Wednesday, 15 February 2012

WOYWW #141 - something completely different....

Well it's Wednesday once again (you blink and it's back) and I for one have had a pretty productive week. As I'm sure you know, I'm telling you this because Wednesday is the day we start what is becoming a marathon journey around fellow bloggers desks, seeing what they are up to, saying hi, and generally having a good old snoop round. This is the brainchild of Julia at Stamping Ground so hop on over there to find out more details and discover who's taking part.
So here's my piccy....

As promised something rather different, papercraft but not as you would usually find on these pages.
Although at the moment it is cunningly disguised as a pizza box, it is in fact the bare bones of a Toy Theatre - well, a paper one anyway, my carpentry skills being somewhat limited ie non-existant. This one is being made using the downloadable template from the BBC 'Victorian Christmas' site. (Advice, read ALL the instructions first).

It's coming along nicely but I need to finish it pronto 'cos I need it for Saturday.

So why? Well, when we were deciding our Children's craft events for this year I blithely said I would do something with Victorian Puppets to link in with our Dickens bicentenary promotion. Alas this was not a great decision on my part as much research has led me to the conclusion that the puppets are not very exciting and the theatres are perhaps beyond the capabilities of my average attendee, especially as I haven't told them to bring shoe boxes and I would need 20 or two to have enough - no time now methinks to sort that out! So I am undecided as to what we will actually do on the day (suggestions below please) but I do know one thing - we WILL have Toy Theatres!!

Here is the first one I attempted. This was from a download at the Toymaker and was very easy to put together. It is more a 'scene' than a working theatre as it is completely static but cute nevertheless.

The second one I cobbled together from reading things, the base template of the one above and my own limited imagination. I did think I might be able to do this one with the kids with them making their own scene etc but I don't think they will be able to do it in the time available. Shame.

I'm not sure if you can see from the photo but it has layered scenes and everything. I even made my 'characters' they are on  the table - can anyone tell what very short little dramatisation I was planning to do? (They are very young children and they will almost certainly know the script).

But by far my favourite so far is this one, again a download from the Toymaker. By far the most satisfying one to make and it also has its characters moving from the sides (as I believe was the norm) unlike the WIP one where they have to be handled from the top. The curtain is down as I don't know yet what the play will be although I''m leaning towards a scene from  Alice. Well I have lots more links to share but will leave those for another post when the theatres and characters are all finished.

Finally if you have got this far I am really grateful that you have taken the time to visit me. For those hopping over from WOYWW even more thanks are due as the participation rate is growing every week - I for one only have time to visit a fraction of those taking part, although I do try and visit different people each week. 

Happy WOYWW every one.


Jackie said...

It looks good. I have bookmarked your blog so I can pop back to see your finished project.
Jackie #75

Neet said...

Well, you have far more patience than I have to make so many prototypes. I like them all but can see why you chose that one as your favourite.
Look forward to hearing how it all goes.
Hope you're signed up for my blog candy - it ends tonight - Hugs, Neet 29 xx

okienurse said...

love your toy theater! Love the different sets you have created! Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing. Don't forget my blog candy is still up for grabs so drop by and leave a comment and make sure you are a follower. Vickie #64

May said...

O my word this looks Fabulous, thanks so much for the links, Have a great week Hugs May x x x

Ann B said...

Toy theatre - wow! I always wanted one of these when I was little (and not so little). Can remember seeing a kit once sold by Pollocks Toy Museum/shop in London and always regretted not buying it. Off to do some scouring of the links you provided.
Ann B

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm impressed with the "pizza box" theater. You are doing a super job and I suspect it will be ready in time. Lovely and yes, completely different. Happy WOYWW from #3.

Trish Latimer said...

Wow..looks complicated!! Bet its fabulous when finished, can't wait to see! Trish #79

Spyder said...

I had one when I was little you just used the square box somehow as the stage and cut all the other bits out and fixed the people on long sticks, great fun! Thanks for the link and the snoop! Have a very Crafty Week,
Happy WOyWw

Peggy Cain said...

OH MY I have got to give this a try!! thanks for sharing have a great day

Peggy Cain said...

Had a good visit to your desk. Have a great day!

Sharne Davies said...

Thats the way to do it - in a puppet type voice......thanks for sharing.
Sharne ( fresh as a daisy)

Kim Dellow said...

Wonderful Cindy! They look fab! Kim

Sarpreet said...

good luck with your projects, different and very interesting, Great workspace, Happy WOYWW 141, thank you for sharing,# 52

Hazel said...

Love these - very satisfying to produce results like that (Hazel, WOYW #138) x

SandeeNC said...

oh wow, ages ago I used to go to the ToyMakers site but somewhere along the line had completely forgotten about it! Thanks for reminding me about it! Thanks for letting me take a peek at your desk, waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Danielle said...

So far, it looks great! Hope to come back next week and see it finished. dani28

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Gosh! Look at all those different theaters! I never would have had the patience to make them all. They all are wonderful. I can see why you are looking for input. Unfortunately I don't have any for you, but keep on keeping on and it will all fall into place by... Saturday?!

Lou said...

You sound very busy hope your kids craft event goes well Lou

Brenda B said...

That's a great job you're doing but I have to admit I don't envy you one iota! Hope it all goes well on the day.

Brenda 6

CraftygasheadZo said...

What great ideas, and lots of work I should think, making those theatres. Take care, thanks for sharing & enjoy this WOYWW. Zo xx 86

SusanLotus said...

Great theater! :)
Wishing you a lovely sunday!¨
Hugs Susan

Shoshi said...

Cindy, these are really gorgeous!! Last year I made a mechanical card for my hubby and searched high and low for instructions for making those sort of waves - that go up and down! Eventually I got some help and managed it - you can see the card on my blog. These are so imaginative - can't wait to see it all done!

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I design for anyone who wants to use my designs lol! I'd hate to be tied down and have to produce something on a regular basis - somehow it takes all the joy out of it.


What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...