Wednesday, 17 June 2009


Hi all, oh it's been a long time..... back from my hols last Sunday suitably refreshed (nice pool eh?) and ready (or so I thought) to finish and upload this month's giveaway.... but got sidetracked with a couple of nice days in the garden and also couldn't remember what it was that I was making before I went away ..... and then my IT set-up went a little haywire - hence everything has panned out a little differently to my original intentions!! So apologies for the delay in uploading, it's just been one of those weeks!!

Still recycling, this time I wanted to try out yet another project from Craft Stamper magazine (well there is no point buying these mags if I'm never going to do any of it). This one was using an empty pringles tube - no hardship there lol - and I ended up making two items, using the projects as a guide (Feb 09 issue - p 73).

I am fascinated by assemblage, in particular paper assemblage, and so tried a 3D effect in the larger piece which stands about 20 cms high to the top of the flag. There are three little sayings on this piece (you may have to search for the third one!!). I tried to do something a bit different with it but guess I was influenced by the style of the original project - it was what caught my eye after all. I particularly like using old book pages - I do of course, have a regular supply!! - and have got rather stuck on this as a base material lately. Word to the wise, do prep the inside of the tube if you try this one out, it doesn't like sticky stuff!!

What I really wanted to try out though was the little bird house - I love houses and birds and was just itching to try that one out with my crazy bird stamp - the googly eyes are my own addition. This is only about 11 cms high and I have put a cord through the top so that it can be hung - providing of course the roof stays stuck on!! I sound obsessed, but would hate to send out shoddy work so do try my best to make things secure but when you are doing something new you just never really know....

Anyhoo, if you have space for one of these little houses and want to be included in the June draw, then you need to leave a comment on this post. And yes, as I ended up with two houses, there will be TWO 'winners' this month (or if only one person leaves a comment, they'll get two prizes lol). As I am so late uploading, this one had better run right to the end of the month, so the draw will be made after 8.00 pm on Tuesday 30th June, which, incidentally, is my 19th wedding anniversary..... so I may not post the winner until the following day....


Cindy Is Crafty said...

Cindy, I love both of your creations! I especially love the go forth and be creative. So great!

Renee (nayski) said...

Way to go Cindy - these are so fun

Anonymous said...

ooo, oooh, Lovely! Very nice!

Digital Misfit said...

Those houses are fabulous!
What a brilliant idea - using Pringles cans! I must try this someday.

Happy anniversary!


nancy said...

Well, Cindy. I hope you hols were wonderful. It looks pretty posh! Where is that place? I didn't recognize the name at all.
Here I am to participate in another drawing. You know, I have a lot of your work. Mostly atc's. I'm becoming an Ashplant collector! I really love it.

AlwaysInspired said...

Your houses are adorable! I love the birds!

Malissa said...

What fun ideas! I found a kids craft project a couple of years ago that used pringles cans to make nutcracker soldiers for Christmas.I never did get around to doing it with the kids, though. Glad you posted about this on the Mamma flickr group. I really like your blog!

John Dyhouse said...

always a pleasure to read your blog Cindy and with extra incentives it is unmissable

Dee said...

Hi Cindy, glad you had a great holiday - that pool looks inviting. Love the pringles houses. Happy anniversary.

Maureen said...

These are lovely Cindy, I cheated and bought a cheap little decorative bird house to alter altho yet to start it.

Jan said...

Welcome back Cindy! These are brilliant. I LOVE the crazy bird with his googly eyes. I really must get my act together and do something with the boxes that I compulsively collect lol!

Viv said...

Brilliant Bird houses!! And what a good reason to eat lots of pringles!!!!!!! LOL

For the life of me said...

lovely houses, i may have to buy a box of pringles now.

Ange J Lee said...

Saw these in the mag too...haven't got any pringle tubes but guess loo rolls will work instead (another project to put on the 'if I ever get time again' list LOL!) These pieces you've created are WONDERFUL. I like the bottom photo - those bird stamp images are cheeky! Excellent work Cindy.

Lubna said...

Hi Cindy:-) I get the Craft Stamper magazine regular as clockwork each month and I absolutely love it. It has such brilliant projects in it and I was captivated by these little "Pringle" dwellings too when I saw them and have been meaning to try them out myself - good excuse for eating these snacks!

Anyway I think your little dwellings are so Beautiful - you've made them really well and anyone who wins this Giveaway will be very fortunate indeed:-)

georgina said...

Cindy, you never cease to amaze me, you'll have to move to yorkshire, luv georginaxx

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