Wednesday, 30 August 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #743

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

And another one bites the dust...... Crikey it's nearly September and I haven't had my summer yet.

Here's  the desk, a little bit staged as I've just finished a project and tidied. I thought that today if I get time I would go back and re-visit the remainder of those 'cluster' pieces - I only showed you the tip of the ice-berg last week!!

I've also pulled out a few 'sentiments' to use up (there's a million of those as well. The pile of 6x6 squares to the right is cut up 12x12 papers to use to cut bases out of as I'll never use them as they are. 

The 'Fairy Door' card project for my class last Friday went down well so as I only had a few of the cards left I decided to try and use them all up. It's taken me a while but I've finished. Well, I had all the bits n bobs out and it seemed pointless putting the cards away as they would just sit there for another 5 years. 

Had quite a bit of family time (for that read 'Lionel time') this last week. He is really getting mobile and can creep around in almost every direction except forwards (!) and is getting very good at sitting up on his own. Not a baby anymore!! But I have to admit the constant wriggle stage was getting difficult to manage - he's heavy, very strong and I am, well, getting old!  He is a lot happier being on the floor now as he can do so much more, doesn't have to just lay there like an upturned turtle. Heaven knows how we will manage on holiday if he gets any better at moving around!! At least there will be 5 adults to keep an eye on him and wear him out. 

So that's all from me, I have a quiet week planned next week so looking forward to some crafting but you know how that goes.....

Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindyxx

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #742

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well another week flies past in a blur. Sorry I didn't  get around to everyone last week, life happened.

The desk has, surprisingly,  seen quite a bit of action. I had a friend over to make cards on Thursday, and she is in the habit of leaving her stuff at my house. 

Well I told her on her last visit I don't really have the room any more and handed her said 'stuff' - long story short she returned on this occasion with a pile of flower cut outs she said 'weren't hers' so she had brought them back. I had gifted them to her but now she would rather not have them than find room for them in her own house. Sigh. So I got a bit distracted when she'd gone and decided I would use them to make 'clusters' rather than find them a home. It would also mean they would no longer be available for use when she visits. Petty? 


I also realised I had 3 important birthday cards to make so tried out a new design for them using diagonals but in the end I went for something different using circles - they all turned out similar but different. I think I will make a few more of both sorts!! 

Then I really had to start prepping for my class this Friday. I have these old card 'Fairy door' blanks from Craftwork Cards and have had this idea in my head for a while. I decided to run with it this month as it requires virtually no prep and it will be a small class. 

Rather pleased with this one which is currently on my desk being fine tuned although I may have overdone the stamping on the wreath. Less is definitely sometimes more! 

At one point my desk was the polar opposite of last week's photo but I decided to spare you that. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #741

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well I know it's a constant refrain but that week went quickly!! Here's my desk as of Tuesday afternoon.

Not exactly a hive of activity, but reflects the fact that I now have my new (refurbished) pc set up, complete with a neat monitor stand that allows me to lose the keyboard, have a place for my charging phone and have a clearish desk to work at.  It's all coming together. Ready now to make some mess!!

I did manage some creativity this week, here's a birthday card for a friend (check it out Kelly!!) and some atcs for a swap. 

Off to see little Lionel this afternoon so if I don't get to you by lunchtime it may be later in the week. Here's a photo from my last visit. He's starting to lose his little 'mohican'. Growing up way too fast.

Have a lovely creative week,

Love n hugs,


Wednesday, 9 August 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 740

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Wednesday again. and here we are well in to August and what a damp old week it has been!! Have spent a bit of time at my desk and even had a neighbour come over to make a wedding card - there is just about room in my new 'studio' to fit a guest as long as you don't need to unearth anything from the depths of the storage sytem!! Anyhoo here's my desk this week. 

Glorious isn't it? This is what happens when I am trying to find something. I was looking for vintagey collage scraps to make one of the Fodder Challenge Projects and realised my collection was a bit muddled. So I had to stop and tidy it. The detritus on the desk (other than the project) is the stuff that now needs a different home so I have a chance of finding it again. Getting there, but 20 years or so on since I started this collection it's hard to hold it all in my head. Of course not only was I younger 20 years ago, but there was a lot less of it!! Still loving my uppy-downy desk, makes it so much easier on my back and I'm not sitting all the time. 

Here's the finished project, they have 'floating' sentiments embossed on acetate. I felt very out of practice doing this type of collage but happy with a couple of them - I did nail the acetate bit even though you may be unable to actually see that!!

A quiet morning for me here then a trip over to see little Lionel this afternoon (It's been nearly a week!!) who has apparently mastered the art of rolling back to front on purpose. (He has done it a  few times by accident!!) Five months old today - hardly seems possible!  Yes, I'll give him a squish for you Jan. 

Have a lovely creative week,

Love n hugs,


Wednesday, 2 August 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday#739

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our 
weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well I'm pleased to say there is actually creative work on my desk. I belatedly signed up for the Fodder Challenge at the w/e and decided to give myself permission to play this week. I have enjoyed every minute so far despite the house deteriorating slowly around me and the rising piles of laundry.

It has been a great antidote to the dreadful weather on Sunday and Monday (and probably today). Maybe August will perk up a bit.  

Have used quite a  bit of watercolour in these challenges which is not a go to medium for me (although if you saw how much I had you wonder why) so that has been an interesting learning curve for me.

Here's a pic of the five challenges I have managed since Sunday.  I hope to  get 2 more done today and then I will really be running out of time but I will make sure I watch all the videos before they disappear. I hope to do at least 9 of the 12 challenges. However I am being selective, and doing them in the order that appeals most to me. 

The book is an old art journal of my son's and I have a project in mind for that. It had a couple of drawings on the first page - I didn't want to cut the pages out so did this instead. Love that sentiment.

On that note will wish you a happy WOYWW and a very creative week. 
Love n hugs 

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...