Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Mooooore cards

Really, enough is enough. But all my commissioned cards are now completed. Here are the last few.

First yet another 21st card (surely there can't be anyone left?).

I had a very specific brief for this, a babycham glass (used Clearly for Art to make it 3d, not sure if you can see from the photos) with pink flowers cascading out of it, a 21, a name, more pink, bling and a key. I've just noticed I have forgotten the key. I did make one and covered it with glitter glue. Now I wonder what that's got stuck too?

A quick Kraft stepper card using digital images from a Popcorn CD. He's a cute little Teddy isn't he?  The colours on tis came out quite well, but I'm actually having some probs with my printer getting 'true' colours. More IT I've got to get to grips with before I just give in and get a new one. Sigh.

And finally the last of the wedding cards, simple white on white again. It feels a little unbalanced to me but will have to do.

Right, off to make spoon puppets. My life is never boring is all I can say.


chrissie said...

Love all of the cards but the 21st is just amazing even without the key lol.

Love Chrissie xx

Redanne said...

Your cards are all beautiful Cindy, love the 21st one, very clever having the flowers spilling out and the white on white looks balanced to me! A x

bernice said...

Beautiful Set Of Cards,
Love the 21st Birthday Card....

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

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