Wednesday, 22 October 2014

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #281

Wasn't going to link as have been out and about. But hey, I may be a bit late getting round but its good to say 'hi'. Here's the desk:

Went to visit our new TK Max this morning - needed a birthday present for a friend. Nope, no luck, but got myself a paper pad and a ball of twine. No hope is there? Bug is out because I had a die cutting sess with a friend yesterday - great fun!! You might be able to see my current project - there is a chipboard bauble and stocking that I am decorating. Over the back you may be able to see some painted reindeer  - they need glittering up. And I have a new set of speakers as my little 'hi fi' (LOL) stopped playing CDs on Sunday - been driving me mad as I went to see Caro Emerald at the O2 last Friday and have been dying to play her CDs ever since - of course she is playing now!! Had no idea what I was buying but did have the sense to choose one that had a bluetooth link and DS has shown me how to link to the music on my music player - simples!! Who knew it was that easy? (I know, not news to anyone else!).

Oh, why am I telling you this? go here to find out. Must crack on now -  Happy Hump Day!!  


Krisha said...

Gorgeous pad of paper!
Your desk does look happy with it's bits and bobs of stash.

Thanks for the visit this week.
Krisha #61

Chrysalis said...

What a deliciously busy desk - such a fun place to work and play. Enjoy! Have a lovely week, Chris # 3

Lisca said...

Don't you just love a bargain! TKMaxx sometimes have some great craft stuff I remember. That paper pack looks good.
I love Caro Emerald (she is from my country: Holland) but I have never seen her live. Is she as good live as she is on cd?
Thank you for letting me have a peep of your workspace.
Have a good week

jill said...

Great paper pad you got yourself. Where would we be without our children showing us how these new things work. Happy woyww Jill #29

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, thats a great looking paper pad, but I have sworn to buy no more, I have loads that I will never get to the end of if I live to be 200, lol. I often find with shopping for gifts I come home with more for me than the ones I went out for, so you are not alone.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #28 xx

Whimcees said...


Lots going on at your workdesk - it is very colorful and fun! Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

lisa said...

Love your paper pad, that's much more exciting shopping than present buying any day.
Glad you got your music sorted out, there's nothing worse than silence is there when you are dying to listen to something great.
Have fun
Hugs Lisax #37

Helen said...

Err... you lost me at link... great desk; glad you decided to link up (this kind of link I get!) Helen 4

Anonymous said...

Your workspace is really nice and you found some nice goodies while shopping.
Thanks for visiting!
Gabriele 33

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. We went to TK Maxx today. A rare trip for me, but we have a new store in our nearest town now, so I can go and poke around more often. Got myself a diary for next year, some bargain paw wipes for the dogs (half price compared to the local pet shop) and also a fab scrapbooking kit. I did manage to keep away from the paper pads. Got far too many of them left in my stash and determined not to buy any more. Ali x #78

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Wish I hadn't seen the paper pad, not been to TKMax for ages might just have to go Lol!
Have a great week and happy crafting, Angela x 41

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Deer Cindy, My wittle sister's name is Cindy. I bet yer not as annoying as she is! I wik all the fings on your desk to play wif. Why for is a bottle wif a stick sticking out of it? Dat bottle shoud have a cap on it. My mom wood say so. I wik die cuts. Our cuttles bug got busted. Now we haz big Shots! Love Dio. #79

VonnyK said...

I have the same problem when I shop for gifts. I always end up buying something I want and not getting anything for the other person. Love the papers you got. Those christmassy goodies will be lovely when finished.
Have a great week,
Von #13

sandra de said...

Lovely collection of goodies on your desk. Nothing wrong with a little gift to your self every now and then :)
Sandra de @16

Glenda said...

Nothing like a new pad of paper to make you a happy girl! Have a great rest of the week!
Glenda #46

Nannie4 said...

Thanks for your visit yesterday. I hope you had time for the coffee. ;) Good looking paper. I must admit that I've had a few (several) shopping trips like that. {smile} The HH just shakes his head and rolls his eyes when that happens. Have a crafty week. Nann 53

RosA said...

Your desk looks strangely like mine with much the same (essential) stuff on it :) So, I think it looks like a very interesting desk :)
Thanks for dropping by too!
Have a good week.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...