Wednesday, 13 June 2012

WOYWW # 158

It's here. It's Wednesday. Are you ready?
So what exactly is on YOUR workdesk this Wednesday?

(Don't you love how my  ribbons are escaping from their shelf?)
I haven't got a lot of craft to show, what I have been doing is still a bit secret squirrel so you will have to wait. In the interim I have been having a bit of a tidy. Here is one of my new ATC displays, including some of the ATCs I got for the WOYWW third anniversary swap - how cool was that? Actually not so much a new display as a replacement for the extremely loopy piece of string I used to have. Now they are hanging from an only slightly loopy rod made from kebab sticks bound together with double sided tape. Oh well, it whiled away an hour.

Here's my other other ATC display. You've seen this before, but I've swapped in some new ones. (But I also kept some favourites!)

and the piece de resistance........

I only posess four of the distress 'handles' but nearly all of the inks and it's been driving me crazy trying to find a way to keep all the different colour pads in some kind of order. I saw something similar on Neil Walker's blog a while ago so promptly ordered myself some velcro dots and when I had a minute did this and my little pads are all now grouped in colour families (well most of them are new ones!!) and can be easily swapped over and stored. I also decided to keep one handle for Black Soot and one for Antique Linen as I use these the most. I have room in my little box for two more which I'll pick up when I see them and that should do me. You just can't believe how much difference this simple thing has made to me.
Oh well little things......

Anyhow if you don't know what WOYWW is then get yourself over to Julia Dunnit's 'Stamping Ground' and join in this weekly bloghopping phenomenon. Visit two or two hundred, it's all a bit of friendly fun. Leave me a comment and I will definitely pop by and see you but it may be late as I am working today. I freely admit I have never yet got even near getting round the whole list (kudos to  those that do!!) but I do my best each week.

and now I have to go , hey ho hey ho it's off to work I go.....

Happy WOYWW, Cindy x


...the yorkshire fox... said... loVely to see all your ATC's hanging like artful bunting above your work space what a joy every time you look up...and a fabby idea with the pads!! I only have 3 handles but like you many pads so I may lift this idea and make it my weekend project...I'm your new follower...Mel :) #7

Helen said...

Your ATC display is fab! Have a great week, from Helen #3

annesyme said...

Cindy love your new atc display, it's a lovely idea. I have most of mine in folders. Also love the idea for your distress sponges. I just might have to copy those ideas lol!
Anne x

Anonymous said...

I love the ink pad storage idea!


Zoe #12

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy - fab post. Love the ATC display. I need one of those dry foam storage systems! How cool. Thanks for the link. WOYWW Hugs from Helen 14

Sandy said...

What a great way to display your ATC's tthey are all so wonderful and so different. Sandy :)

Julia Dunnit said...

Ooh Cindy, I feel a storage solution coming C&D pieces are wayward, and end up being used for the wrong colours because I just throw them in a pot.....this could take a half hour and save blimmin hours!! Meanwhile, wow, your ATC collection is fab, aren't we lucky WOYWWers!

Ann B said...

Great collection of ATCs there Cindy and a neat way to display them. I have a different way to storing the foam squares - throw them in a bag and trust to pot luck when they come out again. Makes life interesting, and your backgrounds a bit of a surprise. I kid, well only a little, I do try to keep colour families together.
Ann B

Darnell said...

You have an amazing collection of amazing ATCs, Cindy! And thanks so much for sharing the storage of the Distress Ink pads!! Have a wonderful week! Darnell 129

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love the new "string" to show off the ATCs. It is a neat idea. I only just bought my first ink blending handle. I see why everyone has them now! I also see why people have more than one of them!!! I don't have many distress inks and I still see why you'd want more than one. I like how you've organized your foam pads with velcro dots. I'm not there yet myself but good to have different ideas in place for that magical someday.

Redanne said...

Hi Cindy, now that is some display of ATCs - wowzers! I like the thought of displaying them rather than keeping them in a binder as I do - may have to change mine. Great idea for storing the distress ink pads too, mine get a bit muddled. Two tips - thank you! Anne x #30

May said...

Fabulous display of ATC's.. love the storage of inky foams.. might have to pinch that idea.. Brillant. Hugs May x x x#20

mark gould said...

Happy woyww. those atc's are lovely and i love the tag rack. I need to do what you and Neil have done and make something to store my ink pad dabbers. if only i could organise my self. mark 159

Unknown said...

Great collection of atcs...and very very organized disress foams, mine are in little zip lock bags on a ring...TFS

SandeeNC said...

