Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Round Robin - A page for Sherry - The Seamstress

Boy these pages are HARD!! Never sure whether to stick close to the recipients style or go off at a tangent.... The theme for Sherry's page is vintage dressmaking - biggest problem for me was I don't really have any vintage sewing 'stuff' apart from the obvious, none of which is really vintage (although it should be, can't remember the last time I did any sewing).

However, I did sort of hav an idea that I could do a page that buttonned up and could be opened - mmm. yes,...well.. well probably someone more skilful than I COULD do that. I gave up (mainly because I really don't know how to do buttonholes) and did the same kind of idea but everythig is stuck down one way or another.

Sherry had placed no restrictions on colour but vintage somehow suggests neutral tones and I happenned to have some bits of material (tie backs bought for 25p!!) that I made the opening 'bodice ' or whatever with. The images were all from a selection on the flickr pool plus buttons and some pretty pearlheaded pins. That's pretty much it. I played around with the main image with gesso and acrylic gel - it's gone sort of 'bitty' wished I'd stuck with my PVA technique for this one, she looks a bit washed out when close to. Well in the end it finished up sort of like I had in my minds eye - hope Sherry likes it though as it's a bit bulky.


PBird said...

I really like it Cindy, definately a bit different and a twist on the theme. Im sure she'll love it xxx


well this is absolutely beautiful Cindy. Looooove the idea of the bodice opening.
Oh and reeeeally love the Slide mailers with the clay dolls, fandabbydozie.

Sorry havn't been around much

Sherry said...

Wow Cindy - I love it - what a clever idea, looks great and I can't wait to get it! xx

Trudy said...

knew she would love it......its fantastic

What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...