Wednesday, 20 November 2019

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #546

So today is Wednesday (AGAIN!) when we scoot round various desks courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground to see what everyone is up to. Hop on over and join in why don't you?

Aah winter. Already laid me low with a 2 week virus and set me up nicely with a cough that will probably last till next summer, hence MIA last week. But enough of my ills, here's my desk this week.

Centre stage is my pop up card using some gorgeous Laurel Burch stamps. Totally inspired (enabled) by the lovely Neet as I had never really registered these images before. Thanks Neet!! Otherwise just a complete mess. In the interest of full disclosure, here is the view from the doorway:-

No excuse really. I really hate it like this, especially at Christmas time when I am often working on multiple projects at once and consequently I have to make use of my lowest shelving options (the floor) increasing the amount of bending I have to do (How does Helen do it?) and making free movement around the room rather difficult. There is a little bit of residual stuff to go away after class yesterday but not too much. I'm basically stuck like this till 2020.

My dining room is in a similar state - we had new furniture delivered yesterday. There is so much packaging to get rid of (by volume larger than a double wardrobe). I really hadn't considered this consequence of buying ready made furniture rather than flat pack. I am quite in shock as to how much there is to get rid of. (Hubby almost goes into cardiac arrest putting flat pack furniture together so I have vetoed it for the future. However he was halfway there just getting the new stuff out of the packaging so I doubt I've gained much. I thought they did it for you. My bad, didn't read the small print). So will have to sort this afternoon as I can't put everything back in the new cupboards as there is no room to move there either until I get rid of it. First world problems I guess.

How I hate decorating/home improvement/ you coping Julia?

 Happy WOYWW!!


glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Oh how my heart goes out to you - hoping your cough does actually clear up before next summer! Not nice feeling rough just when you want to be really busy - and now all the packaging needs to be dealt with as well... All the best with that task! Hope your tip/recycling centre is a good one. Cute looking card there in the centre of your desk.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, if you think thats bad, you should see mine! I may do full disclosure next week, lol. Feeling much better, so hoping to be able to actually start sorting things out maybe early next week.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #1 X

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, your craft room wins the Most Impressive award today, lol!! You probably know where everything is though :-). Good luck with sorting the new furniture out, honestly the packaging is a pain but worth not having the hassle of putting the flat pack together. We're having a new kitchen in January....can't say I'm looking forward to the upheaval!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Little Dorrit does... said...

Oh this post has made me smile! Love the ta-dah! of that fab little card in the centre of that bit of clear space on the desk, and then the magnificent 'full disclosure' long shot, complete with floor to ceiling shelving options. I love your work desk. It's wonderful.
Amelia #21

Helen said...

so sorry you've been proper poorly - hope it all clears up soon. I am glad you showed the winder view of your room... makes me feel very at home! Not sure I will be able to craft on the floor much longer but the thought of making enough room to do it elsewhere keeps me going!! Helen #2

Elizabeth said...

Hi Cindy, I do identify with that last - I really don't like any changes to my home but my hubby likes nothing better! You have a fab craft room - full disclosure informs us that it's wonderfully well equipped. Hope the cough improves soon and doesn't drag on for months. Elizabeth x #16

Shoshi said...

A lovely post, Cindy. Actually your room doesn't look too bad. Mine is usually worse than this, and most of the time, too... I really need to have a complete blitz on it and get rid of a whole lot of stuff, and get things a lot better organised. I agree with you - I can't imagine how Helen manages to craft on the floor all the time! I could never do that... Cutting my Tudor costume fabric had to be done on the floor and it was horrendous. In the old days at home we used to have a full-sized table tennis table and we all used to use that as a cutting table - bliss! Love the Laurel Burch card. I adore her cats and keep thinking I should paint lots of fun cats like that. I must think of doing some more watercolour doodles and do cats this time instead of birds. Sorry to hear you are coughing - these things do take a long time to shift, and while they are around they can be really exhausting especially if it keeps you awake at night.

