Wednesday, 22 May 2019

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #520


That's a big number, congratulations everyone on the 10th anniversary of WOYWW.

My desk this week is empty apart from the actual ATCs I have made for the anniversary swap. When prepping for yesterday's craft class I was playing with wreath stamping and fell in love with some of the trial pieces I made. So they have been cut down into ATCs. Not my usual thing at all, but I love the colours.

I decided I would use my teeny block stamp set to add the number 10 - anyone who has these will know they are virtually impossible to stamp without catching the edges of the rubber so I just did on-purpose-very-bad-stamping. Kind of works.

My apologies for not getting back to peeps last week, my Weds afternoon/eve went completely off track - but in a nice way, my daughter in law to be and my daughter both turned up unexpectedly and we had a bit of an impromptu wedding planning event. It's going to be LOTR themed. Anyhow, I never got back to the pc (there may have been prosecco involved). Today hasn't been much better as I had to take the car into the garage so lost my morning and early afternoon faffing about and only just now getting on the pc. (Again, how did I manage when I was working?)

Anyhow, I have sufficient ATCs to send to my swap partner, Angela, Shaz and Neet. Which leaves one more if interested. Now it only remains for me to link to Julia at Stamping Ground, the wonderful host who has made it all happen and wish everyone a very happy anniversary. Happy Wednesday all, I look forward to many more......


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I LOVE your ATCs. I have two of those sets on blocks like that, so I am in awe that you were able to turn what could have been a mistake into a design element. Congrats on that. Happy 10th from # 4.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, yes, I'll post mine to you. Still at the same addy? I totally get that peg stamp issue, I end up doing the same with my Alpha ones, and I unmounted all my Rubber Stamp Tapestry ones that were on wooden pegs! Will miss you next week, but these things happen. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

Caro said...

Love the ATCs and love the idea of an LOTR themed wedding! Happy 10 year WOYWW anniversary. Have a great week. Love & God Bless, Caro x (#27)

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Happy 10th WoywW Cindy, I understand exactly how time can run short and family always come first especially when they come to visit. Those LOTR wedding plans sound awesome and fab ATC's.. Wishing you a super week Hugs Tracey #9

Helen said...

Love your atcs! I always do that with those peg stamps and other teeny ones, too. Well done on the rescue! Such a shame you're double booked for the crop, maybe next time! Looking forward to more news about a LOTR themed wedding... your excuse for not getting back to desk visiting did make me smile! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Gorgeous ATCs, I love the colours, so fresh and pretty! You'll be missed at the Crop for sure, we'll raise a glass to you. A LOTR wedding sounds brilliant, I love that you can have the wedding you want these days!!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Dorlene Durham said...

Great looking ATCs. I love the colors. Happy 10 year WOYWW anniversary. Dorlene #39

Debbie Rock said...

Happy 10th WOYWW to you! LOVE the way you made use of the "dodgy" stamping ... inspired! I can never get lettering in a straight line so no longer even try, making it deliberately wonky ... you would not believe how many people pull me up over it even when I yell "it was intentional" at them! Can't win. Love from Debbie #25 xXx

Anne said...

Hi Cindy. Love the ATC's. Wedding planning sounds good! Happy WOYWW Anne x #24

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm really late as I was forced to go out with friends today to drink coffee and eat scones.... I could hardly say no! but it has made me late getting round. You could use my contact form to send me your address if that's okay. I do have one for you but not sure if it's still the same. Wishing you a lovely woyww and a happy creative week with hugs, Angela x19X

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Cindy, that is cool I like what you did with the halos it blends well with the flower petals curves :) Happy Anniversary ~Stacy #37

Sarah Brennan said...

Happy 10th WOYWW birthday Cindy. Great ATCs, love the colours and the patterns. Sarah #3

Diana Taylor said...

Such pretty ATC's - I love those bright and cheerful colours. I also have stamps I never use because of that same problem - well done to you for turning it into a success, it looks perfect.
Happy 10th anniversary,
Diana xx #22

Neet said...

