Sunday, 29 March 2009

I'm a winner!!

Just had to pop on and say how happy I was this week to receive a mystery parcel... it contained four Crafty Individual stamps. I had won one of the giveaway competitions in last months Craft Stamper magazine. A brilliant prize, and I will be so entering those competitions again, this was the first time I had bothered. Of course they didn't stay in the packet for long - I was also pleased because I have some collage images from Crafty Individuals on the same theme, bought on a whim and never really used any of them but was able to do a bit of mixing and matching with these stamps. These are the three ATCs I made this week using my prize.

On another Yahoo group I belong too we have a monthly 'lottery' - the theme for this month is Spring, but everyone is so busy we have had to extend the deadline!! I was in a dilemma as I am still having a few printer problems, so I can't print out any images but managed to find a pretty piece of 12 x 12 scrapbooking paper with some daffodils on - so here is my entry, better late than never I suppose.

Busy week this week (when isn't it?) so don't know when I'll be next posting. I have just finished DAC 350 - so only 15 more days to go until the Daily Art Card project is finished - YAY!!

Friday, 20 March 2009

Don't you just love technology......

When it works. Have had problems with most things this week so am experimentally trying to upload photos from a different 'place'. Nothing much to report except slogging on with the daily art cards (and boy at this stage does it feel like a slog). Have missed all the challenge deadlines as I couldn't upload but here are two ATCs from this last week I particularly liked. The first one is 'Serena' and the image was from last week's ACF challenge. The second one is a tape transfer I did ages ago but wasn't sure about because the the background paper I had used made her look like she had a strange disease. However, decided to finish it off by sitting her on a poster for vanishing cream plus a few words.... I have to explain it in case you don't get it lol. Hope everyone has a great weekend, probably won't be back for a few days till al my glitches are ironed out. By the way, anyone who has my old email addy - yes it has changed. I'm slowly getting around to changing everything and letting peeps know the new one. You can still get me via Flickr or DC but probably not from here yet.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009



Congratulations Jean, I have your addy so will post the hanging as soon as I can get to the PO.

Thanks everyone for playing, don't forget to check back next month!!


Saturday, 14 March 2009

It's here at last - MARCH Giveaway!!

Well. not to keep you in suspense any longer here is the give-away for March. It is based on a project featured in Craft Stamper magazine last year and I started off fully intending it to be bright and pretty - it got a bit hijacked by some of my stranger stamps on the way but I hope you like it, it's just a bit of fun after all.

Each triangle is approx 10 x 10 cm so it is not that big. I felt it had almost gone too far when I started adding ladybugs and googly eyes ...... however, if you would like to be included in the draw for this wall hanging then all you have to is leave a comment here on my blog before 9 pm (GMT) on Wednesday 18th March 2009. Here are the three pieces in more detail:-

Have a great weekend everyone.

Cindy x

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

A frustrating week......

Still very busy so the artwork has had to take a back seat. However had a day to myself today so decided I had better do a quick upload and blog some of my DAC pieces - have to admit I skipped a couple of days somewhere, not sure where the time is going..... so now it looks like I will finish around Easter barring any further problems.(I decided to do 365 rather than keep to a calendar date!!).

This ATC/DAC incorporates an image from the ACF challenge - actually there's not much of the original image left, on account of I could only print the picture direct from the site and it came out rather big - pc probs, don't ask - so she ended up being a very subtle part of this. I am going to send her in to a vintage swap - so three birds with one stone, always useful when you are short of time.

Here's a more arty farty one, playing with some new stamps. I've got a load of new stash - have to play with it all before the next craft show or I won't be able to justify buying anything new!! (As if).

Anyway that's all for now, next post should have my monthly giveaway on so don't forget to keep a look out. Not exactly sure what it will be as I am working on a couple of things - probably the one that gets finished first!!

Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Some Outstanding Items......

No I haven't got a bigger head than usual, just a couple of things I did last week but didn't get around to post. This has been a dire week creatively and emotionally so I really haven't done much new stuff apart from a handful of ATCs but hopefully things will pick up soon.

Firstly an altered slide mailer made for one of my trading partners from DC, Georgy girl. As you can see it was for her birthday which was why it hasn't been shown here before.

And this is my final page for the round robin journal. It is for Wendy, whose theme was 'When you were young' so this is a picture of me, standing in a puddle in brighton c. 1959. On the back I wrote the little story out for Wendy and told her that when my mum sees this photo she always says '..and she had her new slippers on.' Well, mum came round today and I showed her this picture and guess what she said..... yep.


Back soon. Happy crafting.

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...