Thursday, 19 April 2012

Artful Times Challenge #2 - Sea of Greens

Well missed it last week and another week has nearly gone by (where is this year going?). It's good job the new challenges at Artful Times are fortnightly!!

Anyhow I'm entering this 4 x 4 piece (is that correctly called a fat page? I forget) with a lot of green in the background. And a smidge of orange. There's a little bit of digital, some stamping, embossing and collage. It's one of a series I am doing, there are six so far but I'm keeping the rest a secret for now as I have a cunning plan....(tease, tease...).

Hope you like.


Deborah said...

At least you made this week's (and very nice it is too)- I don't think inspiration will return in time for me.

Catherine said...

Lovely colours on this...

Astrid Maclean said...

Beautiful! Love the green background and the orange splash of the butterfly makes for an eye-catching vocal point, gorgeous!

Sharon said...

It's lovely Cindy!! Love your background. Looking forward to seeing the series.x

Von said...

Very arty fat page :) hope we get the see the others at some point
Thank you for sharing with us at Artful Times
Von x☺x

Netty said...

Loving your fat page Cindy and look forward to seeing the results of your cunning plan. Enjoy the weekend, Annette x

Neet said...

I came, I saw and I liked. Very much.
Thanks for sharing that page (whether a fat one or not) as it is really lovely. Great colours and fab images.
Glad you joined us at Altered Times with this.
Hugs, Neet xx

sam21ski said...

Fantastic 4 x 4 Cindy, one of my favourite images and of course I just love the colours!!

Thanks for playing along with us over at Artful Times this week.

Sam xxxx

SusanLotus said...

Beautiful 4x4! :)

Helen said...

This is so pretty. I love the butterfly. Great 4x4.

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