Thursday, 15 March 2012

Mother's Day Card (No1 !!)

Well I'm not sure if  this is going to my mum or not as it may go to a commission unless they decide they don't like it. My mum would love it but I am not entirely happy with it. It's a hybrid effort with some digital elements, stamping, decoupage, promarker colouring, nesties and embellies. It sure took long enough for me not to be pleased with it. Just looks a bit unbalanced. Since I took the photo I added a little cross charm under the bow (a cross was in the brief) and I'm a little happier with it (Just can't stop fiddling that's why everything takes me so long).

I took an A4 card and cut it down a bit as I actually find A4 cards a bit too big - we need another size between A5 and A4 I think!!

Part of the commission was for 'lots of words' (you know what mums are like LOL) and so I tried to do a fancy fold up thing in the middle with a sheet of A3 and added my verses but for some reason I couldn't get the colour of the text to change which was a little annoying but it looks OK.  (Please don't laugh at my excruciating verse). Unfortunately I hadn't anticipated that a sheet of A3 folded in half and then in half again is basically A5 sized - so it doesn't cover the whole of the  card. But I'd already done the front so I wasn't going to change it!! Aaah, forward planning.........

And then, because I cut down the A4 card I had to make a box because I didn't have an envelope. I used the green hougie board rather than the enveloboxer thingy that is staring at me because I really have not worked out to use it yet. Of course, I hadn't thought about using a sensible measurement when I cut the A4 card so that was easy (NOT). LOL, I have all the 'stuff' if only I had an ounce of common sense sometimes I would make my life easier.

So it may be for my mum or someone else's mum, I'll find out tomorrow. Would save me a job if they decide to buy their own as I haven't even started on MDC No 2 yet. But there's always Saturday.....

Finally a little plug.... for the March Art Draw. There have been very few entries so far this month so if you've read this far and you haven't entered why not go to the relevant post here and leave your name. You don't even have to say anything much (although that would be nice!!).


Sherry said...

I'm thinking you're going to have to make another - how could anyone turn that beauty down!

Astrid Maclean said...

Beautiful card!! So nice to hear your mum, sister and you craft together! Wished I had some people like that close by......

Jan said...

Ooh you poor thing... I can totally empathise! It looks lovey to me though and I'm sure whoever ends up getting it will be thrilled to bits!

Meggymay said...

Cindy I loved reading your post. The card is gorgeous, any mum would love it, especially those who love the words.
Yvonne x

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...