Tuesday 2 October 2012

Steampunk Dreams - October Art Draw

As promised, this month I am giving away this collection of 4 x 4 pages.

Therev are 6 pages in total and to see the whole selection go here. But for now here are just a couple more...

As usual, the Art Draw is open to all, and international players are welcome. All you have to do to be included is leave a comment on this post before Sunday 28th October 2012 and your name will go 'in the hat'. Feel free to link from your own blogs if you have the time and  inclination to do so - let me know and I will put you in the draw twice.

Thanks for playing!!


Kate Yetter said...

What a gorgeous little book! I LOVE steampunk!! Please put my name in the hat. I would love a chance to win your gorgeous art!

maxine said...

This is stunning work x

Redanne said...

Hi Cindy, I remember this from the previous post, loved it then, love it now, my favourite bit is the butterflies, they are gorgeous! Crafty hugs, Anne x

Deborah said...


May said...

O my word Cindy... This is fabulous Gorgeous album.. I would love the chance to win... Hugs May x x x

maska said...

What a gorgeous little book.

Allthingsinky said...

Stunning Work Of Art, Love steam punk, Thanks for the chance to enter your draw....

georgina said...

love the book Cindy, hope all is well with you let me know, luv Georgina xxx

Kay Griffin said...

Absolutely stunning.... beautiful gorgeous work as always :) x

Meggymay said...

Wow, Cindy , this is an amazing album. It would be well treasured if I was lucky enough to win it.
Yvonne x

Fuchsia said...

This is a fabulous Little album such a lot of creativity gone into it I love it :0))

welsh-ladyDi said...

pleasure to view these pictures ... lovely

gayle said...

Oh my goodness, what a gorgeous book! Loving the steampunk :)

Annette said...

wow what an amazing work of art. Steampunk is my favourtie. I love it Please can you put my name in the draw x

Spyder said...

This is amazing!! I can't see how you could part with it, a real treasure and keep sake!

Unknown said...

Fabulous,thanks for the chance to win it.
Shirley k

CraftygasheadZo said...

Oh wow this is stunning, glad I saw this to be able to join in! Thanks. Zo xx

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