Now that I have finially purchased that handle thing I guess I am going to follow suit for storing the ink pad thingys. Thanks for the idea! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Anonymous said...

now thats a great work area, wonderful; display idea there as well, love the storage ideas, thanks for sharing

Cynthia Patterson said...

I love the style of all your cards....perfect.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE your ATC display and foam blender storage!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy, what a great desk, love all your ATC's they are so bright and cheerful, what a great idea with the distress thingys. I have only one wooden holder and used wine corks with some of the foam stuck on top it's great for small areas.
Laura #175

Kemma said...

I love how you have all your ATCs displayed! Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the peek!
#153 on this week's WOYWW

VonnyK said...

Your ATC stand is very clever and looks fabulous. Nice storage idea with the velcro dots.
Have a great week.
Von #83

Laura said...

Love the ATC displays and especially the very clever foamy storage/organization! I may go with something similar eventually once my inks inevitably come to live on the top of the table. Right now they are in a drawer right under the table and I keep the foamy things in bits of clear packaging I cut apart and stapled together. It's really glamorous. Happiest of WOYWW's to you and thanks for popping over to visit. ~ Laura #109

Unknown said...

Great ATC display!! And your blender pad storage I'll have to share with a friend. Thanks for visiting my work desk!
Carol #119

Queenie Jeannie said...

Great idea for your pads! And yes, it IS the little things that really make a difference on your sanity, lol!

Good luck with your secret project!!!

okienurse said...

WOW girl! Awesome display and storage ideas! I have all the colors and refuse to pay out to buy individual handles for each color cause 1. I don't have storage room, and 2. I think it is way to much money to pay out! The ATC display is awesome!!! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. Vickie @42

Bridget Larsen said...

Love the way hang the atcs and the atc metal holder.
Bridget #13

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hey, good for you for creating your own ATC display 'rod' - much better than just going out and buying one! I like the end result, anyway, which to see all those little beauties. Aren't they all fab??
And I have no idea why a velcro whatsit can make all the difference cos I didn't understand what you are using them for. But if it makes your life easier then it's brilliant!!
Hugs, LLJ #1 xx

Rita said...

Hi Cindy, Thank-You so much for visiting my blog. I love your desk and more so the idea of both the ATC rope and the pad storage. I'm off to have a go at that that. Enjoy your day. Hugs Rita xxx 33

Neet said...

Love your atc display - especially the "fountain" one - but I do think the other is ingenious.
Mmmm like this idea for the Distress Inks.
Thanks for sharing - Hugs, Neet #59 xx

Tertia said...

Lovely ideas to display the ATC's! Love the storege idea for the inkpads too.
happy WOYWW

nerllybird said...

Gorgeous ATC display! I like the cut n dry idea too - I'm still using the 'rummage' method of storage :D
Helen S #23

CraftygasheadZo said...

Love the hanging ATC's, fab pad storage, I use velcro too, but I've got my pads attached to the lids on the ink pads. Take care & enjoy snooping, am going for the better late than never approach this week! Zo xx 56

Anonymous said...

Your craft room must look so lovely and cheerful with all those atc displays. Love the ink pad storage too, I only have two of the handles so I like the idea very much. Blisters are on the way out thankfully, but I'm still keeping to lighter shoes with more room in them!

Brenda 107

Morti said...

Getting your creative space organised is hugely important - don't knock it.

Hmmm, perhaps I should try it myself....LOL

Thanks for stopping by!

Lisa Richards said...

You've got a gorgeous bunch of ATC's! Thanks for visiting my blog and have a great WOYWW!

Valerie said...

Lovely ATCs! Like the idea for the sponges. I have another one for you a friend gave to me. She put a dab of velcro on the back of the ink and stuck the sponge to it! Guess that wouldn't work though if you have your inks in a storage unit. It's a thought! I don't know how some get around to everyone! I don't have that kind of time! Enjoyed visiting your piece of the world! Valerie #26

Eliza said...

What a great way to display your atc's and thank you for the 2nd hand tip on the distress inks.

Have a great crafting week
Eliza #65

Please use this link when replying or the stamping Ground blog link.

Shoshi said...

Great display of ATCs, Cindy! Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm still working through all my comments and hoping to catch up with myself by Wednesday before the next WOYWW! I'm sooo busy at the moment too...

This blogger problem couldn't have come at a worse time, but at least the comments are visible on Firefox again, which is something.

Happy very belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #15

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...