Friday, 16 March 2012

I have been busy, really I have...

Been home quite a bit this week so have spent a fair amount of time in my craft room. Can't show you everything I've been working on  (what a tease) but here is yet another shoe card. I really like this design - I think this is the third time I have made it. While I had the anna marie designs CD out I decided to print off one of the other templates and make this chest of drawers stepper card.
I managed to use up some left over embellies from the Kanban Frou Frou kit.  I think they kind of go, even though the shoes in mid air isn't particularly realistic!!  The background paper was printed out from my Craft Artist programme and I did a fancy inside bit to write on as well.   Even used up one of those vinyl stickers (the chair) for which a use has eluded me. I'm on a bit of a mission to use up old stuff, mainly because I am drowning in it.  I went through my sticker folder the other day - the stuff I found in there!! Still the kids at work will love 'em LOL.            

I need to make space for new stuff - like these flower stamps I just bought from 'Stamps by Chloe'. (Aaaaw come on, a girl can never have too many flowers stamps.....). These were just a try out but I stuck tem on a card anyway. Drew the stalks myself, woo hoo. I actually think this one looks better IRL. IMHO. LMAO.

Finally whilst I was playing in my spray tray I came across this rather yummily coloured rectangle of card. I often leave bits of card in there to see what comes out. This had been stamped with the 'glue things together' and the wonky 'quick' (I recognise the stamps but don't remember doing this at all). Anyhow I  thought it deserved to be used so I made a quick bookmark, just adding the studio 490 image, some fibres and tidying up the back because I do like a tidy behind. It isn't laminated but if anyone wants it let me know (Just checking to see if you are reading this drivel to the end hee hee hee). See ya soon, Cindy x



Viv said...

A tidy behind eh??? Don't know I've seen many of those......
Yummy colours on the bookmark Cindy .. am trying to use up stuff too... keep finding stuff I don't remember buying

Meggymay said...

Wow Cindy, you have been busy a fabulous set of makes. yes I have read to the end and must say your bookmark looks Fab, great colour as well. Is it realy looking for a new home?
Yvonne x

Deborah said...

I'm loving the yellow - and that bookmark is ace. Keep using the stash and showing us the results!

Sherry said...

Some lovely things there Cindy - especially love the flowers. I did read to the end, promise! Can't remember the last time I read a book though! Beautiful bookmark though x

ps - the jingling you mentioned is a wind chime gadget on my blog (it's right at the very bottom) :)

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...