Wednesday, 17 October 2012

What's on Your Workdesk, Wednesday #

On my desk today are the bits I was working on at the WOYWW crop on Saturday.

First the flowery wreath in Christmas papers that I brought to do. Needs a bit of ribbon but otherwise finished.

Absolutely rubbish photo as ever.

And here are the dominos I made at Morti's master class. I didn't dare put the glossy accents on before I came home but they turned out quite nice. Who'd have thought those huge Lynn Perella stamps would work on a domino?

So busy nattering (and eating, there was also a lot of eating......) I didn't quite get round to doing Julia's project on the day. But here it is finished. 

Really like those little stars. Amazing, when someone else makes all the decisions I can really work quite quickly....

At the end of the day we were given some little goodie bags (very naughty, as we were told not to bring gifts) with a lovely hand made gift from LLJ (sorry forgot to photo it) and another bits n bobs challenge from Julia.

Here's what I made with that.


It was so nice to meet everyone, WOYWW has now become even more special. If you don't know what WOYWW is it's about time you found out! Go over to see Julia at Stamping Ground and join in!!

I hope you all have a lovely day vistiting one another today. Unfortunately I probably won't be around to visit  until tomorrow evening. I have to go and and get my photo taken with the Olympic Torch (for being a route marshal when it came through the town), then I have to go to work, then straight up to town for a charity music event that some friends are taking part in and then work again Thursday. But I will be visiting this week so hope to see you soon.

And finally here's sock monkey with my WOYWW badge, my chocolate medal (keeping that for emergencies) and my name badge from the day.

Am uploading this quite early as I don't have a lot of time  in the morning and will just link up as soon as I can.

Happy WOYWW!!!


Createology said...

Adore your flower wreath with the variety of paper flowers. Your dominoes are super fun. Great card too. Blissful Creating...

Helen said...

Cindy it was lovely to meet you on Saturday, and I love that you have done your challenge card - it looks fabulous! I will do mine soon... honest!
Helen, 4

Unknown said...

What a fab time you all had Cindy - I am really sorry to have missed meeting you all. Your wreath is lovely, I love those papers - very nordic I think. Hope you have a great time today and that your photo shoot goes well. Have a great week WOYWW Hugs from Helen 77

Julia Dunnit said...

So so great to see you Cindy..and to be able to case your wreath idea!! This one is just lovely, the red and white works so strikingly. You have been busy - love your take on the challenge card...confess that I haven't done mine yet!

jill said...

Wow i just love what you have done with the flower wreath.
Your other project are lovely too & can see you have been busy crafting . jill # 51

Karen said...

I've seen other cards like this on WOYWW sites today, yours is so wonderful and bright, just right for a new home card. Well done on your homework! Karen T 93 x

Anonymous said...

LOVE THAT CARD (shhh - don't tell! but it might be my favourite of the ones I've seen) and now I see your domino I can forever link your blog name and your face. I loved it while you were working on it (loved the stamps and how you placed them) but then you were gone. Glad you posted them and Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (20)

georgina said...

you so had a good day Cindy from the sound of it,love the stuff you did,keep in touch, luv Georginax

shazsilverwolf said...

Great pics, you clearly had a fab day. Love the dominoes too. I have to squeeze my Wednesday wander around work too- it's not fair that reality gets in the way of us enjoying ourselves, is it? Have a great Wednesday, Hugs Shaz #96

CraftygasheadZo said...

What a fab day we had! Your flower wreath is stunning, glad I got to see it in the 'flesh'. Thanks too for the medals, your makes with them were totally fab. Glad we got to chat and it was great to meet you. Take care Zo xx 78

JB said...

Great projects Cindy. I love the simplicity of the stary Xmas one. Jane.

Louise B said...

Love the home card. so cute.

Sunshine Girl said...

Like your card - how exciting to go and be photographed with the torch! I still havent scrapped mine and that was way back in July! Oh well. Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl no. 57

sandysewin said...

Oh, I wish I wasn't an ocean away. It must have been so much fun to get together at Julia's.

I'm thinking that 90% of the time we spend creating is taken up with making decisions. This is why it's refreshing to sometimes just put together a kit or follow someone else's directions.

Happy Woyww!

Sandy #23

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It's a good thing I went to Di's post before yours. I got to see two very different versions of the house. WOW. How awesome. Loved the doms, too. Amazing what stampers can do with stamps by just taking a portion of the stamp and applying it. Happy WOYWW from # 2.

Meggymay said...

Fantastic projects Cindy, it sounds like you had a great time.
Yvonne x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I really wished I'd had time to do the domino class but was just too busy.. yours is gorgeous! As is your wreath, I loved seeing that on the day! And your Challenge card is really pretty, like that one very much!
It was fab to meet you on Saturday, thanks for coming :)
Hugs, LLJ 56 xx

May said...

Love that flower wreath Cindy... please do a tutorial!! Glad you had a fabulous time at the crop... I did not link this week as work has taking over my life at the mo!!! Hugs May x x x

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of gorgeous things to show this week! The Christmas card with the kraft is so...inviting and cozy. I have no idea how to stamp on dominos -- will have to look into that. Hope you're having a good week -- sounds as if you're super busy! Happy WOYWW from Laura #153

Anonymous said...

Oh so that's where my choccy medal has got to!! Jo promised me one then emailed me to say she forgot to put it in my parcel lol!!!!! Love your cards and those dominoes are really great. Looks like everyone had a great time.

Brenda 3

trisha too said...

Wow, Cindy, you have been busy!

I really like that sea green card, so very pretty, and unusual for Christmas!

#137 this week

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Cindy
it was lovely to meet you at the weekend, your domino is fab, love the stamp. I didn't dare put the glossy accents on either.
You have been very busy completing all your challenges, I hope to do mine tomorrow... day off for coughing.
janet #47

Jester said...

Such wonderful work. I particularly like the dominoes and the wreath.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy- we were there from Tuesday afternoon till Friday morning. It was on Thursday ( I think) that they were putting the bears out, as we went up the tower on Tuesday night, and they were nowhere to be seen then.Hugs, Shaz #96

Words and Pictures said...

Sounds like the whole day was a blast, and I love your "homework"! Belated happy WOYWW!
Alison x

Hettie said...

Hello Cindy....Monkey and Fergus say Hi and Oo Ooo Oo to your Monkey!
What a fabulous day and it was over sooo soon (pity work days couldn't go that fast). Gorgeous wreath and love your card. Hanging my head in shame as I haven't done my homework! Shh! Don't tell Julia and maybe she will not notice.
Your card is using some of the papers I was using on Saturday. Love those!
Hugs and see you at the next one!

Tamika said...

I am loving all your completed projects the sock monkey and the cards FANTASTIC! I have to do at least 5 holiday cards I just get so jumbled! Tamika #124

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love the cards you made! I am going to try to make my Christmas cards this year!!!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...