Wednesday, 30 May 2012

What's on Your Wordesk, Wednesday #156 - The third anniversary!!

I have been missing for a couple of weeks as I have been on holiday and I wasn't going to join in again this week as I haven't done thing since I've been back except enjoy the sunshine. Then I remembered it is a very special WOYWW, complete with ATC swaps so, as I have one ready made, I thought I would post something.

My break was to the Isle of Sheppey with my mum and sister. We always take our crafty supplies when we go away in case the weather is inclement. Amazingly this year we needed something to do to stay inside out of the heat!! So here's all my crafty supplies just dumped on the desk when I returned.

The keen eyed among you will spot the Christmas theme - we usually do a session on Christmas cards and this year was no exception. I think I made about 20 in the end which together with ones I did at the beginning of the year puts me ahead of the game I hope.

Here are a fewof the cards I made. I need to find envelopes and bag them up. I particularly liked my patchwork card which is a great way of using up all the little leftover bits. Unfortunately,  didn't make much of a dent in my stash!!
Anyhow, if you want to see what other folks are up to on their desks this week pop on over to Julia Dunnits 'Stamping Ground' and join in the fun!! It's sure to be a mega bloghop this week with the anniversary and I will do my best to get round as many as I can ... though I have never even got near the whole way round yet!!

And here's us being silly at the seaside......
I am joining in with the WOYWWATC swap. I have a special ATC for the participant below me on the list and five more to give away via my blog.  So leave me a message - I'll have to send to the first five who request as the comments may go on for too long to make a draw sensible. And if there is no obvious way to contact you via a profile/blog/website I will move on to the next person. But I will always respond to a request to trade!!! Hope to catch up with you all during the course of the day but for now I am off to work. Happy Anniversary everyone!!


maska said...

Flotte julekort du har på pulten.

Trish Latimer said...

oooh ooh oooh its me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Sorry, got carried away there!)Even allowing for all the mixed up double posting going on today i still think its me below you on the list??? Wooooo! Will send you my address hun...... can't wait! Trish xxxxx

May said...

what a lovely pic... so glad you had fun.. Hugs May x x x#4

Katie said...

I love that picture! Looks like friends having a bunch of fun :) Thanks for sharing!

Katie (38)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I would love to swap ATCs if you still have some left. I think that it is great that you got a head start on Christmas cards. I often think of it over the summer but decide that it is too hot to think summer (and can't afford to turn down the air conditioning to winter weather!). Then I always rush at the end of the year and wish I had done some sooner. So I'm envious of your power to do them now. Not so envious of the pile on your desk though. I'm pleased to not have one for a change!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy 3rd WOYWW!!
I'm glad you posted today - it's been so full of fun and warmth. Hope you have fun swapping your ATCs :)
Love the pic of you all at the seaside - that's a good one for scrapbooking!!
Hugs, LLJ #77 xx

CAROL said...

Love that photo Cindy, hope you had a lovely holiday x

Sandy said...

What a great idea to make all your xmas cards early and to get 20 done woot for you.
I would love to swap an ATC with you here is my email
Hope to hear from you soon
Sandy :)

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) said...

The perfect holiday - lovely weather, a beautiful place and crafting time! Hugs Susan x

jill said...

Happy woyww 3rd anniversay Cindy. would love to swap an atc with you. could you send me an email so we can swap address.
Happy crafting jill#64

Angie said...

Glad to read that you had a good break ...I was going to miss this week but couldn't even though i had not created an ATC ...cant believe its 3 years since I started with JD's first hop..Happy 3rd woyww birthday

Shoshi said...

Oh Cindy, I loved the photo of you all enjoying yourselves! Glad you had a nice holiday and have been able to enjoy the sunny weather.

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog!! You are soooo kind to offer to send me a RAK! I shall email you with my addy, and very much look forward to receiving it! I had a lovely birthday - nice day out with my hubby, and visiting my friend and giving her her little box and card which she loved. Today is Mum and Dad's 65th wedding anniversary so they've been over - finished their card with 2 hours to spare! I have been much too busy recently and am now looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet and a rest! Celebrating is such hard work lol lol!!

I am so glad you like my latest zentangle effort. I haven't heard of the book you mentioned - I'll have to look that one up. Got my gorgeous new Inktense pencils now, from my hubby for my birthday, and looking forward to experimenting with those - Zentangle in Colour lol!!

I'll email you. thanks again - so much! Meantime, happy belated WOYWW.

Shoshi #60

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Cindy, I never seem to use up much of my stash, either. So glad you are part of this awesome group I visit each week. Happy day after WOYWW from #2.

Serendipity Stamping said...

Thanks for sharig your fun picture by the sea. Looks like you were really enjoying yourselves. Love your patchwork cards! #128

Eliza said...

Looks like you had a great break away and those Chrissy cards what a great start you have. Gosh before we know it, it will be Christmas around the corner.

Eliza #140

Lotusblommans vardag said...

You look very much alike! :)
I saw immediately that the other lady is your sister. ;)

Your room is so organized and so many ongoing projects there. Very inspiring.

MY room is still a big mess. ;(


Elizabeth said...

Apologies for being so late in getting around to visiting you but finally here. Great photo of you all and it looks as though you had a great crafty holiday too :) Elizabeth x #94

Ali said...

Oh wow, you're FAR too organised for me... making xmas cards this far in advance! :lol: Your crafty getaway sounds fabulous though. :)

Thanks for sharing and happy WOYWW anniversary!

Ali #86

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...