Sunday, 17 May 2015

Here we go…

I had a most fantastic day yesterday, meeting up with the lovely WOYWW crowd courtesy of incredible organisation by Jan and Julia (though I have to say I did have to keep chasing up the tea). A good drive home then a quick change and off to a family 50th which was a really great night with even more chatting, laughing and even dancing – I should be exhausted but I have woken up pleasantly energised and full of plans.

First off I’d thought I’d prove I could still do a blog post that wasn’t on a Wednesday.


Unfortunately, this is a picture of my desk and the wonderful swaps I received from woywwers yesterday. So I haven’t really branched out much! Still, it’s a start.

Right, going to step away from the computer, get on with some crafting and then get out in the garden. It looks set to be a lovely day!


sally said...

Looks like some real fun atcs lying thee!


Helen said...

It was lovely to see you again yesterday, and weren't everyone's atc's gorgeous!! Roll on 2016... well done for this very unusual non Wednesday post!

chrissie said...

Terrific swaps Cindy and great that you met others from the blog

Love Chrissie x

Glennis F said...

A great variety there - sounds like you had a great time

CraftygasheadZo said...

Fab to see you, don't think you had one of my ATC's we'll sort that out soon. Fab to see you! TC Zo xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...