Thank you for your visit - so glad you approve of my choice of fabric for the Tudor gown! I am very thrilled with it. Need to get my skates on though or it won't be finished in time. Life has been too busy lately. I agree that sometimes one needs to return to Start (and collect £200? Chance would be a fine thing...) with crafting. I've been doing so many different things recently and I miss the paper and ink side of things. Thank you for your good wishes for the resolution of my various health issues that all seem to be in a state of "hold" at the moment!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #20

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Good to hear you are on the mend now, Laurel Burch designs are awesome I have to agree.
You are right about the packaging on pre-made furniture it would be really good if they took the packaging back with them and reused it again but that's probably too much effort for the companies. Just keep think ahead of everything being lovely in the end, i'm in a similar state of affairs but it's all on hold until the New Year now for my own sanity's sake hee hee!!
Hugs Tracey #5 xx

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, The card on your desk looks lovely and colourful.

I love your lower shelving:) LOL

Glad you are improving after the bug. My friend has had it and was really bad. Like you she was left with a cough, but it is improving.

I bought ready made furniture a few years ago, but they unpack it and take all the packaging away. If you have a recycling centre near enough, you should be able to drop it off there. Of course anything that is recyclable could be put in your recycling bin.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #9

Neet said...

Lovely to have a fellow Laurel Burch fan. Enjoy doing the colouring and making the pop up cards. Mind you be careful if you are doing any of it on the floor - I couldn't get down there - well, I could get down but never get up. Good luck!
So sorry to hear you got the lurgy. Folks I know who have had it have had it for at least two or three weeks - sorry to be the bearer of that news. Can relate to you havinf he cough carrying on into the summer as I used to be like that until I started having the flu jab, now i swear by it and even though I might be a bit snuffly I don't seem to get a cold.
Take care and remember rest and plenty of fluids are the order of the day/week.
hugs, Neet 14 xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Love your sense of humour, Cindy, you always make me chuckle! Let me tell you I've made good use of my "lowest shelving options" too this week. It does get a bit annoying after a while, doesn't it? I just adore your kitty cat card - so cute - and who doesn't like cats? Hope your cold gets better soon and you don't actually end up with a cough until next Summer - but I know what you mean - they're so hard to shift. Thanks so much for stopping by earlier! Enjoy your weekend and your new furniture! xx zsuzsa #17

StampinCarol said...

Oh my! Your photos actually made me feel good about the rest of my room! But then, I have yet to start working on gift wrapping, etc.
But here's a thought, this too shall pass.
Hope you get your dining room done soon.
Have a great weekend!
Carol N #19

craftyani said...

Another crafter with a room like mine, that's what I call a working place. Good job there is no health and safety rules for home workers. Keep up the good work. Ani#6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I just think craft rooms get messy at this time of the year, there are just so many things to be done. I understand how you feel about the furniture. We've not had new furniture but we've had to empty the conservatory and my craft room to do some alterations and finding space to put everything is a nightmare. I'm sure it will be worth it in the end. Have a lovely weekend and a very happy belated WOYWW, Angela x15x

Crafting With Jack said...

So happy to see your room and show t to my husband, who said it looked like mine 🤣. He doesn’t understand the need to get numerous boxes out when I am working on certain projects. At the moment I have all my Christmas stuff out, which is normally tucked away in an inaccessible corner! I know exactly the lower shelving option 🤣. Hoping you are recovered from your cold, Angela #25

Caro said...

I have space/room envy! You have so much space... I have a corner of one room. Love the creative chaos, such fun! Sorry to hear you have been poorly and really hope that the cough goes soon. Happy belated WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#10)

Julia Dunnit said...

Sorry I’m late Cindy. Entirely down to NOT COPING AT ALL!!! Your room looks pretty good to me girly, but I guess it’s just the change of scenery thing...mine so badly needs me to stop and sort it our properly so I can turn around...and yet I cannot motivate myself to do it, especially now there’s no daylight! As you say, first world probs but argh! I’m really lucky with packaging and the like, Mr Dunnit takes it to work and burns it; it really is a problem otherwise isnt it. When the floor layer guy had finished he wouldn’t even take the 8 gallon drums the liquid latex was simply costs him too much to dispose of. Im staying away from any of the enablers right now, nothing new till I’ve sorted stuff so a`I cann actually use it.....but the very same stamps are quite high on my list!!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...