Wednesday, 29 April 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 569

It has to be said - It's Wednesday AGAIN?

Morning all, hope you are all well and surviving safe at home. Looks to be a reasonable day here in London, cloudy but bright at the mo. We are all doing fine, not in much of a routine just taking each day as it comes.

Here is my desk this week, ever so slightly staged.

I have decided I really must crack on with those WIP boxes this week. I feel like I'm producing loads but not making much of a dent in it. Big box to right is WIP box no 1. Basket to left and cards on table the fruits of my labour. There are more, they have gone away already. Front right, happy mail and my reward. Yes I cracked and bought a couple of things....

I still have at least 3 more WIP boxes. By the end of today I may have to do some judicious re-arrangement so I can say I have finished the first one. I may be only fooling myself but it will help my motivation. I seriously thought I could whip this into shape in a couple of weeks. Talk about underestimating the size of the problem!!

And I've still got wedding invites to finish.....

Why am I telling you this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

That's all from me, stay home, stay safe, stay well. Happy desking!! 

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

What's On Your Workdesk - Wednesday #568

Oh crikey it's Wednesday again? Even under lockdown I can't seem to stem the furious pace of time. Apologies to those of you suffering loneliness and general fed upedness in the face of this long period of isolation - I know its really tough. But somehow the days are not dragging for me and, whilst I have no particular desire to knock myself out trying to complete it, the 'to do' list is growing rather then shrinking. My personal experience of this situation aside, I do hope you are well, safe and happy - if not, do reach out, I can be a sympathetic ear even if I can't offer much in the way  of practical help.
So, to the desk.

I am going to do a super quick video for my craft group about glue gun texture. You can see my prep
pieces on my desk as it's my next task for today. It's a bit of a bodge job as I am using watercolour to add colour because it's still on my desk and I can't find my black paint so I'm having to improvise with some not-really-black metallic paint. The card in the centre is my finished sample so it kinda turned out OK. You will  note that whilst I have a large desk, I am in fact working in a six inch square. Some things never change.

Now, a quick shout out to some of my more nerdy visitors. I have an old iphone, 6s I believe. It takes OK videos. BUT, when I upload to FB or Insta it turns my landscape recording into a portrait upload. Now this is not the end of the world and there are plenty of videos out there that are the same. I have tried all sorts of things to remedy this including a couple of apps but that's not really the problem and I have taken to recording portrait style. But it's a niggle because I don't understand why. It would actually be a relief to be told - oh you can't sort that with that old phone because then I would know I haven't missed something blindingly obvious. So, any thoughts?

Meanwhile I am spending a lot of time in the garden which is coming along nicely. When I say spending time in the garden I do of course mean sitting in a chair reading. Occasionally when I'm sitting I write out lists of plants and bulbs to order. Someone has to see the bigger picture. Once a day I might adopt a Gertrude Jekyll type stance with watering can and floppy hat and tour the space with my full time gardener tagging along behind so I can dish out instructions. Works for me.

So that's me for another week. Stay home, stay safe, stay well.

Happy WOYWW!!

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

What's On Your Workdesk - Wednesday #567

Morning  - can't believe it is Wednesday again!!

Hope everyone had a good socially distant Easter - we spent our time in the garden and doing two family quizzes. Given our collective age we are doing quite well overall with the technological challenges we need to master to keep in touch. Individual results are however more questionable.

I spent most of Tuesday attempting to make a quick video for my crafting ladies as our craft classes are postponed indefinitely like everything else. I am trying to do one each week to keep in touch but once again, the technical challenges are a bit daunting. Today I have also been contacted about doing some for our local library service as they are setting up a Youtube channel. I said yes, but  beginning to have cold feet......

This week's project was using watercolour so here is a picture of my desk and some of the  cards I made. I am totally in love with these splodgy watercolor birds, courtesy of a video I saw by Amber K. Creative on her channel. I have an impressive array of watercolour pans - there is another set of 'repeats' and unopened ones. I have no idea why I have so many. I'm not gonna run out any time soon that's for sure. Less impressive is the fact that about 50% of the opened ones weren't in the correct pots so I have had to guess what the colours are. First world problems I guess.

Here is a close up of one of the finished cards. I shall be posting this one as my #CHEERS post later today.

Why am I telling you this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

That's all from me, stay home, stay safe, stay well. Happy desking!! 

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

What's On Your Workdesk - Wednesday #566

First - I truly hope you and yours are all well, safe at home and have everything you need. For those on their own this must be so tough - I'm trying to touch base regularly with those I know in that position but hey, I'm never far from the pc, FB or my phone. Let me know if you need to be on my list.
Second - I miss hugs. I'm a hugger. I like being hugged. I still hug my hubby and son who are here with me 'in lockdown' but we have cut down. Just in case. But I really miss hugging.
Third - . what gives with the passage of time? I don't know if it's because I've essentially been practising for this for the last two years but I don't seem to have any more time than before even though I don't leave the house. The only thing that has changed is that maybe I'm only a week behind rather than 2, and Wednesdays are careering round just as fast as ever!! Or is it just me?

OK, let's get down to business. No time for a staged desk, it's a train crash. But a lovely last minute easter card kinda train crash. Bunnies everywhere. So that's what I'm doing today, I have already sent a load out (I had a lot in stock - no craft fairs this year!!) but time for a couple more today.

The little card on the right is for my daughter-in-law to be who is a GP based nursing assistant working in the community and care homes helping out with all the stuff that is still going on. So proud of her and everyone else doing their bit, and I know both the young lovers are missing each other desperately. I put the image on because it really reminded me of her but it is from a free digi set by 'tiddlyinks' - could be useful for anyone doing any 'thank you' cards for nhs staff.

So, must dash, it's nearly 12 already and now the sun is trying to tempt me into the garden!!

Why am I telling you this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Stay home, stay safe, stay well. Happy desking!! 

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Try It On Tuesday Challenge - Beauty of Nature

I have been attempting to do some videos on my craft club pages - The Kraft Project - as much for my own amusement as anything else. The technical challenges are interesting for a technophobe like me. Started this little project as a live video and finished it last night. Going to link it with the current Try It On Tuesday challenge.

Have a nice day!!

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #565

Wednesday again. Not even sure the weeks are flying any more, just trudging on!! Still it's time to show our desks for the weekly wander that is WOYWW so here is mine:

At the back we have a few tiles and alcohol ink kit - want to have another go at that soon. The flying birds are remnants from a class - I don't know why I ended up with so many so I thought I would make them into bookmarks. The box is next on my list. It is full of bits I have had for over 10 years so it is time for it to be used or re-filed in the bin. Out of shot is the first of my WIP boxes that I have been working to empty - only 1 thing left in that, hopefully I'll get to that today. There are however about 4 more. Plus Christmas. Plus endless unstarted projects. I guess with all this time I'll find out how much I really want to do them!!

Not so much gardening this week as it has been a tad colder (I don't do cold) but today looks a little more promising. It really is looking lovely. I've also done a video this week for my business page (the camera set up is hilarious) and might attempt a FB 'live' this afternoon. I have to say we took part in a FB live pub quiz last night with our local church and it did not go well - tad exhausting as we were also trying to work with our usual team via whatsapp. Might have to look at zoom for next time. We did not do well.

So far we are all happy and healthy, but every little sniff or cough has us anxiously grabbing the anti-bac. And as I cough all the time that's quite often!! Hope everyone is keeping safe and well and thank you all those who are still working in any capacity, but especially of course our wonderful NHS.

Why not join in and let us know what you are up to this week? Join in at The Stamping Ground and take a wander - we aren't going anywhere. 

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...