Wednesday, 3 May 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 726

Hi there deskers, I'm home!! Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself. 

Here's my desk, this is a little project we did on Friday morning at my craft club (yes, the morning after I got back from holiday at 1.30 in the morning. Poor planning on my part). Here I am on my new desk, in my new craft room, just finishing off a spare sample. Not much other crafting has got done as I'm still 'moving in' but just about ready to start on those anniversary ATCs now. Coffee cups everywhere as per.

The desk is pretty cool, it's new, and it goes up and down!! I love it.

Things are shaping up nicely, I reckon I have managed to find a place for about 75% of my stuff without downsizing, though I do intend to. Or maybe just use some of it. I was eager to try and find a space for everything and now the real cull begins. The remaining 25% is stuff I haven't seen for over 5 years so ............ 

The biggest sacrifice is that I have much less wallspace to display the mountain of arty bits and pieces I have collected over the years. It's all really hinging on how much space I can steal in hubby's office for storage (now 75% of the c*** in there could go in the bin but I can't really say that can I?). 

So that's it from me, have a wonderful crafty week and enjoy the celebrations, love n hugs, Cindyxx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Glad you had your hols and well done for getting to that craft class, that’s dedication for you! I like your new craft room very much but would say (as someone who LOVES sorting and getting rid of stuff) that if you haven’t used it in 5 years you won’t miss it now! Have fun sorting!!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Tracy said...

Oh my Cindy that's a gorgeous workspace 🤩😍🥰 can see why yooou love your table 😘 good luck with the culling 💕 maybe not tell your hubby your thoughts on his ... stuff 😁🙃😆 Sending much love ❤️ and hugs 🤗 your way. Tracy # 10 xxxxx

Twiglet said...

What a brilliant workspace and clever desk. Enjoy moving in and making it your own. x x Jo

Neet said...

That is a fabulous workspace now. What a lucky lady you are. I know it was hard work (and still is) getting it all organised, and you wil l probably still swap one or two bits about but think of the joy of working in there.
Lovely card you did - you must have been bog eyed teaching that day.
Take care, enjoy the craft room.
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Sarah Brennan said...

Loving the new workspace Cindy and well done for squeezing so much in. Fabulous moveable table! Glad you had a good holiday. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Helen said...

Welcome home! I love your new room - looks fabulous. I absolutely have to make space somewhere to craft on a table, the floor is too much now and I am sure that's why I do so little... but where... and what to do with all the c*** in both rooms. I need to be ruthless. Glad you liked the stamped images. just to be friendly, they're by Carabelle studios!! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, late getting back from the meeting for my mum which seemed to go well but trying to get round a few of my friends before bed. You must be so pleased now the new craft room is up and running, it looks great. Wishing you a very happy, creative belated woyww, Angela x6x

Mary Anne said...

I do miss attending classes :( I had the same issue as you, with losing wall space and tippy top of tall bookcases where I displayed stuff. But all in all it is looking amazing and you will love working in there I'm sure. The desk is nifty and moveable is always a bonus!
Happy WOYWW ( just a day late :D )
Mary Anne (4)

Julia Dunnit said...

Hope you had a fab time in Tenerife, I know the weather looked scorching! I am loving the new room, gracious, it looks like a professional studio to me, and that table is just the business…lovely for when you need to stand, and those moments do occur…I find it’s when I’m trying something new, stamping some large images or in a desperate hurry! How’s that a baby Lionel doing, hope the three of them are all coping! I want to do the ATC swap, count me in when you’re making please!

Susan Renshaw said...

I arrived back from our Egypt trip and was in bed at 1.30 am - I was then up for water aerobics some hours later - the following weekend I was on a three day virtual retreat - Equally bad planning!!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #12

Spyder said...

Lucky you! your craft room is looking brilliant...and very tidy, mine is still in a chaotic mess...Oh...C***? rhymes with wrap...yes...I have lots of that too! Have a great 'rest' of the week. Keep crafting. Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#7

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...