Wednesday, 31 May 2023

What's on your work desk? #730

 Morning all! I’m on my holibobs again, this time with my sister, staying in the village of Priors Marston for a week of craft, rest and relaxation.

So, we brought a ton of craft stuff with us but have both forgotten something essential to the things we wanted do so there may have to be some retail therapy. It is also pretty chilly, and my donut sister didn’t bring a single jumper because it was roasting last week. Honestly, doesn’t she know we live in the UK?

So I have a different desk this week, this large dining table you can see behind the sofa. 

The unit is owned by a music collector. The whole wall to the left and thwooden unit in the corner are full of cds. After 2 days of gleefully checking out the collection we have already resorted to yelling at Alexa. How lazy technology has made us. There is also lots of music related artwork and LP covers in frames. 

Pub is right next door so that is handy. Anyhow, my first desk project was a set of atcs for a swap using image transfer. Considering my tub of gel medium needed serious resuscitation when opened they turned out quite well but I forgot to photograph them before they went in the post. Duh.
The second project was to use up all these scraps I brought with me.

I had bought the Be Bold Blooms dSpellbinders die some time ago after seeing the lovely flower clusters others had made on Pinterest. Didn’t occur to me that  a million little pieces needed to be cut and glued to achieve those effects. So it hasn’t been used and I decided it was time to rectify that.

They are pretty. Hasn’t made much of a dent in that scrap pile though.

No idea what we will get up to today. Visited Surgrave Manor yesterday which is where George Washington,s ancestors hailed from. Been beautifully restored by a trust. The hangings on the four poster Bed (not original) featured some amazing stump work. 

Well what a long post. Apologies. Am I padding it and couldn’t log in at all last night so my attendance may be sporadic. Have a lovely week, and finally here’s a pic my daughter sent yesterday. What a hoot, this little man kills me.


Christine said...

have a super week, crafting and using scraps has to be one of the best ways to spend time.
Love those flowers, well worth the effort.
Christine #12

Mary Anne said...

Your link goes to a weird place ( ??) , but I searched for your blog name and landed in the right place. Lots to see and comment on but my ride for knitting is on the way so I m will just let you know about the link and be back later :D
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (1)

Sarah Brennan said...

I ended up in the right place eventually CIndy as your link this week ended up at my blogger dashboard. What a fabulous place to stay. Enjoy your time away and if you need some retail therapy .... well then lol. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15 (you can tell it's the holidays lol).

Crafting With Jack said...

Well those flowers are worth the time and patience it must have taken. I got a bit disenchanted with die cutting, I mean a wimp,e die cut flower is not appealing! Perhaps I should have looked into it a bit more. Have a lovely time with your sister and enjoy and retail therapy you get to have x Angela #11.
By the way every time I clicked on you link it sent me to my blog 😳. What is blogger up to? I had to come to you a different way x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It was lovely and warm here until today but we did need the rain. It was funny trying to get here as I was having the same problem as everyone else. The link is taking us home not to your blog for some reason. Looks like you have plenty of craft stuff to keep you busy but of course if there are any craft shops locally you will have to visit them. Looks like an interesting place to stay too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

Helen said...

well I found you eventually from last week's list, but your link took me to my blogger list.... that is one pile of scraps you took with you - hope you manage to use some of them up! it's been nice here today although breezy, the weather is so variable! Enjoy the time away Helen #2

BJ said...

No idea what's going on with your link, it also took me to my own blogger list???? I went to last week and got to you anyways. On the baby photo has me all squishy, adore babies SO MUCH not held one in ages. Love the flower bundles so pretty and wonder if I could adapt some of my die cuts to achieve the same effect - ponder ponder. Anyways have a super rest of your holibobs BJ#7

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I also found you from a comment you left on Julia's blog.

This is for all deskers regarding the Refrigerator/Freezer (R/F) debacle so I don't have to answer questions about it. Friend Sally is a member of our neighborhood (NH) online group and checked to see what available in our NH. She found a guy selling a R/F who lived about five blocks from me. I walked over and, even though I wanted a French Door R/F with a bottom freezer, I decided to buy this used R/F the NH man promised to deliver to my home right away. I spent all of Wednesday evening and Thursday getting the food out of the old R/F and into the new one. The used fridge looks very much like my old one. In fact, they are the same size and design. The man guaranteed the R/F for 90 days, so I couldn't beat that. Now I can take my time and buy the R/F I want and get it delivered in the time I want and not feel pressured or experience any lost food.

Those curtains in Washington's family home are lovely. I like the pillows on that couch and I know I would LOVE that home where you stayed. I'm a big music fan as long as it isn't rap.

You brought a lot of scraps. Gosh those dies must be really fiddly, if that is a word. Beautiful results, though. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

Twiglet said...

Love the stump work curtains - just my thing! x x Jo

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...