Been AWOL again for a few weeks and no idea where we are in the scheme of things but I know we are getting close to the 10th anniversary so I have been working on my swaps, which will be ATCs. I shall have about 4 extra if anyone is interested. Meanwhile I have been sorting out the previous swaps and putting them into an album. Recognise any of them? I believe I have got up to number 6, and I may pop out and sit in the garden to do the rest as it's a lovely afternoon here in London. (Mind you won't get much desking done if I do that.
Picture's up the wrong way but don't time have time to sort (for which read can't be bothered) as I am late posting due to hairdressers this am. At least I look presentable again. Had to ask again for my over 60s discount.... guys, its been 2 1/2 years, I don't look THAT good!!
Why am I telling you this? Well, it's Wednesday, time to snoop around the desks of fellow crafters and see what's up. Courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?
Happy WOYWW one and all.
Picture's up the wrong way but don't time have time to sort (for which read can't be bothered) as I am late posting due to hairdressers this am. At least I look presentable again. Had to ask again for my over 60s discount.... guys, its been 2 1/2 years, I don't look THAT good!!
Why am I telling you this? Well, it's Wednesday, time to snoop around the desks of fellow crafters and see what's up. Courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?
Happy WOYWW one and all.
I always feel so much better after a trip to the hairdressers too....and you look amazing,not a day over 50!! 😉
Hugs LLJ 5 xx
I love the idea of a special album for the WOYWW swap ATCs. Happy WOYWW. Have a great week. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#18)
I am having mine done the day before I travel to the crop... loving the atc album, that's a great idea.. I have mine all over the place!! (there's a surprise!) Helen #1
You should feel flattered you have to ask for the discount. I'm sure you DO look that young.
I didn't recognize my ATC, but I have some of the ones you shared today. Sitting outside would be nice if it wasn't raining here about now. Happy WOYWW from #2.
Hi Cindy ... Your comment about the over 60 discount made me giggle. Better to have to ask for it and be over 60, than be offered it and be under 60!! Those are some Beautiful ATCs you RECEIVED. Have a lovely week Heather x #7
I have all my ATCs in a box - great idea to put them in an album! I am ready for a trip to the hairdressers but have to wait a couple more weeks!! Chrisx 33
Hi Cindy, I'd be happy to swap with you if you have any left over. I'm off to the hairdressers myself tomorrow. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x14x
I'd feel flattered if you have to request the discount Cindy. Hope you managed to get all your ATCs sorted. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
I love a visit to the hairdresser. I always feel so much more presentable! Of course the senior discount goes without saying anymore as my hair is as white as snow!
Glenda #19
Hi Cindy, I bought some ATC/Trading card storage pocket sheets off Amazon, and sorted all mine out a couple of months ago. I'd love to swap with you if you have enough. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 X
Thank YOU SO MUCH, Cindy, so good to have the pop up window box, they’re driving me nuts all the embedded comment boxes, can’t comment on iPad since it’s updated and also was unstable before that, hate blogger's default setting cos that’s really why folks have them.
Ahh ATCs mine have started and am planning it attack them tomorrow! God willing that is, if wake up ok, at least I’ve started. Going to try make some extra, we’ll see how I go! Now yes I can see some I recognise, not cos I made them but know who did. 😊
Ha, discounts they do like to make you ask don’t they?
Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #20
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
That's a great way to keep those ATC's, I wish I could do that but most of mine are very bulky. Hope you managed some chill out time in the garden, we have to make the most of the sun in the UK. Happy WoywW Tracey #4
Don't knock the having to remind folks you are turned 60 - enjoy them not realising and keep using the cream.
Glad you are having lovely weather, its a bit cold up north so no sitting outside for me.I'd love to swap if there are still some at's going.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx
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