Wednesday, 19 June 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 785

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for that lovely lady - Sarah's Craft Shed - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

sorry I was awol last week but I was away with my sisters. Much fun was had, but my desk is in a much neglected state so here are a few photos from that last card class. My ladies  fell in love with the Bokeh idea and did themselves proud. 

Unfortunately I can't seem to upload any new photos right now so I shall have to post without and see if I can edit later as I think this may take some time to resolve. (My computer appears to be saving my images with a .jfif extension, I am just pushing the same buttons I usually do. The server is rejecting them. Any ideas?)

I also can't seem to capitalise the first letter of the second paragraph....

Have a great week from me, sitting here, refusing to let this stress me out.....



Mary Anne said...

.JFIF is a really old version of a .JPG file. I suspect maybe somewhere you inadvertently changed a preference maybe? From .JPG to .JFIF? Maybe a SAVE AS preference? You can actually maybe open the image then do a SAVE AS and change it to .JPG - it might work, it might warn you it isn't a good idea but so long as you have the image elsewhere I'd try it and see. Def. works on a Mac, not sure about windows...
Good luck!
Happy Desk Hopping (and for me, knitting)!
Mary Anne (3)

Neet said...

Thank goodness for computer wizards like Mary Anne (above) and, in my case, DD. I'd be like you sat there helpless. When I uploaded a scan I wanted to darken it but I hit buttons everywhere and succeeded in putting a text box in (big red letters TEXT). Try as I may I could not get it to disappear and it was the only scan, the card having gone off. DD was called but could do nothing. A few minutes after he left he came back, he had asked the question somewhere and apparently it could not be removed. Impossible!! Luckily I had uploaded to FB so was able to recopy and re upload. Phew!
Hope you get to solve your problem, sorry I can be of no assistance.
Glad you had a good week with family.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

I've had awful trouble getting my photos to download suddenly. I hope you can get it solved. Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6

Diana Taylor said...

Oh goodness, I do hope you get things sorted out soon - I hate it when computers have a mind of their own and won't listen to the human! So glad you had a fun time with your family.
Have a good week,
Diana xx #15

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

There are times I hate computers they are so frustrating and it doesn't help when things change it doesn't do alot for the words that come out of my mouth Lol! Hope you get sortyed soon. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x14x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yah book sucks to photos that won’t load! Tech is brilliant when it works and a pain when it doesn’t!! Fingers crossed that you’ll get it sorted by next week if only to see more lovely pics of Lionel!
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

Crafting With Jack said...

When you save your images you should have the option to “Save As”, if you choose that option it should give you a choice of formats. What programme do you use to save your images? Let me know and I will see if I can help further. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Sarah Brennan said...

Good to see you - photos or not Cindy. Sorry I can't help with the technology. Hope you had fun with your sisters. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

Helen said...

Sorry I am late visiting, glad you had a good time last week with your sisters, hope next week you can get some photos uploaded! good old blogger..... Helen 1

Spyder said...

Check that you haven't 'saved' your pictures in something blogger hates, check that they are saved as JPeg...blogger has gone back to using that cloud thing again where it says to 'drag' pictures, to upload them, so I can't see what I've chosed until it's on the blog page but at least I don't have to save it to photos and can still upload them from my 'normal' place on my laptop... When I add things to my pictures on Paintnet, blogger won't shave Happy Late WOYWW?! ((Lyn))#18

Susan Renshaw said...

Happy WOYWW! Susan #5

What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...