Wednesday, 12 August 2009

One Stamp, 10 ATCS......

Well here it is at last. This is my AUGUST GIVEAWAY, but this month there's a little a twist and you have some work to do to enter ......

First, let me explain how this came about. As you may have seen, I made my first coaster book last week, and it got me thinking that it would be a nice way to present some ATCs - I don't know about you, but I hate that they end up in albums hidden away and am always trying to find ways to get them out in view without them ending up just looking, well, like a load of ATCs stuck on a shelf. Next thing, I bought a ridiculous amount of stamps, for a ridiculously small amount of money (so small I went back for more but haven't got those yet). This is a serious addiction now, having almost got over the paper fetish (yes I am one of those people who just likes looking at it, hates to cut it) I am now obsessed with stamps. Anyhow, really liked the stamp used on the front of this book but it's a kind of over and done with stamp - it's not really suitable for piecing, once you've stamped it that's it - or is it? So here was the challenge, to make a set of ATCs, using that stamp as the focal point for each one. Well in all I made 10, and the book only holds 5, 4 if you don't count the one that is stuck on the front. Here's another one.

So here's the thing, if you would like to win this little presentation book you need to hop over to my FLICKR gallery and tell me by leaving a comment on this post which 4 you would like to have included in the book if you are the (lucky) winner. The others I will probably keep for a meet I'm going to in October. I might even make another book lol. Be interesting to see which one comes out top.

Post your comments before 8.00 pm on Wednesday 26th August to take part. Winner will be announced that evening. Oh, and if you are going to be away or anything please let me know, kinda takes the wind out of my sails when I can't get hold of you to let you know you've won!! Don't let that stop you entering, it's just good to know and I'll try and pop over and leave a comment for anyone who enters as well, sorry have been very remiss at doing that but the time just gets away from me.


Ange J Lee said...

Looks like I'm first! fingers goes....LOVE EM ALL CINDY ARGGHHHH....but if I really must'd have to be 166 because I love blk&wht and peacock feathers, 163 the forget me not tag style is very pretty, 162 is gorgeous and I love the colours and other detailing....and finally, 160 because of the lovely colours and use of background patterning. They're all fantastic though and you've done a great on earth can you let this one go LOL!
fingers still firmly crossed...can I last these next few weeks !!!!
Ange x

Carol said...

Hi Cindy

I love them all too, especially the one on the front cover, but here are my four: -


Thanks for the chance to win. xx

Genie said...

Hi Cindy,
great book.
my favs are 158, 159 163 and 165.
Cheers for now Jean

WendyK said...

I am at one with Genie, as I like the same ones as her 165, 163, 159, 158
They are all fab, and the book is a great idea

Digital Misfit said...

They are all so beautiful!
My favorite is 161, so it tops the list. 164, 163 and 160 follow very shortly behind. Beautiful work. Thank you for this opportunity :)

♥ Heidi

Dee said...

Hi Cindy

This is gorgeous - my favorites are 166, 163, 158, 160.

Ooooh, would that meet in October be anything I know about??

Dee xx

Jan said...

Oh gosh - how exciting and what a fabulous and generous idea!
You're making it hard for us though because it is a very difficult choice to make.... but here goes:-
Dont know how you can let it go though! Jan x

SLAYER273 said...

I just love your button fairy tutorial. She is something I have never tried yet.
Thanks for the fun.

Viv said...

Well plant woman, you have excelled yourself AGAIN!!!!LOL
I think the stamp fetish is catching as I am currently going through a similar crisis......... (and other people - no names mentioned but her blog is called MIXTURE - is helping me to feed this habit by visiting every craft shop in the universe and telling me there's bargains to be had......)

I digress..... the book is AWESOME and I love

166,162,158 and 161!!!

Lyndi said...

All beautiful works of art once again Cindy. And all so different from one stamp!

My favourites are 165 and 159 because of my blue fetish LOL. Also love 161 and 166 as I'm also partial to some back and white.

I personal would have to keep them all for myself and not give any away.


Carlin said...

Oh, how generous! OK,
161 because repeated elements is one of my pet styles.
162 because that Germanic script gives her a whole new twist
164 because it is so different from the rest and
159 because I am into maps!

They are all so beautiful and it is a great exercise. I think I should try it with one of my stamps.

Robin said...

They are all gorgeous but I really like "Forget me Not". Great idea with the ATC's...I agree with you about displaying them instead of keeping them on a shelf!

Maureen said...

Great idea and lovely book, my four favourites are 158,160,162,166, of course they are all good. May not be around the pc for the draw.

purplecat said...

great giveaway, I would love any of them :)
If I had to choose then,

fingers crossed!

Dianne said...

I love them all Cindy-so had to chose-Okay...transform,imagine,angel and the arch one. : )
Thanks for this giveaway. I also have one on my

nancy said...

Well, Cindy, I'd love to participate again. I think I would choose 165, 163, 158, 159 Because they are all blue and I think that would make a lovely set.
I love your idea to use the sam stamp and just go wild with it.

Lorri said...

Hi Cindy, Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my blog post, and the healing hugs *hugs* back at you!
So happy to visit your blog too.
I love the coaster book and so figured I would join in on the giveaway too! I have picked the 4 I like best (but they are all fantastic)

160 - I'm in love with green :)
163 - love the tag.
162 - love the colours.
161 - love the repetition.

Take care sweetie,


Mooneybeams said...

Hi Cindy - not entering as I never make anything anymore so it doesn't seem fair to enter! They are all great though.

Where did you get these lovely stamps for such a small amount of money, may I ask?

Sherry said...

Another great giveaway Cindy - you're so very generous.

My faves are


Although they're all lovely.
(I'll be away when you do the draw and back on 9th Sept)

paulaexuk said...

What a fantastic idea and how well you managed to make so many different versions of the same stamp.

If I were to win I would like to choose
I simply adore the negative effect of the passion card.


cupcakesandcoffee schwartz said...

Ooooooo...coaster book. I am SO stealing that idea! Love your blog background btw.

georgina said...

well!!!!!! talk about making choices Cindy, they are all great(how unusual!!!) lol but if i have to choose they are 158-- 162-- 163-- 165-- love the whole idea, luv georginaxx


Those are so fabulous!!!! Wow, I need to try my hand at making one! Wish I had time for everything! Anyway, here are my 4 wishes (gee, the genie only gives 3. lol)
Wanda's Wishin'! lol

John Dyhouse said...

Hi Cindy, got to have a go at this one. In fact in view of the recent direction of my artwork, might even have a go at something similar myself. This is simply inspiring.

My favourite four are 163, 164, 165,165.


Unknown said...

What a fabulous idea. I think I may have to borrow this idea if that is ok. The numbers I would like are 164, 162, 161 and 158. Thanks for this opportunity.

Emma xx

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