Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What’s On Your Wokdesk? Wednesday, #350

Good Day deskers! Late to my desk today, been busy being a domestic goddess this morning.


  Well, points of interest. Buckets at the back going to become flower popped buckets for Mother’s Day. Some very old stamps – I was searching for a stylised rose stamp. Nope, don’t have one would you believe it? Been making cards using some new card blanks from Whichcraft – recessed tent cards with frames. They are so easy peasy and really pretty. And they fold flat, if a little thick so probably a large stamp.

Here’sa couple I made earlier.


The little cardboard box in danger of falling off the table topish left is one of my WIP boxes. Mmmm. Best not go there.

Bottom right, lush papers from Craftwork Cards.

Craft Fair on Saturday, so busy doing Mother’s Day bits for that, but hope to get round a few of you today.

Why? Go here to find out!!

Happy Hopping!


Lisca said...

I love those cards. The frame is beautiful too. Well done you.
Nice busy desk. It means things are getting done. No rose stamp? Never mind, there are so many other flowers.
I refer to this master chart often. If you can’t find an ingredient listed below, go there!

Thanks for your visit.
Happy WOYWW and have a good week,

ToadilyDiane said...

great cards! super idea for using the flower pots to go with Mothers day. I always plan to start early and then it's usually rushing the day before! Have a great day!!!

Diane (WOYWW 350 #43)

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I started to comment but then I think I got distracted by a shiny thing... you know how it goes. Those cards are really nifty looking. That box about to fall off the edge makes me nervous! PJ #55

Sharon said...

Beautiful cards! Can't believe it will be Mother's Day soon. I end up having to do two of them - the one in March (UK) and the one in May (US). I better get crafting!

Doesn't that always seem to happen? The one thing you need apparently you don't have, or you can't find. Or is that just me?

Have a great week
Sharon K #42

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, love those tent fold aperture cards. What a great idea.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #6 xxx

Helen said...

gorgeous cards, Cindy! your desk looks so productive - hope the craft fair goes well. Sorry you won't make Ally Pally in April - hope you get your crafty fix somewhere soon! Thanks for stopping by, your comment made me chuckle! Helen #1

Catie Cuddles said...

A lovely desk full of fun goodies to play with. Love the cards too.
Thanks for sharing.
Catherine 28

Pen Sunshinepen said...

Hi nice to meet you. I love craftwork cards items. Cards look great

Pen #23

SusanLotus said...

Lovely cards Cindy!
And thank you for your visit on my page too. :)

I wish you a very nice week.

chrissie said...

Wonderful projects..great to see you crafting

Love Chrissie xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Gosh, I do love your work Cindy, it's sooooo pretty! I reckon you'll do brilliantly at the craft fair. Good luck :-)
And I'm impressed with your domestic goddess duties....I reckon I'm a domestic slattern!! Lol
Hugs, LLJ 9 xxx

Anne said...

Your cards are gorgeous Cindy. Anne x #17

Nikki said...

Stunning cards May you sell out at the fair :) hugs Nikki 3

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...