Wednesday, 17 May 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #728 - the 14th Anniversary Edition

Well I know I am a sporadic attendee but that's only because life gets in my way. I swear it was easier when I worked.  But I couldn't possibly miss the 14th anniversary (even with baby Lionel coming to visit later). Hopefully I'll manage to visit most of  you before the house descends into chaos for the afternoon!! 

14 years is no mean feat to continue doing anything (think how skinny I'd be if I'd managed to diet for that long) so great kudos to the wonderful Julia at Stamping Ground and her lovely sidekick Lunch Lady Jan. A formidable duo indeed and a well deserved round of applause, big hugs and lots of thanks for keeping this going through thick and thin.

My desk has had little action this last week other than to make my ATCs for the anniversary swap as the craft room is still in a terrible muddle. But despite not knowing where things are I did manage to ink, stamp, heat emboss and generally have lots of fun standing at my updown desk so I think we'll get there eventually. I'm incredibly pleased (and suprised) I managed to get my ATCs done in time and they will be posted today.  

Of course, now that it has actually not rained for 48 hours or so there is a new distraction - the garden!! It is looking lovely (if a bit weedy and in need of a power wash in places) and I have been tempted out many times this last few days. We had a beautiful display of tulips that is now nearly over but replaced by alliums, clematis, welsh poppies, rhodos and wisteria blossom. In a few more days there will be roses, poppies and iris as I can see they are all ready to pop. 

So, hope you all have time for a bit of  whatever makes you happy today as we raise our cups to toast the success, support and friendship this group represents. May it last for many more years. Well done Julia and thank you to everyone who posts, visits and comments, you brighten my world more than you know.

Happy Anniversary!!  Have a great week everyone, 

Love n hugs

Cindy xx


Sarah Brennan said...

What beautiful ATCs you have made Cindy. Enjoy Lionel later on. Happy anniversary. Stay safe. Sarah #4

Helen said...

good to see you desking early today - enjoy the visit with Lionel later. the garden sounds fabulous, no wonder you are being tempted outside. I have sent you an atc, I hope i arrives soon. Happy WOYWW Helen #5

Mary Anne said...

I LOVE your ATCs and hope one has my name on it :D I added the L to your postcode and yours, as my "official" swap partner is going in the mail later today. It has been a joy being part of WOYWW and I will also say to get your Xmas cards each year. Hope Lionel and you have a marvelous day - I'm off to knitting (bad timing!) but dashing round all the desks as soon as I can.
Happy 14th Anniversary WOYWW
Mary Anne (6)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy 14th WOYWW!! What lovely words you’ve written which sum up the feeling of this group of crafters - it’s hard to explain to muggles why we keep turning up each week but I’d miss it terribly if it wasn’t there. It’s gone beyond crafting now don’t you think? Hope you have a wonderful afternoon having cuddles with that GS of yours, give him a squidge from me!!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy. This soon comes round again doesn't it. I have sent you an ATC so you should get it soon. Gardening....Mmm well, say no more it's never ending work I think! Wishing you a very happy woyww Anniversary. Hugs, Angela x15x

Diana Taylor said...

Oh what lovely words Cindy - this group is about so much more than crafting isnt' it. I hope you have a wonderful day with Lionel.
Happy Anniversary,
Hugs, Diana xx #16

Julia Dunnit said...

Youve made me gulp too Cindy. Proud that those beautiful ATCS are amongst the first things off your updown desk and delighted to know that WOYWW means to you what your finding it and being a desker means to me. Now, have a lovely day with a Lionel, I’m a bit jealous! Like you, my desk has become the garden, not huge but plenty time consuming! 😘

Christine said...

Happy 14th!
Great post, loving all the memories being evoked as I go round visiting the desks . . .
Enjoy your day with Lionel, our little boys are such treasures.
have a good week
Christine #19

Lynnecrafts said...

How beautifully you’ve described what our WOYWW means to us all, Cindy, thank you. Your garden sounds beautiful and your ATCs are lovely.
Happy Ivory anniversary of WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 2

Tracy said...

❤️ Such a beautiful heartfelt post Cindy 🤗 enjoy your special time with Lionel ❤️ ⭐️❤️such gorgeous ATC's 😍🤩🥲 Thank you for your beautiful words on mine 😊 I've sent you an email 🥰 thank yooou so much 🤗 Happpppy WOYWW 🥳🤸‍♀️💕 much love and hugs Tracy #11 xxxxx

pat brennan said...

I loved reading your post. I am glad to be well enough to join in on this 14th Anniversary. Stay well. Kind regards from

Kelly said...

Good morning!

Enjoy time with the chaos. LOL So fun to have that type of chaos around, isn't it?
I woke up to 60*F... Bob had 47*F in Chicago. Spring? Still looking. Feels more like October... which is fine by me.

I look forward to swapping ATCs with you. You'll find my email in the description box of all my videos.
Creative Blessings & Happy Anniversary! ~ Kelly #23

Robyn said...

love you ATCS! thanks for your kind words, and now get out into that garden!!! Happy 14th!
Robyn 1

Annie said...

I'm late in the day and am only just getting around the blogs after a busy morning with little Louie and work.
Happy 14th's to many more happy years of fun and friendship.
Annie x #9

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am in total AWE of your ATCs. They are amazing. Sure put mine to shame. Have fun with the chaos later today. Happy Anniversary from # 3.

Caro said...

I love your ATCs and your words sum things up perfectly. Happy WOYWW anniversary. Here's to friendship spanning across the web. Take care of yourself. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#16)

Neet said...

So glad we got to meet in person at last (last crop) and I value your friendship more than you will ever know.
Happy 14th Anniversary, how wonderful to be able to say we have been blogging on here for most of that time.
Hope you had the best time ever with baby Lionel, nothing quite like cuddling a baby is there?
Hugs, Neet 14 xx

Anne said...

Hi Cindy. It was so nice of you to visit my blog. Your ATC's are so lovely, you are so talented- I am proud to own some of your work- thank you. Take care. Anne x 20

pearshapedcrafting said...

Loving the ATCs- I've not even managed one this year! I'm sure you enjoyed your time with Lionel - a Happy Anniversary indeed! Hugs,Chrisx #26

BJ said...

Love your ATCs so gorgeous. Your garden sounds like mine a bit but my back is causing me serious problems so I have to be careful what I go in mine these days. The snowdrop leaves have finally slumped so I really need to sort those out soon. Happy anniversary Hugs BJ#18

Susan Renshaw said...

Those ATCs look beautiful!
Happy Anniversary!
Susan #21

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy Anniversary. Your ATCs are beautiful. Angela #25

Kyla said...

ooh ATCs are lovely and hope your having a fabulous time and I bet your garden is looking fab-u-lous
Thanks for visiting my desk already

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...