Wednesday, 9 May 2012

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday #153

I know we all say it, but Wednesday again? Really? Yes it is, and that means it's time to hop around the crafty blogroll that is hostedby Julia Dunnit at Stamping Ground each week. Everyone posts a piccy of their workspace and invites you in for a look... Pop on over and join in the fun if you dare!!

Not too much 'me' art this week, have been fulfilling commitments, decorating (yuk yuk double yuk) and finishing off commissions so the desk hasn't got a lot new on it. The bodyform thingy must have been there 6 months at least, I think it's rooted. I have at last got my velcro dots so I can sort out my ink blending pads - that box is just a mess!! Next week's priority job I think!

Because of the restructure at work we have a rake of VRs and retirees all leaving at once and I have been asked to make some of the cards.
Just thought I would share this one I am working on.

Here's the brief:
- feminine
- loves Provence
- loves flowers
- can you put a duck on it somewhere
- and a Dodo. Just a little one. Somewhere.
- oh, her name's Pam.

The dodo is going inside, in the corner of the insert.

Job done?

PS. I am very late. Scheduled post failed to post. C'est la vie, but I'd written it so I'm posting it!! Cindy x


jill said...

lovely card Cindy , happy crafting jill #52

SusanLotus said...

Sounds like the card is perfect for her! :)

Happy WOYWW!
Susan, nr 57

BJ said...

Love the little duck - great BJ#41

SuziesImaginarium said...

That's a beautiful card! Your space looks like home to me...thanks for sharing! Happy WOYWW #159

...the yorkshire fox... said...

...lots going on for you at the mo but great you found time to get the card a piccy for us, a fabby card with a presise brief, the dodo is an unusal, it takes all sorts to make the world go round...thanks for sharing today...Mel :) #30

Karen said...

Lovely, creative crafty work desk and I just love your card, its gorgeous.

Have a great WOYWW and a lovely week. Karen #49

Unknown said...

Love the open window or gate.....cute card. #106

CraftygasheadZo said...

Fab card, with a mad remit but sounds like you got it covered! Take care & enjoy snooping this WOYWW. Zo xx 73

Serendipity Stamping said...

Wonderful card - looking out the window as the road/future stretches on and the little duck just sitting there. My take on it anyway. Thanks for sharing. #147

May said...

Great card Cindy... love your crafty desk.. Hugs May x x x#31

BumbleVee said...

that's hilarious! 'can you put a duck on it somewhere...hahhahah..... love it....


this week I am working my way backwards through the blogs.... to see some that never get seen... most beyond the first 50 that is...... the same folks are always on the list first....

lisa said...

Oh yuck, decorating!!! You have my sympathies. Still it'll be lovely when it's finished.
Your card is fantastic. I love the sunflower. What a brief, love the fact you had to include a duck and a dodo, that would've beaten me.
Hugs Lisax #86

Sherry said...

What an unusual brief for a card Cindy - a duck and a dodo - lol. You've done a marvellous job of it though.

How are you going to use the velcro dots for your blending tool ... I really need to organise mine too.

Sherry - 142 xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

A dodo? Really. I love the list of particulars. The card is great. Decorating.... pffft!

Miriam said...

Lovely space - thanks for shaing!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...