Wednesday, 13 May 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #

Morning Deskers!! Well you would be forgiven for thinking that this blog is all about WOYWW for that is all I have posted lately! Anyhoo, here’s my desk this week:


Alas, still not much to show. I did a bit of stamping and colouring to make that flowery card. I have a pile of stamps to put away. Made that little bag quickly last night for a friends birthday gift – late as usual but mainly because we have not been able to get together not, for once, because I had forgotten. A couple of wedding cards to take with me to my nail lady and a stray topper that appeared from nowhere. Oh and, grins happily, a pile of ATCs!! YAY!!I’m ready for the crop apart from something to do – think it may have to be flowers.

Not much crafting to report but have had a busy week – most exciting thing, went to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition at the V&A on Monday with DD. Ridiculous, bizarre, beautiful – BRILLIANT!!  Still thinking about it.

So, why am I showing you this (rather poor) piccie of my desk? go here to find out. And, dear deskers, will try and get around as many as possible in my rather limited time today as I am out with a friend later and then have a cardmaking 101 session with another friend this evening. Well at least I’ll get to be in my craft room even if it is doubtful I get anything done!!


Glenda said...

Thanks for the visit and I love your space. Great gift bag and that table is one that I would love to have in my space! I just keep muddling along with what I have.
Glenda #39

Jan said...

Great WOYWW thanks for sharing xx Jan (54)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, I'm the same, all my recent blog posts have been for WOYWW! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #21 xx

AnyOldCraft said...

I don't care how much or how little someone crafts I just love the chance to be nosey LOL Lovely little bag for your friend.
I think hand made from the heart beats shop bought any day of the week :) #31

Carol Rigby said...

It's great to see your desk. Looks like you've been creating some nice projects. Happy WOYWW!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

There may not be a lot but what there is looks good to me. I believe that Powertex and Paverpol are similar.
Thanks for the visit to mine. Happy crafty woyww, Angela x 34

PaperOcotilloStudio said...

I love to make little gift bags like that too. I think it makes the gift just a tad bit better. Have fun at the crop! Thanks for sharing :) Shel @ PaperOcotilloStudio

Sue Jones said...

Enjoy your evening - Not done as much stuff as I would like recently either . Soojay 18#

CraftygasheadZo said...

Look forward to seeing you Saturday, love your desk pic, few things going on that I can't wait to see. Take care Zo xx 51

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oooh, I'm envious that you've seen the Alexander McQueen expo...he was a mad genius, that's for sure!
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday :-)
Hugs, LLJ 18 xxx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I like that you have a random stray card topper. I like to hear that that stuff doesn't just happen to me. I like you space, you have room to spread out and have at it. You've made some nice things here. Judy #59

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, Looks like your are busy with your projects.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #41

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a brilliant productive desk! Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday! Chrisx55

Helen said...

Desk looks great today Cindy! Been interrupted looking at it though by some stupid phone call about housing needs... wouldn't take no for an answer... See you Saturday. Helen 4

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I understand you will be at the crop on Saturday. Please get one of my ATCs. I'll be there in spirit, if not in person.

I so enjoyed the view from your desk. I wish I had a small space where I could sit on occasion.

Never heard of Alexander McQueen, so must be a British entertainer. Happy WOYWW before the crop from #9.

lisa said...

You look very ordered there. Love the cards and bags you've been making.
Have fun at the crop.
Hugs Lisax #25

Eliza said...

Hi Cindy,

Your desk has had some activity and some amazing cards still on it, love that gift bag too. It's nice to snoop in on others spaces to see what they have been achieving, same here only seem to post on Wednesdays when not working, although I am late this week visiting.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 67

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...