Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What’s On Your Wokdesk? Wednesday, #350

Good Day deskers! Late to my desk today, been busy being a domestic goddess this morning.


  Well, points of interest. Buckets at the back going to become flower popped buckets for Mother’s Day. Some very old stamps – I was searching for a stylised rose stamp. Nope, don’t have one would you believe it? Been making cards using some new card blanks from Whichcraft – recessed tent cards with frames. They are so easy peasy and really pretty. And they fold flat, if a little thick so probably a large stamp.

Here’sa couple I made earlier.


The little cardboard box in danger of falling off the table topish left is one of my WIP boxes. Mmmm. Best not go there.

Bottom right, lush papers from Craftwork Cards.

Craft Fair on Saturday, so busy doing Mother’s Day bits for that, but hope to get round a few of you today.

Why? Go here to find out!!

Happy Hopping!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Waxing Lyrical…..(and waning rapidly…)

Yes, I am going to witter on a bit today. First, thank you for your lovely comments in response to my  rather throwaway post about stopping blogging yesterday – see, you have inspired me!! IMG_1980_thumb14

I had a lovely day Sunday, pottering about at home and spent quite a while in my craft room. Last night, quite late cos I’m a bit of a night owl, waiting for the kettle to boil to fill my hot water bottle (I do like to be snug in bed), my eye fell on a few pieces of paperwork that hadn’t been dealt with and which, it occurred to me, were now in dire need of attention. So I thought I’d write myself a note as a timely reminder. By the time the water was hot, I had written myself this missive. (I particularly like the way it started out all orderly. The additions over to the right indicate varying degrees of urgency along the lines of doesn’t have to be done tomorrow but how come I keep forgetting to do them mustn’t let another week slip by). By the time I got to bed I had thought of at least another 4 things that should be on the list. Heaven help me, how depressing is it to wake up to such a lot of things to get done. (How did I ever find time to work?)


So there goes my plan for another day of pottering. Or maybe not. I can already cross one thing off my list as I added the photos to this little squash book I made last night first thing this morning. I had to do it quickly because I have been asked to run a scrapping make and take and the deadline for advertising is tomorrow. Thought this might be a relatively easy project. If anyone is even remotely interested.

(If you cut it, they will come).

But I am now ready to go so I have done my bit and the delivery is much less fraught than thinking what to do.  Feeling pretty chuffed and fired up – quite a good way to start my Monday I feel.




Right off to have a cuppa, breakfast, shower and get dressed.

What? Yes, I am at the pc in my PJs. It’s only 9.30 for goodness sake, how much do you expect me to get done in a day?

(Addendum: Well actually it’s 10.45 now. Decided today was the day to sort out why Livewriter wasn’t working. Took me an hour that would probably have  been more usefully aimed at sorting out some of the paperwork on that list and now I’m not sure the new version is as easy to use as the old one. Still, I’m up and running, but still in PJs!!)

Sunday, 14 February 2016

To Blog or not to blog........

Oh gosh, I have really not been very active lately have I? Even wondering if I should stop blogging altogether.... I'm not sure if it's all part and parcel of this 'retirement' mentality and lack of routine (haven't quite made up my mind yet but my pension companies seem quite insistent that I have retired and who am I to argue?). Really haven't got in the groove lately but think I have not been quite in the right place, mentally or physically since Christmas. But am slowly feeling better, and January/Feb is always a bleak time for me, I need the sun, and the light to fuction and am looking forward to the rapid approach of Spring.

So, its February already and I'm feeling the need to dust off the cobwebs and get things back on track. Will it last? I hope so!! But to get us started here's a pic of a little wreath I made just because I wanted to. I had lots more pressing things to do this week but this is what I felt like doing.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

And some pictures from my garden (yes, I have even ventured outdoors just for the pleasure of it ................)

Bring on Springtime!

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...