Such pretty atc's - can understand why you fell in love with them - and the no 10 is a real bonus.
Sign of a good crafter - someone who can turn an error into a piece of the work. Well done you!
Hugs, Neet xx 17

Cardarian said...

Lovely ATCs, and very happy to see you on our 10th birthday party! If you want to swap let me know and I will send you an ATC asap!
Love and hugs,

Christine said...

Happy Anniversary Wendy!
Love your ATCs and so pleased to be the next one down to swap with. I don't have you on my postal address book so can you send me your addy please.....
Have a good week
Christine #40

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, Love the colours of your ATCs.

Hope we get to see some photos of the wedding. I love LOTR.

Thank you for stopping by my blog. You put your number as 44, but you are #41. You aren't the only one who's number has changed.

Happy 10th Anniversary WOYWW
Sue 10

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy, sorry I am late visiting. Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary. I would never have guessed the accidentally on purpose stamping with those numbers - but then again I don't own any of them! Wedding themes mentioned in a couple of posts this week - LOTR sounds fab - looking forward to seeing some pics of the big day! If you still have a spare ATC I'd love to swap - please send me your address, and I'll send you mine. No worries if you it's already been assigned. Thanks for stopping by my blog - I know what you mean about not enough hours in the day! Roll on retirement and I can craft and potter to my heart's content! Have a lovely week, Heather x #30

Shoshi said...

Happy 10th anniversary, Cindy. I love your pretty floral ATCs. I know what you mean about little stamps like that, and what a good idea to make a feature of what would otherwise be a mistake. It's very effective. I love the colours you have chosen. Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you liked all my stuff this week. Thank you so much for your good wishes for my PIP application. The stress is taking itself out on me health wise and I'm feeling very unsettled and pretty unwell too. They simply don't realise the adverse effect all this has on us... My hubby is being wonderful. Don't know what I'd do without him!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #15

Robyn said...

Happy 10th! lovely ATC's! robyn 6

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Cindy, just popping in to wish you a happy belated anniversary! Thanks for visiting yesterday - enjoy the tail end of the week! zsuzsa #26

Nikki said...

Hi Cindy
Your Celebration cards are amazing :) and thanks for visiting me HAPPY 10 Years
here's my email to get my snail mail I couldn't locate yours .. must be gettin blind
elusionary60 at

hugs Nikki C

Twiglet said...

Happy 10th WOYWW anniversary. The little ATCs are lovely. Here's to many more WOYWWs. xx Jo

Kyla said...

ooh a LOTR theme sounds fabulous :-)

thanks for visiting my desk already and LOVE your stamped ATCs

Marit said...

The Woyww-list is quite long in this anniversary-week and I want to visit everyone on it, so I am still making my round... sorry I am late. A wedding in LOTR-theme... how wonderful! I graduates at art-school using that theme(long before the movie was ever made) and I blogged about it years ago I still have a weak spot for Legolas and Aragorn... Have a nice Sunday. Happy late-woyww-anniversary, hug from Holland. Marit #16

Julia Dunnit said...

Sorry I’m late...too much to do!. I love the ATCs and the Inky edge 10s..the florals are really pretty. I remember when it was a sin to get the edge of any stamp on your work...thank goodness things are more relaxed now, I like the edge look, it’s sort of artistic in its own way! You remind me that I have to spend a couple of hours in a car service situation next week. The garage said they could give me a timed appointment (two hours) so 8 could go into Salisbury and potter about, it they could give me coffee WiFi and a desk to work at. I’ve opted for the desk....much, much cheaper than two hours in Salisbury!

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy - Sorry to be so late commenting, blogger wasn't playing for me!! Happy 10th anniversary! Love those little ATCs - and I think the accidentally-on-purpose bad stamping looks brilliant. In fact, before I read your comment I thought "I wonder where Cindy got those numbers from looking like that".
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5

sandra de said...

Such pretty act and a big thank you for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment. So sorry I am late.
Happy woyww.
sandra de

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...