Wednesday, 4 July 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday#474

Back after a short break - been very busy!! BUT, after cancelling a couple of classes because so many people were on holiday or couldn't cope with the heat, I suddenly had a free day yesterday - no deadlines, no classes to prep, no builders, no housework.... well, there's always housework but who cares?

So had a great day yesterday, playing but also spent some time outside enjoying a beautiful day.

Here's my rather painty desk after a couple of hours de-stressing.

And the project I am making. Still needs palm trees and some accessories but it's just sooooo cute.

Happy WOYWW everyone. 


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

WOW. Your desk is amazing. That's the BIGGEST die cutter I have ever seen. And your lovely assemblage is out of this world. I adore the house and the beach, too. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Christine said...

Is that your own desert island!! How exciting and it looks as though it well be beautiful when it's finished.
Carry on crafting and have a good week
Christine #20

Unknown said...

Ah, the little house is wonderful. Have a great day Karen #23

Unknown said...

What a lovely little house! Karen #23

Hazel said...

What a wonderful project you're developing - good to see a painty desk. Thanks for sharing - Hazel WOYWW #15 x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, that little house is gorgeous! A real beachside home. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #2 XxX

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

That's so cool, Cindy! I love little houses - that looks like a Tim Holtz one. Happy #474" zsuzsa #26

Marit said...

OHMY... that little house.... I just LOVE IT! Glad you had some time of to play, it's destressing indeed to put your hands in paint - we're fortunate to have such hobbies/work isn't it?! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #22

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy - Oh, glorious. I can imagine sitting there enjoying the ripple of the water as it laps up near my feet... Bliss.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

J said...

Your beach house looks like somewhere I would love to live, with my own private beach.
I can always ignore the cleaning when there’s crafting to be done, have a great weekend
Jan #29

Caro said...

That beach house is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. Caro x (#38)

Helen said...

I started to read this on my phone at lunchtime at work, but wanted to see big pics, so left it... love the beach house. Have a great week. don't jinx the game on Saturday please!!! Helen #3

Mrs.D said...

Cindy, I love the house, what fun to make.
Thanks for visiting my desk and the nice comments you made
Chris #8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Everyone needs sometime to themselves when they can just chill out. I'm loving your little beach house, so cute.Have a great woywww and happy crafting, Angela x10x

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy, I agree ... the house is cute! The palm trees will finish it off nicely! It's nice sometimes to have a day to do whatever you want, and yes housework can wait! Thanks for stopping by earlier. The Lego Ninja was an image I downloaded from the internet. Great fun colouring it. Have a lovely week Heather x #9

Neet said...

Love the beach house Cindy, now I could just do with a real one at this precise moment. The wind has changed direction and the smell of the smoke from Winter Hill is terrible. Not good for my chest. Oh to be at the seaside. Luckily I am on a workshop tomorrow and another on Sunday (don't normally do so many) so will be out of the way and then I think next week a trip for a day at the coast might have to be on the cards - good excuse or what? But I feel so for the firefighters - wish it would rain for them - just on the hill! Buckets of it!
Hugs & Thanks for visiting me Neet 6 xx

Kelly said...

Love that little cabin! So glad you got some downtime. Live is just so busy. Creative Blessings! Kelly #29

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Cindy Glad you made use of the extra time you had spare, that's a great little project you have on the go there, everyone beach side residence dream.. Hope you share when those Palm Trees have been added. Thanks for sharing WOYWW.
Best wishes Tracey #5

Sharon Madson said...

Hi Cindy! Lovely painty desk, especially with that great project. I am so glad you had a day off from your busy schedule to play inside and out. :) So, I guess you had a great WOYWW!
I am a little late! #36

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...