Monday, 24 August 2009

A busy weekend.........

It was my daughter's 18th birthday this weekend so very busy (also a little traumatic but the less said about that the better. Where do the years go?

Here is the card I made for her - well, I didn't think she'd want vintage so had to go cutish....

She also had beautiful hand made cards from her nan, aunt and even two cousins - both boys lol!! We've been having a fun week and went to get our hair cut - she had a trim and I asked for mine to be re-styled like hers - here's a picture of her and one of my new look. If you are easily traumatised better look away now.

Despite the nice day just had to do some sticking together today - so here is a ten minute make for Tuesday Taggers - the theme is Retro, and just had to do one with this stamp. Which is an old one for those keeping count.

JUST A QUICK REMINDER.............the August giveaway will be drawn on Wednesday, see side bar for details.


Unknown said...

what a fab card. I just love black and white as you will see this week on TT's. Thanks for joining us this week. Emma xx

Michelle said...

Brill Card! cant believe it only took ten mins but what a great stamp!
Thanks for playing along with TT this week.
x Michelle

nancy said...

I like the new look! And what a beautiful daughter. Wish her a happy 18th year for me. Hope it is a wonderful one for her.

Carol said...

Lovely 18th birthday card, it is often difficult to make something cute if you like vintage. Love your hair to btw. xx

PocketsOfInspiration said...

Is this the same daugther in the photo further down with the brown hair? She looks amazing as a blonde. Love the necklace she's wearing with the new do.

You artwork is great! I've been enjoying your Flickr!

Deborah said...

Woo, love that retro lady and the card you have created with her.

melody said...

love that b-day card chickie ~ what a fabulous creation! love the placement of the images
and chickies are beautiful ~ and happy belated b-day to you dd!


What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...