Sunday, 11 May 2014

Card Making 101 - #2!! (KISS!)

Another session, another set of cards….. this is what we got up to this week.

I said we would try some blue…. just love those little planes, so cute.


But somehow it went all pink again….


and I have to admit the middle one is a bit flowery and elaborate – but they were already cut out and surplus to another project and the colour seemed to work – waste not want not!!I even used up some peel off stickers. Considering I don’t really like them I have no idea why I have so many.

Net time ‘we’ agreed to try and do male cards. Help!!


Krisha said...

I think that plane is cute too.

Pink or blue you ended up with a great selection of cards.

Have a great day!!

chrissie said...

You have been a busy bee Cindy and all of these are terrific cards.

Love Chrissie x

Chrysalis said...

Hi Cindy - thank you SO MUCH for the lovely birdhouse which arrived today (12/5). It is gorgeous, and will take pride of place on my wall, very shortly. Lots of love and thanks again, Chris x

What's On Your Workdesk ? Wednesday #815

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...