Wednesday, 27 March 2024

What's n Your Work Desk? Wednesday # 773


Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Morning all! Wow it's been a busy week! Make that month. We have had so many family get togethers for birthdays I am nixing Easter this year. (ie you can invite me but I'm not inviting you). My son was actually 30 this week, which I am still kind of reeling from. How DID that happen? But here's my desk.

Yesterday I managed to fit in brunch, Craft Club and about 4 hours babysitting so planning a much quieter day today although I am popping out for a haircut. (see photo below!!) I have only just unpacked my bag from Craft Club on to my desk and we actually did a joint 'project' this week, ie we made some inky backgrounds. I managed to make mine into some cards with this lovely new NBU stamp (well I like it, not sure who I could send it to), just need to add some sentiments etc. So my challenge this week is to use up the rest of those bgs which shouldn't be too onerous. As you can see I am drinking hot water with lemon as I have suddenly gone right off tea and I can't drink coffee all day.

This is my other desk and the pots you can see contain my 'can't be bothered to put those away right now' bits which seem to grow at an exponential rate. I'm actually pretty sure there is a another box but can't see it right now. Anyhow, if  these get put away today that will be a result. 

I've still got that other Christmas project on my desk..... maybe this week....

And just because I can here's my little splodge.

Have a great week, 

Love n hugs

Cindy xx

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #772

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

So here's the desk.

Essentially this is the result of my Tuesday afternoon at Craft Club.  Again,  no prizewinners here but more 'bits' used up. The rule is, I take a load of unfinished bits with me, make them into a card or bin it. I don't take much else with me except for a few inks and some glue. If I need to add a bit of bling I finish them off as soon as I get home. The idea is to stop random things wandering round my craft room for years and I do mean years. Some times it is as simple as actually gluing a piece of paper to a card base. The one with the roses does need a little bit more work, it was a card base that had been scored to make a kind of box card so I  have made a little pull out album for inside. Might use it for my sister with some photos. Or not. 

I may have mentioned before that I am still behind on my projects from a crafty w/e back in October. I have tried really hard to get these done this week.

First, I finished this little chap. This is really not my kind of project, requiring patience and a steady painting hand to stop it looking like a 2 yr old did it. 

It got dangerously nr the bin on several occasions but finally good enough to go on the tree this year.

I was a very slow starter on this house project which was given to us on the first day, essentially an mdf kit, very little explanation and just go for it design wise. I have made these before but in this situation I was once again not in my comfort zone. 

Demo a technique step by step and I will slavishly follow it, experiment and make it my own. 

Ask me to decide how to decorate an mdf house within a time frame without a week to think about it and scroll endlessly through pinterest getting sidetracked by other projects and healthy low carb meal options? ...... 

I mean, what if I make a bad choice? 

This is so me, give me options and paralysis sets in. It's finished now, but not the best. (Painting again).

This is how the third project home from the event came home. Not, IMO anyway, finished. I couldn't do it.

Because this one is weird. 

Look at it for a moment - it's essentially a window in a wall, looking outside. Or is it?

What really threw me was the plants climbing up the wall. I could not get my head round it, 

How could it be outside on both sides of the wall?

I have a tendency to overthink.

(I had a similar moment when we were given acetate with 'snow' on to put inside the windows of the house (above)).

Eventually I decided it was the wall of a ruin, so both sides were outside. No roof.  


Anyhow this is how I finished it at home.

Aside from sewing some snowflakes buttons onto a bag (the fact I hate sewing explains that particular procrastination) I have one more big project to finish from that weekend (there were a lot of projects) though I'm hoping I might get that done today - all the component bits have been prepped. 

Good job as we are off again in April. 

This time I will remember I have to take my creativity with me. 

Right, enough waffle, time to crack on. 

Have a good week,

love n hugs Cindyxx

Wednesday, 13 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #771

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Here's my desk Tuesday pm after Craft Club.

This is the first week I actually managed not to forget anything essential and I actually managed 6 cards despite being distracted by another huge haul of unwanted craft goodies to rummage through. The cards won't win any prizes but they all used up stuff that's been about for yonks so a win as far as I am concerned. 

The pile on the right is what I picked up for a just a few pounds - this is me being restrained. Everyone was intrigued by the two clarity stamps which I have discovered are called 'backdrops'. Sarah Brennan, when I googled to find out how  to use them your name came up so I shall expect some guidance!! I'm guessing they are to make splodgy bgs and take prints bit like a gelli plate.  I'm not sure about the 3 houses either but do like a challenge.  Tomorrow I will be back on Christmas as I have rather let my schedule slide being away for 3 weeks.

Apologies - there are Lionel photos to come - you can always scroll by.  

Indulge me lol.

Guess who added the party hats?

Lionel was 1 on Saturday and my daughter threw an amazing party. As usual Lionel was a little star, he arrived at 3 (after we had been slogging our guts out getting everything ready) and was still dancing in his PJs at 10 pm. Party Animal indeed. He doesn't look smiley in all the photos but he was a happy bunny all day, not a single grump or grizzle. It was also a great day for getting all the families together.   

With Nonna

He got a LOT of cards

Mum and Dad

With one of the many aunties

Little sweetheart. 

He looks so diddy!!

Time for cake!!
So that's all for me and blogger has gone all weird so goodness only knows what this will end up looking like. 

Have a great week,
Love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

What@s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #770


Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

You may have noticed I have been AWOL again. Three glorious weeks in the canaries - we managed to miss the worst of the cold and wet here in the UK for which I am very grateful. Managed to totally switch off and feel much better for it. I have found it a little difficult to get back in my groove since getting home last week and there has been very little crafting done but a lot of tidying, rationalising and cleaning. I've said it before, that's a hobby all in itself. So here's the desk (it's not as bad as it looks).

I need to get my act together though as the next 3 weeks includes over half of my family birthdays for the year, including this little chap who will turn 1 this Saturday. 
Can you believe it?

Well that's it from me. I need to make a card for Lionel today as I won't  have time as the rest of the week is committed so that  is what I plan to do in between catching up with all you lovely folks. 
Just gotta put all those boxes away first .........

Have a great week, love n hugs

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...