Wednesday, 31 May 2023

What's on your work desk? #730

 Morning all! I’m on my holibobs again, this time with my sister, staying in the village of Priors Marston for a week of craft, rest and relaxation.

So, we brought a ton of craft stuff with us but have both forgotten something essential to the things we wanted do so there may have to be some retail therapy. It is also pretty chilly, and my donut sister didn’t bring a single jumper because it was roasting last week. Honestly, doesn’t she know we live in the UK?

So I have a different desk this week, this large dining table you can see behind the sofa. 

The unit is owned by a music collector. The whole wall to the left and thwooden unit in the corner are full of cds. After 2 days of gleefully checking out the collection we have already resorted to yelling at Alexa. How lazy technology has made us. There is also lots of music related artwork and LP covers in frames. 

Pub is right next door so that is handy. Anyhow, my first desk project was a set of atcs for a swap using image transfer. Considering my tub of gel medium needed serious resuscitation when opened they turned out quite well but I forgot to photograph them before they went in the post. Duh.
The second project was to use up all these scraps I brought with me.

I had bought the Be Bold Blooms dSpellbinders die some time ago after seeing the lovely flower clusters others had made on Pinterest. Didn’t occur to me that  a million little pieces needed to be cut and glued to achieve those effects. So it hasn’t been used and I decided it was time to rectify that.

They are pretty. Hasn’t made much of a dent in that scrap pile though.

No idea what we will get up to today. Visited Surgrave Manor yesterday which is where George Washington,s ancestors hailed from. Been beautifully restored by a trust. The hangings on the four poster Bed (not original) featured some amazing stump work. 

Well what a long post. Apologies. Am I padding it and couldn’t log in at all last night so my attendance may be sporadic. Have a lovely week, and finally here’s a pic my daughter sent yesterday. What a hoot, this little man kills me.

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #729

Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself. 

Morning deskers!! Well that was a heck of an anniversary!! 

Here's my desk this morning showcasing my received ATCs - sorry Jan yours is downstairs and I can't be arsed to go and get it as already running mega late today - but Thank You all for my little pieces of friendship and love. I have to say MaryAnne as usual wins the prize for the most unusual design - just love where your mind goes!!  Hope most of mine have been received though a couple were late to the PO but they are all on the way.


Nothing much happening here desk wise except for more re-organising and de-stashing.  I have to keep moving things around as I do a few bits because I suddenly realise the new locations for things (like scissors) are not going to work. The other thing in this new room I have no 'muscle memory' and I don't instinctively know where to reach for something. Because I got rid of my hotch potch of mis matched containers for a calmer, more streamlined look I realise I had better get labelling because all the boxes look the same!! There's definitely a way to go yet!!

I probably won't get round everyone today as I'm off to get nails done before my holiday and then some Lionel time. He really is the cutest. 

But I'm home tomorrow so will catch up  then. 

Have a great week,

Love n hugs,


Wednesday, 17 May 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #728 - the 14th Anniversary Edition

Well I know I am a sporadic attendee but that's only because life gets in my way. I swear it was easier when I worked.  But I couldn't possibly miss the 14th anniversary (even with baby Lionel coming to visit later). Hopefully I'll manage to visit most of  you before the house descends into chaos for the afternoon!! 

14 years is no mean feat to continue doing anything (think how skinny I'd be if I'd managed to diet for that long) so great kudos to the wonderful Julia at Stamping Ground and her lovely sidekick Lunch Lady Jan. A formidable duo indeed and a well deserved round of applause, big hugs and lots of thanks for keeping this going through thick and thin.

My desk has had little action this last week other than to make my ATCs for the anniversary swap as the craft room is still in a terrible muddle. But despite not knowing where things are I did manage to ink, stamp, heat emboss and generally have lots of fun standing at my updown desk so I think we'll get there eventually. I'm incredibly pleased (and suprised) I managed to get my ATCs done in time and they will be posted today.  

Of course, now that it has actually not rained for 48 hours or so there is a new distraction - the garden!! It is looking lovely (if a bit weedy and in need of a power wash in places) and I have been tempted out many times this last few days. We had a beautiful display of tulips that is now nearly over but replaced by alliums, clematis, welsh poppies, rhodos and wisteria blossom. In a few more days there will be roses, poppies and iris as I can see they are all ready to pop. 

So, hope you all have time for a bit of  whatever makes you happy today as we raise our cups to toast the success, support and friendship this group represents. May it last for many more years. Well done Julia and thank you to everyone who posts, visits and comments, you brighten my world more than you know.

Happy Anniversary!!  Have a great week everyone, 

Love n hugs

Cindy xx

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 726

Hi there deskers, I'm home!! Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself. 

Here's my desk, this is a little project we did on Friday morning at my craft club (yes, the morning after I got back from holiday at 1.30 in the morning. Poor planning on my part). Here I am on my new desk, in my new craft room, just finishing off a spare sample. Not much other crafting has got done as I'm still 'moving in' but just about ready to start on those anniversary ATCs now. Coffee cups everywhere as per.

The desk is pretty cool, it's new, and it goes up and down!! I love it.

Things are shaping up nicely, I reckon I have managed to find a place for about 75% of my stuff without downsizing, though I do intend to. Or maybe just use some of it. I was eager to try and find a space for everything and now the real cull begins. The remaining 25% is stuff I haven't seen for over 5 years so ............ 

The biggest sacrifice is that I have much less wallspace to display the mountain of arty bits and pieces I have collected over the years. It's all really hinging on how much space I can steal in hubby's office for storage (now 75% of the c*** in there could go in the bin but I can't really say that can I?). 

So that's it from me, have a wonderful crafty week and enjoy the celebrations, love n hugs, Cindyxx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...