Tuesday, 19 August 2014


Actually I usually call them WIPS (Works in Progress) but UFOs (Un-Finished Objects) is a little funnier. I’ve got a zillion of ‘em. Wanting to do ‘art’ on Sunday (it was cold in the garden) but not having much mojo I tidied my craft room then sat down to tackle a few.

Probably wasn’t the best idea…….

IMG_1400[1]This  tag has been sitting around for months. I had been trying to use up some old vellum stickers over a stencilled background. It looked OK but I didn’t really have a feel for where it was going. The Gorjuss stamps were out for another project so I stamped and coloured one and added some flowers (also old stash I’m trying to use up). Feel a bit blah about this one but at least it’s finished and can go in my ‘giftable tags’ box rather than the bin. (If you ever see anything you like do shout, it’s getting a bit full as you can see. And yes I am that sad). 












This tag just needed a string. It features possibly the most pointless die purchase ever. It’s from Tonic and I really liked it when I saw it at a show, now I can’t decide what to do with it and I’ve ever only used it this once.

Possibly just my lack of imagination.


A third tag for the box. This one was a Timmy Tag variation I think, and also just needed a string. It looked a bit flat so I stuck a word on it as well. And glossed it. Blah.







Really fed up with moving this MM piece about. It started off with an image transfer that didn’t quite come off but was interesting enough to keep. The rose covering up the bits of the transfer that didn’t work is from a set of weird laser cut shapes I have (they smell funny and are very odd paper) which I had coloured, then clear embossed. Butterflies - just some die cuts I had. I added some gilding flakes and a transfer. Still  not happy. Stuck another flower on. Decided to add a word or two – ‘embrace imperfection’ caught my eye and made me laugh. Ironically. Even they wouldn’t stick on in the place where I wanted them to go. Still, done now, no more faffing or I’ll start regretting that second flower.

That’s it for now, but on a mission to clean up more of these UFOs (yep – giggled again)….. more to follow!!


Kay Griffin said...

Love your tags and up for a swap anytime. Love the background on the gorjuss girl one...is the leaf a stamp? Love the BRAK you sent me, similar background :)

Nikki Acton said...

I am definitely a WIP girl too - mine are in a pile - I like your box - might have to do one too! Great tags - you should finish more! Nikki xx

chrissie said...

Well you certainly made a great job of the unfinished projects Cindy. Well done

Love Chrissie d

Allthingsinky said...

Beautiful Tags....

Shoshi said...

Lol Cindy, this post really made me laugh! I love your remarks about your various UFOs... I am embarrassed to admit how many UFOs I've got - I've got a Hebrew Alphabet cross-stitch sampler that's been on the go for at least 20 years... I got it out not long after we moved, only to find where I'd left the needle in it, it has left a rusty mark!!!

I should take a leaf out of your book and really try and finish some stuff. I tend to flit from project to project as the creative flow takes me. My blog header is no liar - I really am a butterfly brained platypus lover lol!!


Shoshi said...

Oh Cindy, thank you for your lovely comment! Also for the cyber hugs which always go down well! You are so kind. No worries about not having visited - eventually one always catches up! Yes, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster just lately, and all I wish for from now on is a bit of peace and quiet, a chance to rest, and then lots of time and energy to spend in my ARTHaven! Also for my hubby to have a proper break and start to enjoy his retirement without running around after Mum and me all the time!

Shoshi x

Sandy said...

Your UFOs are delightful! I especially love the lady on the easel.
Sandy xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...