Sunday, 24 April 2011

Is once a week regular??

Don't answer that!! I did say I was going to be here more often but come on, look at the weather..... the garden has to take priority and we have a big project we are undertaking in the back garden. Here's is a pic of my son whose been helping his dad (in itself a minor miracle). They have just taken down one of the bay trees which I grew from some free cuttings (sob!!)and trained into standards. They are so big (about 8-9') if we had been able to get them out of the ground and into a pot they would have been worth a fortune. But they have to go, hubby wants a bigger pond and I need somewhere to put the dryer.

Still I guess you don't want to hear about all that but of course grubbing around in the dirt all day (with a well deserved bottle of wine at the end of it of course) means that not a lot of crafty stuff has got done. As ever, my planning is perfection (ie things are done in advance) but the follow through leaves a lot to be desired (ie things that should have been posted already are still sitting on my desk).

So firstly here are my entries for the stamp man monthly ATC challenge, for which the theme is 'Birds'.

and here is a birthday card for a friend which is for Wednesday... better get that one in the post!!

Quick reminder just one more week to enter this month's giveaway. Click on the picture on the right to go to the relevant post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your bird atc's, I still have my one with the pointy hat. Your son is very handsome and how did you get him to help in the garden. (Bribery?) I used to have a pond in my old house and I can see why your OH wants a bigger one they are so enjoyable. Happy crafting and enjoy the lovely weather, Laura.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...