are lovely.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #7

Diana Taylor said...

Congratulations on becoming a Docrafts demonstrator - that sounds like fun. I love the little houses - they are so cute.
Have a great week,
Diana x #13

Hazel said...

What a super lot of houses. Well done on becoming a Docrafts demonstrator ... and for being so organised. Thanks for sharing. Hope you have a good day - Hazel, WOYWW #15 x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! You are going to be busy - Congratulations! Loving what you made! Have a great weekend! Chrisx 24

Kelly said...

love the little houses! I look forward to seeing what you do with the sizzix dies. I've never heard of Docrafts. I'll have to look them up. Creative Blessings! Kelly #18

Julia Dunnit said...

Well Cindy, this retirement thing is a laugh! Congrats on becoming a demo, bet that will keep you tied up for the rest of the year! Those houses are great makes..and entirely useful i n terms of changing seasons. I see villages and tea lights in your future! Great to see you !

Neet said...

Oh Cindy - obviously I am not organised or I would have been on here sooner. So sorry for the late visit - nearly time for the next.
Congratulations on becoming a Do-Craft demonstrator. Shame we don't live closer or I could come along to a local Hobbycraft and see you - mind you I could come to your classes too.
Love the little beach huts, they look great in a village scene like that.
Hugs, Neet xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...