Wednesday, 21 March 2012

WOYWW # 146

Well here it is. I have been MIA from WOYWW for a couple of
weeks but I have been busy creating. Still am for that matter, on a roll, staying up to the wee hours........ (lowers voice to whisper........Mr Mojo has been visiting my craft room, but we don't want to scare him off do we).  Now this may look like a disorganised mess (OK, it does look like a disorganised mess) but there is a lot going on (I can't believe I only cleaned and put away all my stamps on Saturday and it is like this again already). I've even finished the prototype for my kiddies easter craft event at work. Do you think I've got enough chickens?

But, to be sensible - and let's face it I'd be surprised if you got this far if you were - I'm showing you my desk as part of the weekly craft desk blog hop run by the fabulous Ms Dunnit of Stamping Ground (I'm being a creep 'cos I want her to send me a badge). Go on over and see what it's all about. Have a nose around, see what's up, who's doing what this week, find out what I mean about a badge - you get the picture. I'm at work today till 8 so I'll be catching up with you all this evening. Thanks for stopping by!!


Anonymous said...

That's a desk and a half that is but you should be justifiably proud of it! Love the little brood of chickies!

Brenda 2

Shoshi said...

Love all the little chickies, and the explosion box!! Great untidy busy desk!

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog about my knitting (or should I say un-knitting!) I've started knitting the lovely wool now.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #14

Spyder said...

ohoo yes, lots of little chicks, I haven't made those since i did play school, they wer such fun times! Have a great week
((Lyn)) (#20)

May said...

Such a busy desk lots going on I see, Love the little chicks!! Have a great week, Hugs May No9 x x x x

RosA said...

Lots going on there! Love the exploding box!

RosA said...

I was 25. Now I'm #29. ? RosA

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Cindy,

At first I thought your chickens were Peeps = the candy. That's a lot of chickens you hatched!!

I could get lost in happiness sitting at your desk!


Danielle said...

Busy desk! What an adorable little box of chicks! Dani32

Sara S. said...

Love the chickies! And your desk looks like an explosion of creativity!

Happy WOYWW!

Sara S. (#27)

okienurse said...

looks like a very busy desk full of all sorts of fun things. I know what you mean about cleaning stamps and then having another basket full to clean. I love those little chickies. Hope you have a great week and thanks for sharing! Vickie #48

kay said...

hope your chick doesnt escape from that exploding box,have a great week :)

Helen said...

Some great looking stash on your desk today... and those chicks are so cute! Have a great day. Helen 21

Anonymous said...

It always makes me giggle to see a desk that's "busy". I always get into a real mess when I create! You should see my room when I do machine embroidery- now that's a Messy Process!!

SophieNewton said...

Love the little chickens...hope they were free range :-)
Sophie no.88

Redanne said...

It is always lovely to see an untidy desk! shows you are working hard - those chicks are adorable. Regards, Anne #66

sandra de said...

Now that is a serious amount of stuff happening on your desk. Love the pic of the chicks in a box.

donnalouiserodgers said...

ha ha ha, my grown up boys still love it when i festoon the easter dinner table with the naff naff chicks,

some things just have to be done every year without fail eh?

dx @ 74

Neesie said...

Wow that's a busy desk...
I know what you mean about not scaring your mojo away because it's taken me 12 years for mine to come back to me!
I love your chicklets! I can tell there's going to be lots of fun :D
Have a wonderful Wednesday
Neesie #37

Joynana said...

You have lots going on this week. How many chicks do you have? #25

Tracy said...

Happy WOYWW and love the chicks! Such a lovely messy creative mojo happening kind of desk to view. :) Warmly, Tracy #34

CraftygasheadZo said...

That's one fab desk, cute chicks too. Thanks for sharing for this WOYWW, let's start the snooping & take care. Zo xx 22

Sherry said...

Disorganised mess equals unbounded creativity Cindy and you have that in abundance. Love those little chickadees, bet the kiddies will too x

Rita said...

What a fabulous desk. Lots of interesting goodies to see. Love those chicks. Hugs Rita xxx

Viv said...

Them fluffy yellow things are breeding Cindy!!!! Great desk! x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I never even knew what a PEEP was until last year. Your chicks are so cute in that explosion box.

i wanted to mention that at first I was having a terrible time leaving comments on blogs last night. They didn't want to post. NOW I get "service unavailable when I try to leave a comment. It's really frustrating. I see others having trouble with MY link, too. Happy WOYWW from # 7.

Minxy said...

Oh MY.. That is one messy er i mean productive desk lol
Love the chickie surprise box, looks too cute.
Happy Woyww'ing
Minxy #23

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ha, love that box of chicks!! Soo cute :) And as for your desk, as long as YOU know where everything is, then that's ok!
Hugs, LLJ #68 xx

SusanLotus said...

Your desk is so well organized and neat compared to how mine looks for the moment! LOL
I just couldn´t show it on WOYWW...
Hope you are having a great week!

Julia Dunnit said...

Ha! Flattery will get you everywhere, although you can have a badge without. Really!! Are you really going to make an exploding box to go around each little chick? Wow, go you! And I LOVE the card at back left,lovely stems and colours, multi tasking huh - no wonder your desk is growing stash...loving that!

May said...

Hi Cindy, thanks for you comment x x I got that boy stamp that was on my desk from Mo's digital pencil, its called video boy, there is so much to choose from in the shop I must say and some great images!! Hugs May x x x

fairyrocks said...

Thanks for the Peeps, literally and figuratively. Lovely bunch of chicks you have there. Keep smiling and creating...BTW I can only clean up my desk for so long, then I have to make something

peggy aplSEEDS said...

those chicks are looking so cute! happy WOYWW and thank you for sharing,
hugs, #26 peggy aplSEEDS

lisa said...

No, I definitely think you need more chickens there.
Hugs Lisax #123

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Don't look now but there is a box of chickies on your desk! and it isn't a disorganized mess it is creative chaos!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...