Monday, 11 April 2011


Hi there, guys!! Well I've been here for hours trying to do things on the pc, I'm not sure if it's me getting too old to cope or just my hardware is all giving up the ghost - everything seems to be a chore these days!!

Anyhow, finally managed to get my pc and printer talking so that I could upload the photo of the April giveaway.

Not such a great photo (not sure I can entirely blame that on the camera!!) but it is quite old and vintagey looking. Basically it started off as a small mixed media piece based around an image transfer onto fabric. But then I thought it looked too small so I made a big faux wood frame to go round it so now it's a slightly larger (6" x 6" app) hanging.

Usual rules apply, to be entered in to the draw you must leave a comment on this post before 8.00 pm on Saturday 30th April. Overseas players welcome, please feel free to link from your own blogs. Hugs, Cindy


georgina said...

OH!!!! its so good to see you back Cindy,i do love this and the effect is wonderful, another Cindy masterpiece, luv Georginaxx

maxine said...

wow this is stunning hugs maxine x

Netty said...

Terrific picture and frame, it looks like copper. Have a great week Cindy; please don't add my name to the draw as have already won 2 of your gorgeous creations. Annette x

Njeri said...

This is really cute I love vintage art.
The frame really adds character to the piece.

Sherry said...

'Old and vintagey' looking - that's how I'm beginning to feel these days Cindy! Your giveaway is beautiful as usual. Hope you're well xx

Anonymous said...

Good afternoon Cindy, I sympathise with things being more difficult and tiredness being a big thing. Your canvas is lovely and I know from the atc's you have sent me, which are displayed on my wall that it will be a treasure when seen in real life.

Artfully Musing said...

Cindy, please enter me in your drawing. Thanks Laura

Maureen said...

Lovely little canvas Cindy!! hope you are ok, wondered where you'd got to?

Renee Stien said...

Cindy, that's gorgeous, what a beautiful fabric transfer! And I like the crackles on the fr ame too, nice touch.

maska said...

Lovely canvas.
Beautiful giveaway.
Hugs from Norway

Cathy said...

another lovely piece; i'm such a fan!

SusanLotus said...

Gorgeous little canvas! :)

Viv said...

Plant Person scores again! LOL A lovely piece of art Cindy!

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