Wednesday, 20 June 2012

It's Wednesday AGAIN!! - WOYWW # 159

The weeks just fly by.... but at least getting together every Wednesday for a wander around blogland gives a purpose to the swiftly passing days..... so pop on over to Stamping Ground, say 'hi' to our leader, Julia Dunnit and join in. Go on, you know you want to!

I am gift 'box' making for a friend. I sometimes make up Kay and Co purse boxes from a pack I have, they are very cute. A friend who likes them asked me to make something similar for a special present. But it needs to be big enough to contain several smaller gift boxes. Groan. A challenge.

Found some lovely purse templates at Mel's Stamps - do check it out, a stunning resource for all sorts of stuff. But they are mostly designed to print out on A4, so waaaaay too small. So I sort of worked out my own based  loosely on one of them.

This is my prototype which I am quite proud of.  (I won't show the discarded ones on the floor.)With a selection of possible papers (everybody wants pink this week, I don't HAVE pink!!)....... I'm thinking black and white with a hot pink ribbon and flower(s). Hopefully the fully decorated one will be ready by next Wednesday. Till then you'll have to use your imagination.

Anyhow, Happy WOYWW everyone!!



Create With Joy said...

Gift boxes - what fun! I have been wanting to create gift bags myself!

Happy WOYWW from #1 on this week's list!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm a NOT pink girl. Anything but pink. But kudos for playing paper engineer. Way to go.

Joynana said...

Love the bag, you should do a tutorial. #14

Neesie said... for thought there Cindy.
My daughter gets married next year and that's such a great idea to make something personal, but not sure I'd be up to the task!
Have a great week and enjoy WOYWW.
Neesie #26

SandeeNC said...

I think you did a fabulous job at tweaking the template to fit your about the lack of pink we need to have a talk? waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

VonnyK said...

That looks fabulous, you are clever.
Black and white with a hot pink ribbon sounds perfect, hope you put up a pic next week, would love to see it.
Have a great week.
Von #28

sandra de said...

The gift boxes will be lovely no matter what colour your choose.
Sandra @32

peggy aplSEEDS said...

great pattern and well done! ha ha ha about the discarded ones!
happy WOYWW!
blessings and hugs from #15
peggy aplSEEDS

okienurse said...

Very nice looking bag. Is there a tutorial in our future? Have a great week Vickie #23

scrappymo! said...

Good on you for figuring it out yourself.
You should do a Utube of how you did it! LOL

Helen said...

Great boxes, good luck.... I do like pink so will be keen to see what you come up with! Helen, 33

chrissie said...

Terrific bag but it does look like a challenge because of the size. Well done

Love Chrissie xx

Claire said...

love your gift box/bag - very creative! one day i may advance beyond cards and journal pages... one day... have a great WOYWW!!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love white, black and hot pink combo - my great friend is basing her wedding on those colours, 50's style!!
Hugs, LLJ ~72 xx

SophieNewton said...

Fabulous gift bag, I agree, tutorial please!
Sophie no.93

Hazel said...

Love the gift bag. I've made some of the K & Co ones in the past, but found them so fiddly thanks for the opportunity of having a peep at your workspace - trying to make a few visits early this week! Hazel, WOYWW #87 x

Annie Claxton said...

Very impressed with you paper engineering! Happy WOYWW. Annie :)

Ann B said...

Great little bag and so useful.
Ann B

Anonymous said...

Fabulous bag.


Zoe #57

Angie said...

How great is that you have mastered it, maybe you can show us xx#9

Glenda said...

Great gift bag! It looks like you definitely have a handle on making things your own! Well done!
Glenda 101

Miriam said...

Lovely gift box. Thanks for sharing.

CraftygasheadZo said...

Super gift ideas there, I agree some of the templates are just too small! Take care & enjoy the snooping! Zo xx 74

Redanne said...

Wow, beautiful box/bag Cindy, very inventive of you to change the size. Crafty hugs, Anne x

Twiglet said...

Yep - looks like you have to show us how to do it now!! x Jo

May said...

Gorgeous gift bag... so clever, Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#62

Spyder said...

Looks fabulous to me! I quite often pull things apart to use them as a template, but...then forget where ! PUT THEM! The bag looks great though! HaPpY wOyWw!
Havea great crafty week

Amy E said...

Awesome! Looks like you're having lots of crafty fun this week!!

Amy E. #17

Lizzybobs said...

great box - thanks for sharing hun and thank you for my lovely gorgeous card present I love it xxxx

Tracy said...

what a cool idea! Not being a huge fan of pink... I love the idea of black and white with a pink ribbon. I look forward to seeing it next WOYWW! Warmly, Tracy #105

Lisa said...

creative and quite lovely.

SusanLotus said...

Lovely box! Have a nice weekend! :)

Sherry said...

Looks like you did a great job on the customised box bag Cindy x

Craftychris said...

Fab gift bag, the black/white with pink ribbon sounds fabulous! xx

Anonymous said...

This is such a cute bag!
Judy #78

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