Wednesday, 6 November 2019

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW #544

Well I am very late on parade today. I have a cold and not much going on in my brain. I swear I just sat and stared into space for an hour this morning while drinking my first cuppa. Or maybe I just glazed over - hubby likes to watch an hour of news first thing. He likes to keep up to date, I just get more depressed!!

So today is Wednesday (AGAIN!) when we scoot round various desks courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground to see what everyone is up to. Well here's my desk, undoctored (although I did remove all the 'litter' so you didn't just get a picture of a pile of scraps).

At the front,  a card I am just finishing off using a Michael Powell image from ages ago. Also a small pile of stamped images I am working through - they go on a card or in the bin. To the right a couple of toppers recycled from last year's received cards that I may use or 'file'. A glue pot that I am trying to get the last bit out of.... At the back - well, don't look there... Crimbo cards continuing apace - see that black basket? Well that was completely stuffed with Christmas UFO's from last year but it is 3/4 empty - yay! Might crack it today if the brain fog lifts. I am being very disciplined, I have some lovely new dies and stamps from last year that haven't seen ink but I refuse to open anything else until I clear some of  this 'old' stuff. Go me.

Other than that not much else to report. Last week of Stoptober (we were on holiday first week Oct so started late!) so will probably go out this w/e. Hasn't made me feel any better, (in fact I feel terrible at the mo but that's not lack of alcohol) though perhaps my liver is grateful. Haven't lost any weight either so that's not the problem! Have a happy WOYWW one and all.


Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

LOL, I like to 'file' things too - which means I put stuff in a box never to be seen again! Happy creating and thanks for stopping by! zsuzsa #15

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I share your brain fog pain! That's why I crafted doing regular things so I didn't have to think too much!! Love the images at the front, I can see why that's a favourite. And life's short, have another gin 😉
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Helen said...

sorry you're feeling rough - hope the cold clears up soon (and enjoy the drink at the weekend!) re Kew - all the boxes were numbered so I think it is a very well-trodden practice with the packing and unpacking! Helen #4

StampinCarol said...

Hope you get to feeling better!
Good job on the UPOs.
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #3

Julia Dunnit said...

Aw Cindy, I will will the weekend forward for you, congratulations on Stoptober. I think you need a medicinal draught about now huh? Fascinating that a month off hasn’t caused a weight loss, I will bear that in mind! Admiring of the black basket discipline. Read your comment at my place...I’m totally with you about the prep taking up too much time, there’s really no money in conducting workshops because of the prep time. And without the prep they really can be a shambles cant they. But also...hey...retirement!! Feel better soon - I can easily gaze into space for an hour..if only to tune out the news. It’s a really rude start to the day!

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy WOYWW ! Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly, know how that feels. Hope you feel better soon x

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. That Michael Powell image is complex - but looking good. Hope the brain fog is allowing you to get on through the black basket and manage to make more Christmas cards. Hope you really feel better soon.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #7

Little Dorrit does... said...

Hi - Thanks for stopping by earlier. Definitely best to avoid the news if you're feeling under the weather - do hope you feel better soon - with or without alcohol! Great that you're being so disciplined with clearing the 'old' stuff. Should soon have lots of room for some lovely 'new' stuff!
Amelia #22

Glenda said...

Hoping your cold is better soon! I've been healthy so far and try to stay away from sick people but sometimes it slips up on you before you know it. Your desk looks busy today. Happy WOYWW!
Glenda #18

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Awww Cindy not another one down with this flu/virus. hope you are soon feeling on top form again & the brain fog lifts. Funny to see the past Xmas WIP basket, mines a box that I just can not get to right now but I do keep finding stamped images in draws a bonus if they are Christmassy like today's desk. You take good care of yourself warm wishes Tracey #11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love that Michael Powell stamp it is gorgeous. There's lots on your desk but looks well organised. Hope you feel better soon too. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x11x

Annie said...

I'm playing catch up with my WOYWW visits before my first customer arrives this morning. It was a busy day for me yesterday!
Thank you for visiting me and for your lovely comment.
Sorry to hear you're not feeling 100%. I hope you feel better very soon and your creativity returns quickly.
Annie x #10

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Cindy. At least colouring and sorting can be relaxing. Happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #5

Belinda said...

Hi Cindy! I hope that you are getting your nails done! I plan on doing mine on Friday too. I didn't get around to painting mine on Wednesday or Thursday. I admire your discipline. I have the same problem, lots of old stuff that the seal hasn't been broken. I started organizing about two weeks ago so that I can see what I have and remember what I wanted to do and then I can go through the list and work my way through them. However, Christmas is going to sideline me because I need to make Christmas cards. So they will get pushed aside once again. Thanks for visiting me and have a fabulous weekend!
Belinda #21

Caro said...

I share your pain - lots of coldy, fluey symptoms here as well - and the accompanying brain fog. I hope you feel better soon. Love the look of the stamp on the card you are working on. Sorry for the late visit this week. Happy belated WOYWW. Thanks for sharing. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#14)

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...