Thursday, 3 May 2012

Time please! I have a question for you....

Do you ever have a moment of clarity? I have suddenly realised that despite almost constant crafting of one type or another the reason I don't enter many challenges is that I rarely make things without a person or a reason in mind - either it is to be a giveaway or a BRAK/RAK of some kind. I see a challenge that suits or inspires me but then I can't post it within the challenge time frame because I don't want to spoil the surprise if it is to go to someone in the future. Doh, it's only taken me about four years to realise why I keep missing the boat.

Don't know what the answer is to this dilemma but after yesterday's post decided maybe this ATC was finished after all! Made it for a 1:1 swap but for once was also conscious of the theme at Artful Times this week which is 'Time'. I also recalled that the Sunday challenge at Hels Sheridan's blog   'Ink on My Fingers' was 'Red' (sigh, if I had a tenth of Hels' talent I would be a happy bunny). So this week we have a 'twofer' as I am linking to both challenges.

So there!!

and just to be tidy, here are the other three with some minor finishing touches.


Netty said...

Terrific set of ATC's Cindy. x

WendyK said...

Lovely set of ATCs Cindy. I don't do many challenges either, this one is the first for years. Long time no see, so hope all is well with you.
Wendy x

Sherry said...

They're all fab Cindy - as they always are xx

sam21ski said...

Hi Cindy

Great set of ATC's.

Perhaps you could join the challenges and then give your pieces away as RAKS and BRAKS ~ just a thought!!

Anyhow, thanks for taking 'time' to join in with the Artful Times challenge this week.

Sam xxx

Von said...

Wonderful set of atc's Cindy and bang on TIME for so thank you for joining us at Artful Times
Von x☺x

Hels Sheridan said...

Fabulous ATC's... love the masking on the first one.... just a thought... how about you make something just for you? I do tags for me; I have different techniques on each one and then have them on a gigantic book ring so if Mojo goes a-wandering I can look at them and get ideas for something else! Hope that helps! Thanks for joining in with the sunday Stamper... and please, don't do yourself down, you make great creations x

Neet said...

I am always careful that if I enter a challenge with a card or something it ends up getting sent to someone who does not go on my blog. That way i have some spare to fall back on.
Lovely set of atc's and I do like the one for the Artful Times, I am "time" daft.
Thanks for joining us - Hugs, Neet xx

Julia S-W said...

As someone who's never made an ATC (How sad is that?!!), I always love the look of them and yours are not exception. Wonderful colours, backgrounds and images.

Unknown said...

Beautiful ATCs - really lovely! Cx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

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